Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2166: Sirius Rebirth

Chapter 2166: Reborn Sirius

"Sirius, have you ever thought about real rebirth."

Suddenly Martial Lord asked.

Sirius froze slightly, carefully, and tentatively asked, "Master, you mean ..."

The Budo master said: "Let you live again, have independent life and body!"


For a while, Sirius couldn't believe it.

Although he was reborn in another way by Emperor Po Xun, he was only an instrumental spirit.

He has no physical body of his own.

His destiny is to guard the Moro mask.

Even if he had such a thought, the Emperor Bo Xun would never allow it!

The Moro mask is an emperor. If he becomes an independent creature, it means that the emperor has lost its power and its power is greatly diminished.

Sirius did not immediately agree.

He was a little worried, this was just the temptation of the martial arts lord to him.

Sirius was a little silent, reminding: "If the Moro mask has no instrumental spirit, it may never be restored to the level of the emperor."

"I do not care."

The Budo master said lightly: "If I can't step into the emperor's realm, it's just a Moro mask. It's useless to me."

"If I step into the emperor's realm, it is nothing but an emperor soldier."

The root of martial arts is the physical body.

If the deity can step into the emperor's realm, his physical body is the most powerful emperor soldier!

For Moro masks, the greater help was hiding his identity.

Hearing here, Sirius' heart gradually became hot.

If he can get rid of the Moro mask, possess flesh and blood, and exist independently, this is the realm he has been pursuing.

He fell to the Nether at first, and always followed the Blood Demon Taojun.

It is not that he does not want to occupy the physical body of the Blood Demon Daojun.

It's his power, even the Blood Demon Daojun cannot bear it!

If he robs the blood demon prince, the physical body of the blood demon prince will collapse directly, and the rule of the lower bound will be touched.

Therefore, Sirius is waiting for the Blood Demon Daojun to rise, and he will go to **** the house, or look for another suitable flesh.

However, later Su Zimo was born, preaching the world, Bu Wu Cang was born, and also gathered such strange numbers as the martial arts deities, completely suppressing his imprisonment.

Sirius was unwilling to give in.

In addition to the pride deep in his heart, he also thought about one day, escaping, taking away a flesh, and returning to life!

Later, watching the deity of the martial arts deceive the heavens and conceal the earth, the combat power in the lower world continues to rise, the potential is not small, and there may be achievements in the future.

Think again, Sirius had surrendered before Sirius chose to surrender.

And now, such an opportunity lies ahead!

"Do you really want me to rebirth?"

Sirius still couldn't believe it, and asked again.


The martial art deity said: "Since you're called Sirius, now here you have a body suitable for you."

As he said, the martial arts master waved his robe sleeves and punched a large pit into the ruins not far away.

Lying inside was a huge wolf demon with short silver hair.

Swallow Moon Sirius!

This is the demon beast brought by the master of Tuxiange Pavilion. In the realm of Xuanxian Xuanxian, he was just shouted by the deity of martial arts in the battle.

The wolf demon was covered in blood, but at least his body remained intact.

Sirius is the king of the wolf tribe.

And the pulse of the wolf Sirius is the most powerful one in the Sirius family!

Sirius was really excited.

If this physical body were to be replaced by his captive in martial arts, he would naturally be inconspicuous.

But now, if he enters the sea of ​​wolves that knows the moon, he will be able to borrow his body to regain his soul and get a real rebirth!

By his means, it is not difficult to change the blood of this moon-wolf Sirius and make it stronger.

Sirius didn't immediately agree, and at this moment he seemed extremely cautious.

"What does the host need me to do?"

Sirius asked humbly and carefully.

Sirius didn't believe that Martial arts deity would be so kind and let him be born again in this way.

You know, if he is reborn in this way, it will bring great risks to the martial arts deity.

Because he occupies the body of the Moonwolf, he can practice.

As long as his cultivation speed is faster than the martial arts deity, and a great realm that exceeds the martial arts deity, he can try to erase the prohibition planted by the martial arts deity on his primitive god!

In this way, he restored his true freedom!

In his previous life, he was an avatar of Qiqing, and was one of the most powerful demon kings in the demon realm. In this life, he was also the weapon of the emperor, and he knew many practices.

In his practice experience, he is much richer than Martial arts deity!

The martial arts deity did not even create the next method of martial arts.

And he returned from the rebirth. Although his cultivation status is relatively low, he definitely has a chance to surpass the martial arts deity in the future!

Of course, he must not show such a mind.

"I need you to do a few things."

The master of martial arts opened his door and said, "First, after you are born again, write down all mysteries of my life and my life in this past life!"

"Including Demon Spells, Three Corpses!"

If you understand the magic, you can use the power to try to control the Moro mask.

There is one other major difference between Martial arts deity and Qing Lian.

There are many treasures in Qinglian Zhenshen's storage bag.

But only one Moro mask has been lost in the hands of the martial arts deity.

"It's natural."

Sirius agreed without hesitation.

It's okay to give all the martial arts secrets to the martial art deity.

Sirius knows that the martial arts deity cannot be cultivated directly.

He is going to use these secret techniques to develop the next method of martial arts.

But how can deduction of martial arts be so easy.

Sirius sneered.

He even doubted that the achievements of the martial arts deity would most likely stop there!

The martial art deity said: "Secondly, after you are born again, you must practice as soon as possible, improve your combat power, integrate the large and small Xuan-class forces near here, and build a new one.

"In the early days, I will help you do this."

"After that, let this power be in your hands!"

Sirius's eyes lit up.

Even if there is no command from the martial arts deity, he will practice madly and promote cultivation.

Over the years, the Zongmen forces near this territory have heard the name of the martial art deity.

In this battle, Chiba Valley was overthrown. If martial arts deities come forward, it is absolutely easy to integrate all these mysterious forces!

He used to be a demon king, and has long known how to control the forces that control one side.

What makes Sirius even more emotional is that the deity of martial arts will give him this power to control!

When his combat power improves, he can fight and expand everywhere, and rise quickly!

He even had a chance to reappear the glory of the Seven Love Devil in previous lives!

The deity of martial arts seems to see what Sirius thinks, saying: "You can fight around and open up territories, and you have control over the dimensions. If you cause any strong enemies, you will die and I will not save you. you."

"During this period, you have to collect as many skills and mysteries as you can. You can practice at will, but you must submit it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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