Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2162: Black residual image

Chapter 2162 Black Remnant Picture

Many monks gathered outside the Chihu Valley, looking at the huge melting pot in the distance, shaking their faces.

"Looking at this situation, even the owner of the valley is fierce."

"The Zipao people in this nether are terrible! The owner of the valley has become a true demon, or he has been ruthlessly killed."

"I guess, this person may be a true immortal, a true demon!"

Most of the monks in the valley have long since coaxed out. The remaining people still have a glimmer of hope, waiting for the final result.

"If the main body of the valley falls, where shall we go in the future?"

"The Lord of the Wushuang Temple, the Lord of the Tuxian Pavilion, and the Lord of the Wind and Fire Sects, most of them have already died inside. These sectarian forces may not be able to support them in the future."

"I don't know if this Zipao man will build any power. If he is willing to come forward, we have to surrender to him is a way out."

In the hearts of these monks, there is no faith and no sense of belonging. Whoever fists big will surrender to whom.

This is mostly the case in all parts of the magic domain.

Unlike Jiuxiao Xianyu, respected by the great immortal emperors, His Majesty has many immortal kings who control the territory of one party and is well organized.

Above the Demon Realm, there are frequent wars, and all kinds of battles are being fought all the time.

Without the asylum of the strong, maybe the next moment, you will be in a different place!

Over time, the huge melting pot between heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and the figure of the martial art deity reappeared and slowly landed.

At his feet, the original Chihu Valley Hall has been reduced to ruins.

A black ball the size of a goose egg floated in the air in the midst of the main body of Akagi Valley, where it was covered with cracks.

In the crack, there was a faint brilliance, and there was a faint black mist.

This is the Daogu of the Akabani Valley!

Dao fruit is the mystery of Xuan Yuan, Di Yuan, Tian Yuan, and San Yuan. The crystallization of Taoism in life is hard and uncorrupted and immortal.

Of course, this is just the fairy gate, the magic gate.

In the Pure Land of Bliss, monk Buddha called it 'reliquary'.

On the continent, there are such legends that some monks who have attained Taoism experienced years of decay, corpse decay, and depletion of flesh and blood, but a goose egg-sized crystal remains.

In fact, the so-called "to get the way" is to enter the realm of truth, to preach to Luo Han, that is, the true immortal of the immortal gate, the true demon of the magic gate.

And the hard crystals left over are the Tao fruit, the relic of the Buddha!

The flesh and bones of the owner of the Chiba Valley Valley, although refined by the Heaven and Earth Furnace, this Tao fruit has been preserved.

Martial art deity took this Tao fruit in the palm of his hand and felt it carefully.

In this Tao fruit, not only contains strong real elements, but also condenses the Taoist master's Taoism, which is useful to him.

Of course, this Tao fruit is obviously worse than that of Yunyou King.

Since the martial arts ascended to the Demon Realm, they have been pushing all the way, flattening many forces, capturing the refining Yuanling Mine, and also collecting a lot of upper bound exercises.

Most of these techniques and secrets cannot reach his eyes.

But he is no longer unfamiliar with the real world.

The real world is divided into four layers: one, heaven and man, emptiness, and emptiness!

The so-called oneness has two meanings.

First, the three yuans of Xuanyuan, Diyuan, and Tianyuan reunite and become true yuan.

Second, it refers to the past combination of Tao and Fa, condensed and integrated, and became the ultimate Tao fruit.

The owner of Akagi Valley Valley has just stepped into the realm, and he can only be regarded as the true demon of the return period.

And the clone of the King Yunyou in the hands of Butterfly Moon is at least empty, and it may even be a true fairy of the level of emptiness!

Sirius once said to the martial arts deity that if he wants to be reborn in the upper realm, he can only be cultivated to the third level of the true realm, which is the empty period.

"Empty sky, empty sky ..."

The martial arts whispered two times, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart: "This meditation must have the meaning of the Nether Earth Mansion."

"It's just, I don't know if it's empty, what's the meaning?"


The martial art's deity looked, his eyes fell on a pile of ash not far away, his frown slightly, and his face was different.

It was the flesh and blood of the owner of the Akabane Valley, which remained after being burned.

His storage bags have been reduced to ashes under the refining of the heaven and earth furnace, and the elemental spirits in them have been incinerated.

But on top of these ashes, there was something like a piece of 'black paper', as thin as a cicada, lying quietly there.

The Budo master stepped forward, picked up this 'black paper', and looked at it.

This 'black paper' is extremely old. It looks like a living animal skin. It is incomplete. Looking at the gap on the edge, it seems to be forcibly torn apart by external forces.

This is a residual image.

You know, even the magical magic weapons in the main storage bag of Chikugoya Valley have been burned into a pile of hot lava by the melting furnace of heaven and earth, but this residual picture is preserved intact!

Moreover, the person who could tear up this drawing at that time must be far more powerful than the martial arts deity!

There seems to be a figure drawn on this residual image.

However, this drawing is incomplete, and only the body of this figure can be seen above, but the head cannot be seen.

The body of this figure seemed to be wearing a dark armor, and the weapon he was holding in his hand was incomplete, and it was not known whether it was an iron rod or a spear.

The martial arts master only glanced at this residual picture, and suddenly felt that his own mind was pulled by an invisible force, and he was deeply trapped in it.

All the strokes on this residual image seem to fall off, forming a mysterious rune, pouring into the mind of the martial art deity.

The next moment, deep inside the Martial Arts deity, all kinds of emotions of killing and destruction were born!

He stood in place, motionless, and the vitality of the surrounding heavens and rivers continued to surge toward his physical body!

He didn't urge the Yuan Shen at all. The whole person is like a huge vortex, absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

A marvelous black pattern, mysterious mystery, emerged on the face of the martial art deity and above the skin.

Around his body, he began to dazzle with black magic, his eyes were as dark as ink, and the magical light was permeating. The whole person seemed to be in a state of violentness and out of control.

The master of martial arts wears a silver mask with his back to Shura, who cannot see the abnormality on his face.

However, Shura can still feel that the state of the martial arts deity seems a bit wrong.

He was about to speak, and the martial arts master shook his body, suddenly closing his eyes.

The magic of him gradually dissipated.

The black awns in the eyes also faded away.

However, the black mysterious lines on his body still did not disappear, like a series of imprints, engraved on his skin, and had a strong appeal to the surrounding world.

As soon as the spirit of the martial arts master moved, blood and blood surged inside the body, and the flames of the martial arts furnace burned, and these black lines on his body were quickly washed away.


The corner of the mouth of the martial art demon rose slightly, and he murmured softly.

He held it in the palm of his hand, closed the residual image, didn't take another look, and put it back into the storage bag.

(End of this chapter)

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