Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2180: Goodbye Yuehua

Chapter 2180: Goodbye Yuehua

The monk below was startled and looked up subconsciously.

I saw a cloud floating over the heads of men, with seven or eight figures standing there, male and female, with jade gate tokens hanging around their waists, slightly floating.

Group repairs have changed color.

No one was aware below, when did the auspicious cloud above his head float.

The monk on Xiangyun and the jade token around his waist should be the Zongmen token of the true disciple!

The true disciple of the academy appeared!

Normally, the disciples outside the academy did not have the opportunity to meet the true disciples, let alone look up at such a close distance and see the style.

I saw on the auspicious cloud, there was a man wearing a moon-colored white robe, standing with his hands on his shoulders, with black hair fluttering, indifferent look, ease and freedom, and independence.

The other monks stood behind him, like stars and moons.

The white robe man was tall and straight, but just standing on Xiangyun casually, it was like a sharp sword with a sheath, as if he could cut the sky into two!

In the eyes of many monks, there are complex and different eyes, with admiration, envy, fear, and excitement ...

No one noticed that Su Zimo on the sword stage, after seeing this person, actually subconsciously avoided his eyes and bowed his head slightly.

Many outside disciples do not know who those true disciples on Xiangyun are.

But Su Zimo recognized the man in the white robe as the head.

Yuehua Sword Fairy!

In that year, the pure Yang Lingbao on Longyuan Star was born, which led to the gathering of three true immortals. One of them was the Yuehua Sword Fairy on Xiangyun!

Su Zimo at that time was just a small Xuanxian, Yuehua Sword Fairy may not remember him.

But he remembers Yuehua Jianxian!

Su Zimo didn't want to pay homage to Qiankun Academy originally because of this fear, and he was worried that the two would encounter each other and cause any changes.

He didn't expect that it was only a thousand years before he entered the academy and he encountered Yuehua Jianxian again.

Yang Ruoxu saw the head of Yuehua Jianxian, but there was a gloom in his eyes.

On the other side, Fang Qingyun's mouth slightly rose.

On Xiangyun, Yuehua Jianxian did not look at this side from beginning to end.

He stood in the clouds and looked into the distance. It seemed that no amount of excitement in the outside door could attract his interest.

On top of Xiangyun, a man came down.

Elder Jian hurriedly greeted him and saluted, "Meet Brother Xiao."

Although he is a true immortal, he is only a true immortal in one period.

Moreover, the elders inside the law enforcement department, despite their great powers, could not control the true disciples.

Therefore, in the academy, the status of almost all true disciples should be higher than the elders of law enforcement inside.

"What is going on here, gathering so many people?"

Xiao Li asked.

As soon as Elder Jian was about to speak, Fang Qingyun, Tang Peng, and Yan Bingying all greeted each other, bowed and saluted, and said, "See Brother Xiao!"

"Qing Yun, it's you guys."

Xiao Li and his counterparts Qing Yun and others seemed extremely familiar. They nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "You must practice well, consolidate the Tao fruit as soon as possible, and achieve true immortals. We are waiting for you in the academy."

Su Zimo once heard that the owner of Chihong County said that in Qiankun Academy, no matter whether it was the outer door or the inner door, it was not a real academy.

The real academy is the place where the true disciples practice, and that is the real blessing!

Su Zimo saw that Fang Qingyun and Xiao Li were so familiar with each other.

After hearing Xiao Li's words, Fang Qingyun also nodded with a smile, and said, "Brother Xiao, rest assured, after the Shen Xiaoxian meeting, I won the first place in the ranking for the Academy, I will condense the Tao fruit, impact the true fairy! At that time, we must consult Brother Xiao more. "

"I can't do it."

Xiao Li shook his head and looked in the direction of Xiangyun, and laughed: "If you become true disciples, Brother Yuehua will preach your doubts for you."

Fang Qingyun, Tang Peng, Yan Bingying and so on were all happy.

At this moment, Fang Qingyun sighed and shook his head: "Unfortunately, Brother Pang cannot be with us."

"Master Pang?"

Xiao Li frowned slightly.

"It's Brother Pang Yu!"

Tang Peng gritted his teeth, glaring at Yang Ruoxu, and resentfully said: "Brother Pang was killed by Yang Ruoxu's subordinates on the sword board!"

"Yang Ruoxu!"

Hearing this name, Xiao Li moved his look, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

He subconsciously looked at Yuehua Jianxian on Xiang Xiangyun.

Yuehua Jianxian hasn't turned his head to look over, but the sharpness on her body seems to be more prosperous, more and more embarrassing!

Xiao centrifuged knew it, turned to look at Yang Ruoxu, and said coldly, "Because you are killing people on the sword stand, you have to pay for it!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Ruoxu felt a cold chill and shroud.

As if the next moment, he will be in great trouble!

He has been locked by the murderous power of the true immortal!


Elder Jian swallowed, coughed, and carefully tentatively said, "Brother Xiao, this matter is actually hidden, and the cause ..."

"I don't care what the secret is!"

Xiao Li waved his hand and Shen said, "I only know that on the Jiantai, Brother Pang Yu was killed by this person on the Jianjian, so I have to give him an explanation!"

After Xiao Li said this sentence, the killing intention in his eyes had accumulated to the apex, and he could explode at any time!

Su Zimo looked dignified and clenched his fists.

Pang Yu was killed by his momentary Fanghua.

This incident was carried by Yang Ruoxu for him!

Yang Ruoxu practiced in the academy for many years, he must be aware of the many situations in this academy, expecting a scene that may happen, he should not let him admit it.

But now, seeing that Yang Ruoxu was about to die in the hands of Xiao Li, Su Zimo could not bear it anymore.

He couldn't let Yang Ruoxu die for him!

Su Zimo stepped forward, Shen Sheng said, "Pang Yu ..."


Su Zimo had just spoken two words, and in his knowledge of the sea, Yang Ruoxu's voice sounded, and it was so imposing that it shook his head. The words behind him could not be said.

Yang Ruoxu moved slightly, blocking Su Zimo behind him, looking at Xiao Li in the air, looking fearless, loudly:

"Brother Xiao, Brother Pang did die on the sword table, but he was the same as the killer in the same door. You do n’t ask right or wrong, you do n’t ask right or wrong, you ignore the academy rules, you will kill me directly, and you wo n’t be afraid of condemnation !"

"Smart tongue!"

Xiao Li looked cold and chilly: "You, an insider disciple, a lowly man, dare to threaten me! Today I will knock you out, I'll see, who can cure my sin in the academy!"

In other words, Xiao Lijun sent a huge pressure of consciousness, came down, locked Yang Ruoxu's figure, and prevented him from teleporting away.

At the same time, Xiao Li poked out his palms, and the true Yuan condensed.

A huge true yuan palm, condensed into substance, filled with horrific majestic power, shot down in the direction of Yang Ruoxu, without mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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