Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2138: Qin Xianwei

Chapter 2138

Motosa-gun is so smart.

In his mind, the mirror is ordinary. If it is because of his reasons, Meng Yao will not even care about Su Zimo.

Not to mention, this move may create suspicion with the four great immortals.

But if Su Zimo is connected with those two people, even if it is only possible, it will be enough to attract Meng Yao's attention!

King Yuan Zuo County is going to use the sword of Mengyao to deal with the four great immortals and against Su Zimo!

In fact, as he expected, Mengyao really paid attention to Su Zimo's body when he mentioned it.

Seeing this, Wang Yuanzuo County added another fire and said: "I led more than a hundred torturers and wanted to suppress this person and bring it back to Dajin. But this man was too arrogant and was in the election of Xianzong. In the eyes of the public, he provoked me to declare war on Dajin, killing more than a hundred torturers! "

"Now, the people of the Four Great Sects still want to put him in the door by all means, and even the appearance of Jingyue is useless! They really treat me as an immortal in Jin Dynasty, so they can despise humiliation!"

Motosuke-gun's voice was agitated, his expression was grieving, and he seemed to be aggrieved.

Meng Yao's original body exudes a kind of coldness that no one can enter.

After hearing these words, she looked cold, and even her eyes were filled with chills!

Baihai Tianxian heard sweating, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, you have to make it clear. I represent Feixianmen, and I have already withdrawn. Even if it is in the face of my sister, I will not be with you And Dajin. "


Motosuke-gun said: "The friends of Shirokai did quit, but the other three people still insisted! They even wanted to fight against me and wanted to protect this sinner!"

Motosuke-gun continued to add fuel and vinegar.

Qingfeng Tianxian scolded in her heart, but still made a smile, saying: "The fairy of Mengyao is angry, I withdraw on behalf of Yufengguan, and will not recruit this person anymore."

Where did he think that Qin Xianmeng Yao would suddenly appear here.

Although they are both true immortals, Qinxian Mengyao's reputation and combat power are more than that of Jingyue Zhenxian!

Even if some immortal kings saw Qin Xian, they should treat each other with courtesy.

Qin Xian came forward, let alone Su Zimo is just a wicked evil that is difficult to see for thousands of years, even if Su Zimo is a character like Yun Ting, he would not dare to accept it!

Many of the true disciples of Yufengguan knew that he had offended Qinxian Mengyao because of a sixth-order earth fairy, for fear that he would be able to strip his skin.

Meng Yao's eyes turned, looking at Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu, and asked gently: "Why, two people still need to protect this person?"

Meng Yao's tone was flat, and he couldn't hear the mood, but it contained an unimaginable pressure!

Meng Yao is a Qin Xian.

She is not just a true fairy. Behind her, there are many intricate and huge forces and many top powerhouses.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a fairy king offends Qin Xian, he may be killed by other fairy kings!


Suddenly, countless eyes fell on Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu at the same time.

At this moment, the two were under tremendous pressure.

This kind of pressure is simply not what a fairy can bear.

In other words, even if most true immortals of Shanhai Xianzong and Qiankun Academy came here, they would not be able to carry such pressure!

I don't know how long it took, Xu was a few breaths, and it seemed as long as a century.

"Both the Meng Yao fairy comes forward ..."

Tian Yuan finally spoke, and slowly said, "I represent Shanxian Xianzong, withdrawing from the competition, and will no longer recruit this person."

Hearing this sentence, Su Zimo's eyes passed a touch of disappointment.

Of course, there was no resentment in his heart.

He could feel Tian Yuan's body involuntarily and helplessly.

He was just a little disappointed.

Disappointment to Tianyuan, to Xianzong of Shanhai.

Seeing this scene, many monks were filled with emotion.

This is the power of Qin Xian!

After the advent, without saying a few words, without threat, and without taking any action, they let the three heavenly gods bow their heads at the same time to avoid their sharpness!

No accident, Yang Ruoxu will compromise.

The four great immortals have only one person left, and this pressure will increase by a factor of 100. His reputation and combat power are far less than those of Tianyuan and others, and he cannot afford it.

Yang Ruoxu stood in place, bowed his head slightly, and the bronze face had no mood swings and remained silent.

"Qinxian, huh ... it's so powerful."

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the air, with a hint of irony and mockery.

Qun Xiu changed color!

Someone dare to speak to Qin Xian in this tone!

Jing Yue Zhenxian looked and said quickly: "The master of Qiyu County, I have only tried to take a shot and wanted to suppress this Su Zimo, that is, this person shot in secret and saved that Su Zimo.

"I'm ashamed, I couldn't find the whereabouts of this person, and I asked the county chief to give directions."

When Meng Yao heard this voice, she was not angry, she groaned a little, turned her head to a carriage in the crowd of Panlong Mountains, and frowned and asked, "Is it you?"

Meng Yao recognized this person but was very surprised.

This person should really not be here.

"it's me."

Inside the carriage, the voice of Su Yi's woman sounded.

The monks around the carriage were so frightened that they turned away from the carriage, for fear of being implicated.

This carriage is too ordinary.

Ordinary to put in the crowd, will not attract anyone's attention at all.

However, the carriage was surrounded by curtains, and others could not see the situation inside, and could not even detect the senses.

Only King Yunlei County, who was not far away, frowned, looking a little confused.

He was familiar with the sound, but thought about it, but it was impossible.

His elder sister meditates in the library all the year round and rarely sees people. Even he can't see it. Why did she suddenly come here?

"It was hiding here!"

Jingyue Zhenxian stared with great gaze, staring at the carriage, rudely: "Hiding your head and showing your tail, let me see where you are sacred!"

After that, Jingyue Zhenxian will step forward and start working.

But Mengyao waved the sleeves of his robes, and sent out a huge force, and returned Jingyue Zhenxian directly.

Jingyue Zhenxian froze for a moment and was about to ask.

Meng Yao said lightly: "You are not her opponent, don't take it for yourself."

Jingyue Zhenxian's face swelled red instantly, and she took a deep breath repeatedly before she calmed down and said with a bitter smile, "It's rash."

The rest of the monks, however, were so shocked that they became more curious about the women in the carriage.

"Why, do you know this sixth-order Dixian?"

Meng Yao stared at the carriage and asked.

"do not know."

Inside the carriage, the woman answered.

The girl next to him looked anxious and shook her head again and again to remind Su Yi women not to be impulsive.

Meng Yao smiled and asked, "I don't know, you have to care about this?"

"I just can't get used to your bullying in the Jin Dynasty, so I want to manage it."

Su Yi women's tone is calm, tit-for-tat, never let go!

"Oh, it's really fun."

Meng Yao laughed, like snowdrops blooming, with a hint of chill in her beauty.

Meng Yao slowly said: "This man killed me more than one hundred torture guards in the Jin Dynasty. There is no excuse for the crime, and the sin should be dead. You do n’t know him, but you want to be upset with him?

"Because of an irrelevant person, you have to offend both Dajin Xianguo and Fei Xianmen?"

Meng Yao's tone became heavier and he became more aggressive.

This is a sign that you are ready to say nothing, and you have to fight at any time!

(End of this chapter)

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