Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2164: Origin of Sirius

Chapter 2164: The Origin Of The Sirius


The martial art deity opened his mouth and spit out a word.

Sirius said: "I know a technique, which is very suitable for this person to practice."


The Master of Martial Arts narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Cultivate this technique, can the wounds on Brother Yan be healed? Can the wounds on Yuan Shen be cured?"

He has smelted countless magical powers and never heard of such magical powers.

The black residual picture just before, although the origin is mysterious, the magic skills above are also extremely powerful, but they can't save Yan Beichen.

Sirius said: "Cultivate this exercise, the injury on this Shura can definitely be healed. However, the wound of his primordial spirit cannot be healed. This exercise can only temporarily suppress the injury of his primal spirit Stay, save your life. "

"Do you mean that if this practice is practiced, the injury of Brother Yan's Yuan Shen may still erupt?"

Asked the Fudo Master frowning.

Sirius said: "It's true. The hidden danger of Yuan Shen still exists, but at least he can save his life now, and plan later ..."

With that said, Sirius paused slightly.

When the martial arts master felt this anomaly, he said coldly, "You haven't finished talking!"

Sirius hesitated a little, and said, "This exercise is not complete. I only know half of it."


The tone of the martial art deity changed, and a sense of sensation appeared in his eyes.

Sirius felt the spirit of the martial art deity, and was shocked, for fear that the martial art deity sacrificed him with four more flames.

Sirius quickly explained: "I really only know half. The master of that year only taught me half."

The martial arts master kept silent and said nothing.

The more silent he was, the more panic was in Sirius's heart, and he continued, "This is the magic work" The Demon Buddha Buddhist Sutra "created by my master at that time. All I know is the magic book. "

"This Shura hates sky-high hatred, and hate is a kind of obsession. Even if his body is exhausted, he can still practice the magic.

"The stronger the mind, the greater the power of this magic."

The Budo master is thoughtful.

Ji Fairy had told him on the continent that paranoia was a demon.

The foundation of this magic practice is obsession!

"Li hate sutra" is powerful, based on hatred in the heart.

Hate is just a form of obsession.

From this point of view, the magical chapter is indeed much smarter than the Li Hen Jing.

Just as Sirius said, Yan Beichen has "Li hate sutra" as the foundation. He has a strong hatred in his heart.

It is just that, even if it is the cultivation of magic, Yan Beichen's Yuan Shen still has fatal hidden dangers, and it may break out in the future!

"Who was your master then?"

Suddenly Martial Lord asked.

As Sirius approached his ascension, he surrendered to the martial arts deity.

Therefore, although the martial arts detained him for thousands of years, there was not much exchange with him.

When referring to the owner of the year, Sirius was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "My owner of the year was the greatest emperor in the heavens and the world, Bo Xun!"

Sure enough, it is the emperor!

For this, the Martial arts deities have speculated before.

"Bo Xun emperor has amazing talents. He is proficient in the two ways of Buddhism and Demon, and created the" Demonic Buddhism Sutra. " Fighting against the sky! "

"He refined one of the avatars that controlled Liuyu and forged it into an imperial soldier. Jidudao condenses the power of Liuyu. Only karma can burn Liuyu and take charge of Jidudao!"

"He refined another avatar that controlled the seven emotions and cast it into another imperial soldier, a Moro mask, condensing the power of the seven emotions. Only by obsessing can the seven emotions be cut off!"

Hearing here, the martial arts master moved, seemed to think something, but did not speak.

When referring to Emperor Bo Xun, Sirius' tone of voice, with deep pride, continued: "The Emperor Bo Xun cut off the seven emotions and six desires, refined into two emperor soldiers, the combat strength rose, and the magic domain was invincible. Quickly unify the demon domain and become the first devil of the demon domain! "

"Then the third person of Bo Xun's monarch, the Buddha's body, stepped into the realm of the emperor. The main body merged with the Buddha's body.

"He is only half a step away from the Great!"

Sirius's words did not hide his voice.

Yan Beichen next to him, the white marten was shocked.

Martial arts nodded secretly.

Buddha and demon are two completely different ways.

Both the demon body and the Buddha body can enter the realm of the emperor. This is beyond imagination and shocks ancient and modern.

The demon body and the buddha body can still be integrated into one!

Talent, luck, courage, opportunity, will, all are indispensable!

The devil is the Buddha, the Buddha is the devil!

"After unifying the Demon Realm, Bo Xun Emperor conquered the Bliss Pure Land, and wanted to unify the Demon Realm and Bliss Pure Land, and even eventually unified the entire heaven and became the Lord of Heaven!

Having said that, Sirius suddenly stopped.

After a little silence, Sirius lonely said, "Unfortunately, in the end, he failed and was buried in the pure land of bliss."

"The emperor soldiers made by Bo Xun, the Moro mask, is this silver mask on my face."

Suddenly Martial Lord asked.


Sirius laughed a bitterly, and said, "I'm just a little instrument spirit in the mask of Moro. I was lucky enough to survive, and I was hit hard and fell into the lower bound."

"You are not a little clever."

The martial art deity faintly said, "You, once the avatar of the Emperor Po Xun."

"The Qiqing avatar was originally the King of the Heaven Realm. The emperor Bo Xun refined the Qiqing avatar into a Moro mask and became an emperor soldier. In fact, he is helping you to enter the emperor's kingdom in another form!

Sirius silently refuted.

He concealed it without saying anything, but he didn't expect it, but was seen by the martial arts deity!

"My past life is indeed a love affair."

Sirius said calmly, "It's just that you guessed another thing. It was because of a big battle that I and Liuyu were severely wounded, and my body died. The Emperor Bo Xun refined my body into The Moro mask, my broken primordial spirit, has been refined into the instrumental spirit of this emperor soldier and can be reborn. "

Qiqing avatar and Bo Xun Emperor, although from the same origin, but the two are completely different.

There are Buddha nature and magic nature in the wave, cut off the seven emotions and six desires.

No matter whether it is the Seven Feelings avatars or the Six Desires avatars, it is completely different from Bo Xun's thinking.

For example, the true body of Qinglian and the deity of martial arts have the same thinking. The two true bodies are Su Zimo, both of which are desolate martial arts, regardless of each other.

Later, the Qiqing avatar was refined into a Moro mask, and its Yuanshen fell and was reborn as an instrumental spirit, which is now the Sirius.

After the rebirth, Sirius is completely an independent and brand new life, and it is no longer an avatar.

Therefore, he called Emperor Bo Xun the master.

(End of this chapter)

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