Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2126: Supernatural power burst

Chapter 2126 Outbreak of Supernatural Power

In the valley.

There are nine teams remaining in the killing guard, with a total of ninety-nine people, all of them have been gathered, and Su Zimo is surrounded!

Each torturing guard was wearing a black-gold tortoiseshell armor, holding a torturing sword, his expression was cold, and his body was permeated with iron blood.

Not far away, many monks who participated in the election of Xianzong also arrived here one after another.

Among them, there are two Tianjiao, the king of Yunlei County and the master of Chihong County, who are the most powerful in the Xianzong election.

"Unsurprisingly, the number of Panlong orders by the county master this time should be the first."

The king of Yunlei County saw the head of Chihong County and nodded slightly, chatting casually.

Although the two had met in the valley, they did not bother to say that they did not choose to shoot at each other.

The master of Honghong County avoids the thunder secrets of King Yunlei County.

The king of Yunlei County did not know how to beat the master of Honghong County, and was weak in physical ability.

"No difference between first and second."

The owner of Chihong County waved his hand and didn't care about it.

Then, pointing to the blue shirt monk surrounded by torture guards, she asked, "This person is Su Zimo?"


The king of Yunlei County shook his head and said, "However, this person is only a sixth-order earth fairy, and I don't understand what Xingyuwei is doing to move the teachers like this.

"Sixth-order earth fairy."

The owner of Chihong County was a little surprised and thoughtful.

King Yunlei County suddenly smiled and said, "However, this person's courage is pretty good. He is stared at by so many torturers and can remain calm."

Just then, Su Zimo opened his eyes and slowly got up.

"Are they all here?"

Su Zimo looked around and asked lightly.

"what did you say?"

Shi Tong asked with a frown, not understanding how Su Zimo would ask such a sentence.

"Yuan Zuo sent this person in?"

Su Zimo raised an eyebrow slightly.


"If I want to kill you, I'll be enough!" A torturous guard stood out with staring eyes.

"Oh, scary silly, nonsense here!"

Another Sergeant sneered.

Su Zimo did not refute, but said calmly, "Just as long as I am here, it will save me to find you one by one."

The killing guard present was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter!

Many monks watching in the valley, looking at Su Zimo's eyes, were also strange, as if looking at a neuropathy.

Hearing this sentence, the king of Yunlei County couldn't help laughing, and shook his head and said, "Who does this person think of himself? Don't say that he is a sixth-order earth fairy, even if I face so many torture guards, it is difficult to be full Retreat. "

"Why, you are a sixth-order earth fairy, and you want to challenge us all?"

A killing guard commander laughed and asked sarcastically.

"I didn't want to challenge you."

After a short pause, Su Zimo said slowly: "I will kill you all and bury here! If you want to kill me, you will pay the price!"

The words did not fall, Su Zimo lifted up the sky and shouted, and directly released the supernatural powers of God, the six teeth magic power!

Behind him, a large, dimly-worn idol emerged, with six white and sharp tusks, raising his elephant trunk and roaring upward!

This idol seems to coincide with Su Zimo's figure!

In Earth Wonderland, Su Zimo has not been able to exert the power of the Six Teeth to the extreme, but under his two ribs, four giant idol teeth are still manifested!

All the power of the physical body, the Yuanshen, and the blood veins has climbed four times under the blessing of this talented supernatural power!

Su Zimo's Yuanshen was originally the Eighth Place of Diyuan Realm.

Under the blessing of the six-tooth idol, the power of the Yuanshen is nine times stronger than the Yuanyuan of shoulders!

At this time, the majestic force surging in Su Zimo's body, even the many torturing guards around him felt a shock.


Leader Shi suddenly yelled.

The killing knives all came out of the sheath, and many killing guards swarmed up.

"Pay attention, don't hurt your life, Your Highness will live!"

A killing guard leader reminded loudly.

Ninety-nine torturers shot at the same time. What was the scene like?

Even if each person has a knife and each person has a magical power, I am afraid no one can resist it.

However, due to the command of King Gensuke-gun, these people all converged and did not dare to use their full strength.

Su Zimo sneered slightly, urging the Yuanshen and pinching the tactics.


Four flames quickly gathered around him.

Xianmendaohuo, Bumendaohuo, Momendaohuo, and Nanming Lihuo.

The four flames floated in mid-air, exuding terrible heat, and rushed to the front of the torturous guard, all feeling some hot faces.

However, this temperature is still within the tolerance range of many criminal killers.

"But the light of fireflies!"

A torturous commander sneered, urging the great magical power directly, yelling, "Look at my flood!"

In the crowd, more than a dozen torturers also urged the Yuanshen to release the Flood!

Dozens of great magical powers condensed, allowing this torrent to converge and almost evolved into a vast ocean!


The turbulent waves pour down from the sky, roaring like thunder, as if to swallow all things, and head towards Su Zimo!

Suddenly, Su Zimo was drowned by this torrent.


Stone commander sighed, and some of the other torturers also released the great magical powers.

Numerous torture guards cooperate with each other to maximize their strength.

Click! Click!

Under the fingers of this killing guard's finger, the white frost and mist quickly descended, shrouded in torrent, wherever it passed, it was frozen!


"I had any means at this time. It turned out to be so vulnerable."

Many of the torturers just rushed forward, and before the shot was taken, they found that the battle was over.

The torrent on the ground, still, was frozen in place!

Su Zimo was frozen in the torrent. Without moving, even the four flames were frozen and frozen!

In the Panlong Mountains, when the scene was seen, a sigh arose from the crowd.

The four heavenly immortals shook their heads slightly, showing pity.

Still the gap is too big.

How can one win with one enemy?

What's more, the revisions on both sides are realms, and there are still two or three realms.

"Your Highness, it's done!"

Lone Star's face showed joy, Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.


Motosuke-gun relaxed his heart, laughed up, and finally let out the wicked gas that was on his chest.

"Compete with me, Yuan Zuo, and enemies against the immortal kingdom of Dajin, this is the end!"

Yuan Zuo was so arrogant that he said loudly, "No matter who you are and where you are, even if you leave the territory of the immortal kingdom of Dajin, you can't escape the punishment you deserve!"

Inside the carriage.

The girl said, "It's over, no miracles have happened."

Su Yi woman is still staring at the water curtain, frowning.

"Sir, what are you looking at?"

The girl asked.

Su Yi woman shook her head slightly and said, "It's not right, the four flames don't seem to go out!"

Mutual restraint between supernatural powers.

In addition to its own moral restraint, it depends on the strength of the caster.

The torrent of frost, of course, can extinguish the flames.

Flames can also burn the sky and cook the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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