Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2183: Ponzi

Chapter 2183: Pang Clan

Qiankun Academy.

During this time, many monks gradually dispersed.

However, the shock and impact caused by this incident will continue in the academy for a long time.

After Su Zimo worshiped outside, he fell asleep and practiced in isolation, almost never showing up.

And this time, almost all the outside disciples knew that there was a ruthless one among them. They killed one law enforcement elder under the eyes of the public, and shocked the inside disciples one after another.

Although he only played against Elder Teng once, he already became famous in the academy!

On the sword stand.

Su Zimo worshipped Yang Ruoxu deeply and said sincerely, "Thank you Brother Yang for helping."

In fact, Elder Teng and Pang Yu on the sword platform were all killed by Su Zimo.

If it were for Yang Ruoxu to resist all the pressure for him, he would have been killed by Tang Peng and others without waiting for the later true disciple to appear!

"You don't have to thank me."

Yang Ruoxu shook his head slightly, and said, "Actually, you have this calamity, which is related to me."

"The elder Teng made good friends with Fang Qingyun and others. He actually wanted to target me, but you were implicated."

Su Zimo frowned and asked, "I think Fang Qingyun and others have a deep gap with Brother Yang. Is it because Brother Yang is from the Nether?"

"Just one of them."

Yang Ruoxu groaned a little, and said, "In the academy, the outside door is okay. The battle with the disciples is not obvious, but between the inner door and the true disciples in the academy, there is a full-blown battle."

"In recent years, I have been inferior to Fang Qingyun and others in terms of talent, background, and combat strength, but presided over the election of Xianzong on behalf of the Academy, which naturally caused dissatisfaction."

"Another reason ..."

Having said that, Yang Ruoxu paused suddenly, shook his head, and didn't continue.

Su Zimo thought for a moment, knowing it.

The reason for this is probably because of the immortality of painting.

Rumors thousands of years ago pushed Yang Ruoxu and Mo Qingxian to the top of the waves.

The disciples in the academy naturally did not dare to criticize Mo Qingxian, but hostility was gradually deepened against Yang Ruoxu.

Not to mention, Yuehua Sword Fairy is pursuing Mo Qing Fairy.

Even if Yuehua Sword Fairy did not take the initiative to signal, I am afraid that someone would target Yang Ruoxu in order to please Yuehua Sword Fairy.

In other words, in the academy, no one dared to stand with Yang Ruoxu!

Going with Yang Ruoxu means enemies against Yuehua Jianxian!

After today, this situation will become more apparent.

In the Academy, Yang Ruoxu will be completely isolated!

"In the future, if you are in the academy, try not to deal with me."

Yang Ruoxu said suddenly.

Although he looked calm, there was a loneliness in his eyes.

"Brother Yang ..."

Su Zimo whispered and was about to be comforted. Yang Ruoxu patted his shoulder suddenly and said with a smile: "You are good, the means are good, the years of magical powers are really amazing."

"Just, try not to release it in front of others in the future. At least, don't reveal this magical power until you have cultivated to Tianxian."

Su Zimo was puzzled, and asked, "Today's matter, the elders of the academy have concluded the coffin. Is there anyone in the academy who dares to retaliate in private?"

"Of course, no one dares to seek revenge in private."

Yang Ruoxu said: "But the origin of Pang Yu is quite noble. The Pangs are in the Shenxiao fairyland and can be regarded as immortals. They have a long history."

"Although it can't compare with the three great immortals and the four great immortals, the underlying strength of the Pangs is not to be underestimated. The family has many arrogances and more fairy kings.

"This Pang Yu is the pride of the Pangs, and this time they fall, the Pangs will never give up."

When Su Zimo heard this, he understood.

Before, Yang Ruoxu told him not to admit, not only worrying about the pressure from the academy, but also the threat from the Pang family outside the academy!

Originally, these threats would fall on his head.

But now, Yang Ruoxu has resisted alone.

Yang Ruoxu looked at Su Zimo's worried eyes, and suddenly smiled, "You don't have to worry about it. Although the Pangs are powerful, they don't dare to trouble me in the academy."

"When I break through, consolidate the Tao fruit, achieve true immortals, and become true disciples of the academy, even if they are outside the academy, they may not dare to touch me!"

Disciples at the true immortal level, no matter which side they are in, are the most core existence, with the refuge of the immortal king.

"Brother Yang, you are amazing!"

At this moment, the master of Honghong County came galloping, landed on the sword sword, worshiped Yang Ruoxu, and admired.

Seeing outsiders, Yang Ruoxu no longer talked about this, and looked at Su Zimo and said, "The ten thousand years conference is about to start. You have cultivated for the state that has not reached the peak of the ninth stage. "

"Don't think that in the Election of Xianzong, you can kill more than a hundred torturous ground guards with one person's strength. Now that you are perfect, you can easily win the top of the list."

"There will be a lot of Tianjiao evils appearing in the ten thousand years conference to compete for the first place. The means of these people may not be lost to you, you must not care!"

Su Zimo nodded, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and asked, "Will Yun Ting go?"

"The King of Yunting County in the Zixuan Kingdom?"

Yang Ruoxu was no stranger to the name, and shook his head: "He won't go. According to the information I have received, he has already cultivated into a fairy."

"So fast!"

In Su Zimo's eyes, there was a flash of shock, and then there was a regret.


Yang Ruoxu noticed Su Zimo's eyes and couldn't help asking: "I heard that Yunting County King did not participate in the battle for the rankings. Do you feel a bit sorry? Do you consider King Yunting County an opponent?


Su Zimo nodded and said: "There will be a battle between me and him sooner or later."

He is responsible for killing the sword and killing the sword.

Yun Ting owns the killing sword.

Both want to take away each other's sword tricks and merge the three major sword tricks!

"Dare to treat Yun Ting as an opponent.

Yang Ruoxu nodded slightly.

"Who led us to the Yanyang Fairy this time?"

Su Zimo asked suddenly.

He and Fang Qingyun and others have settled a grudge. If Fang Qingyun leads the team, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will go wrong in the middle.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Yang Ruoxu said: "This time, several elders from the inner door will take you there. All you have to do is to do your best to win the top spot!"

After a short pause, Yang Ruoxu said, "Yes, the first place on the list is in the academy, and there is an additional reward."

"In the secret hall of the academy, there are a lot of mysteries and magical skills. But if you want to enter the secret hall to browse and borrow to practice, you need the contribution of the sect. , Naturally, there is no contribution from Zongmen. "

"But if you can take the first place on the list, you can enter the secret cabinet of the prefecture level and browse and practice your secrets and techniques without restriction!"

Hearing here, Su Zimo's eyes lit up.

There is only one change today, everyone goes to bed early

(End of this chapter)

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