Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2176: Pang Yuxin

Chapter 2176: Pang Yu's Fall

Su Zimo's eyes looked dodged and fierce.

He is preparing for a march!

The finger of Pang Yu is too aggressive, and it is impossible to retreat from the whole body.

Come without indecent ass!

Su Zimo spurred Yuanshen madly, his eyes stared fiercely at the opposite Pang Yu, and a bronze Fang Ding loomed in the blood in the eyebrow.

He wanted to defend the first wave of attacks with Pang Yujian's sharp edge with the prison prison.

Zhending Ding is extremely hard, but it is also difficult to completely dissolve the power of the ninth-order Tianxian.

On Qinglian Yuanshen, another precious treasure was held.

This piece of treasure, which has continuously absorbed the essence of the sun, moon, and stars over the years, is extremely hard and can withstand the second attack.

If it is not possible to completely resolve the frontier, he has nine days to go.

Even if it is seriously injured, Su Zimo has to fight off Pang Yu!

His Yuanshen, after practicing to Tianxian, can already release the supernatural powers.

And among the peerless magical powers he realized, there is a peerless magical power that can ignore the cultivation of the heavenly immortal as the realm and destroy the nine-stage heavenly immortal!

This move is extremely risky.

Su Zimo was unclear whether the prison prisoner, Sambo Jade Ruyi and Jiu Tian Xi soil could withstand Pang Yu's offensive.

But he knew that he was going to make Pang Yu pay the price!

Feeling the madness and murder in Su Zimo's eyes, Pang Yu's eyes passed a trace of irony and sneer.

"Want to resist?"

Pang Yu whispered softly: "In your eyes, your power is just like a ant, and you can't help it!


The sword came, and went straight to Su Zimo's eyebrows, sharp and sharp!


In front of Su Zimo, a tall figure emerged. His body was vigorous and imposing, not inferior to the ninth-order Tianxian Pang Yu.

Yang Ruoxu Teleport arrived!

Pang Yu left and moved for the first time. He didn't have time to get there.

And this time, Yang Ruoxu arrived in time!

I saw him yelling, and his chest resounded with righteousness. He raised his arm, clenched his fists, and hit the sword finger pierced by Pang Yu!

Just as Yang Ruoxu appeared and sang loudly, Su Zimo also yelled, "Suddenly Fanghua!"

A peerless supernatural power burst forth, and it fell instantly, covering Pang Yu's body.

After Yang Ruoxu appeared, Pang Yu's attention was not on Su Zimo's body at all.

He stared at Yang Ruoxu and sneered, "Brother Yang, your fist is still a bit short and can't stop my sword!"


Pang Yu's sword finger collided with Yang Ruoxu's fist, bursting with energy, rousing a wave of air, sweeping the entire swordsman platform!

The monks watching the battle around were all backed by this energy, shaking their figures.

Yang Ruoxu also knew that his current combat strength was not yet Pang Yu's opponent.

But Su Zimo is behind him, he must not let Su Zimo be injured!

He can't step back!

The fists are in opposition, the two are standing opposite each other, motionless.

Pang Yu frowned slightly.

He felt something wrong.

The strength of his sword should be able to penetrate Yang Ruoxu's fist, how can there be a scene that is now evenly divided?

Yang Ruoxu was also a little confused.

Could it be said that Pang Yu stayed?

But at this moment, both looked different!

In Pang Yu's eyes, first a glance passed, and then she was confused, frightened, and finally shocked!

And Yang Ruo looked at Pang Yu in front of him, but his face changed greatly, and an incredible color appeared.

In Yang Ruoxu's eyes, Pang Yu's appearance turned old at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dark hair, but in a blink of an eye, it has become pale and snowy, fluttering slightly.

Pang Yu's face, with wrinkles stacked, looked like an old man with a windy candle at any time, and his clear eyes became cloudy and yellow.


The monks around also found Pang Yu's anomaly.

"Look, what happened to Brother Pang?"

"Oh my God, how did Brother Pang look like this in a blink of an eye?"

Under everyone's attention, Pang Yu's body, which was originally erect and upright, became trembling, and the whole person shrank a circle.

The sound of the crowd is growing!

Everyone looked at Pang Yu's eyes, all in shock!

"Me, me, what happened to me?"

Pang Yu's voice shook slightly.

He just found out that his own voice had become very old.

Pang Yu did not believe that such a voice came from his mouth!

"Brother Pang, what's your birthday?"

Yang Ruoxu also widened his eyes, wondering what was going on in this scene.

He can clearly feel that Pang Yu's Shou Yuan is running low.

Tianxian's birthday is 300,000 years!

Pang Yu was originally more than ten thousand years old and was at its peak.

But now, Pang Yu's Yangshou has little left, and he will run out of light at any time!

And all of this happened between the beards.

"I, I, my Shouyuan ..."

Pang Yu was full of wrinkles, and her dry lips moved.

He also realized what happened to him.

Shou Yuan is exhausted, he is about to fall!

This is more terrible than being seriously injured.

Even if the Yuanshen is damaged, there is a hint of hope for treatment.

But Shou Yuan is exhausted, it is a real death!


Pang Yu finally stared at the murky eyes, staring at Yang Ruoxu, panting heavily, eyes full of resentment.

But when he saw Yang Ruoxu with a confused look, he froze.

Just now, Yang Ruoxu only shot, and he slammed a record with him, it was impossible for this power to erupt.

And looking at Yang Ruoxu's look, it doesn't seem to be clear what happened.

But if not Yang Ruoxu, who is it?

Who shot him in secret ...

Before Pang Yu was dying, there was a flash of light in his mind, his eyes turned and fell on the blue shirt monk behind Yang Ruoxu!

The ant he almost ignored!

At this moment, the monk in blue shirt looked calm and looked at him coldly. It was no surprise to this scene.

Suddenly Pang Yu remembered that in the battlefield, someone seemed to say ‘momentary moment’!

"Yes, yes, it's you ..."

Pang Yu raised her arm hard and pointed at Su Zimo far away.

Su Zimo's direction is Yang Ruoxu's position.

In the eyes of everyone, the person Pang Yu refers to is naturally Yang Ruoxu.

The battle was just fierce, Yang Ruoxu shouted, Su Zimo's growl was almost covered by the shout, and no one noticed it.

Who would have thought that an eight-step earth fairy could release a peerless supernatural power?

Who would have thought that a divine immortal supernatural power could kill the ninth-tier Tianxian in the top five of the inner door on the spot!

Pang Yu's mouth moved, and she seemed to want to say something.

But at this moment, his Yangshou was completely exhausted.


Pang Yu raised her arm and fell on her back, widening her murky eyes, and staring at the blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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