Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2185: Name of academy

Chapter 2185: The Name Of The Academy

"Originally, I didn't intend to share my general knowledge with you. Just two of you just rolled over and apologized to my son."

The slave of the Xue family stepped on the palm of the middle-aged man, his eyes coldly looked at the young man not far away, and he said coldly, "But you little cub, your mouth is not clean, dare to scold me?"

"Upper Immortal."

The middle-aged man, holding back the severe pain from the palm of his hand, laughed strongly: "These Yuanling Stones, our father and son don't need, the iron sword is a gift we gave to Xue Gongzi for our sins, and please raise your hands up.

"Ha ha."

The servants of the Xue family smiled proudly, staring at the young man not far away, cursing: "Little cub, don't hurry to kneel yet, palm your hands!"

The youth was full of anger, and the swollen cheeks became congested, and had become a little purple.

"Xiaozi, you are not convinced!"

The Xue family slave scolded, while stepping on the middle-aged man's broken hand under his feet.

The middle-aged man trembled with pain, but remained silent.

Seeing this scene, the young tiger's eyes were in tears and could no longer be supported. His eyes were closed, his knees were bent, and he knelt down on the ground.


Before the young man's knees touched the ground, he felt a huge resistance and lifted his body slowly.

The young man froze and stared subconsciously.

I don't know when he will have another person beside him.

It was this man who waved his sleeves and helped him up.

This man was so handsome, and once he hit the blue shirt, even after thousands of years, the young man recognized it at a glance, exclaiming, "Brother Su, it's you!"

Su Zimo nodded.

Two people have not seen it for thousands of years, and Su Zimo's appearance has not changed much.

Xu Xiaotian has grown up.

These two are the former owner of Longyuan City Xu Shi and his child Xu Xiaotian.

At that time, Su Zimo left Long Yuanxing and went to Qingyun County, the direction that Xu Shi pointed out for him.

"Brother Su ..."

Xu Shi turned to look at Su Zimo, and there was a burst of joy on his pale face. He just spoke and uttered two words. Then he realized what he was and changed his word quickly: "Su Shangxian, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Take your feet away."

Su Zimo looked at the servants of the Xue family and said coldly.

"Why do you want to threaten me because you think you are two levels higher than me?"

The servants of the Xue family discovered that Su Zimo's Xiuwei realm was an eight-tiered earth fairy, without any fear, and sneered: "You don't open your eyes to see who you're talking to, Xue's people, you mess with ..."


A figure spanned ten feet, and immediately came to the servants of the Xue family.

The voices of Xue's slaves suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the slave of the Xue family flew out. While still in the air, his heart burst and a blood arrow spewed from his chest. A dense crackling sound came from his body!

When the servants of the Xue family fell to the ground, the entire body was already as soft as mud, shattered with bones and bones, and the viscera rotted into a ball of blood.

The entire physical body was severely damaged, and it has been completely destroyed!

Until then, the crowd around him reacted, bursting with amazement.

The spirit of many monks in the Xue family was shocked, and their palms fell on the storage bags one after another. They could sacrifice magic weapons at any time and stared at Su Zimo with an uncomfortable face.

Xue Gongzi, who was guarded by the Xue family, frowned slightly, raised his head and looked at Su Zimo.

Xue Gongzi's eyes fell on Zongmen's token around Su Zimo's waist.

Su Zimo helped Xu Shi up.

Xu Shi was not seriously injured. With his cultivation of the immortal, he could recover as usual after adjusting his breath for a while.

But the slave of the Xue family was different. Su Zimo's body was abolished, leaving only a frightened primitive god, who ran to Xue Gongzi and cried loudly.

"Be careful of Shangxian, Xue family is big, don't bother you because of our father and son."

Xu Shi whispered, looking worried.

He was very clear, not to mention that Su Zimo was an eighth-order earth fairy, even if his Zongmen Shuiyun Sword sent everyone to come, he did not dare to offend the Xuegong in front of him.

One word from Xue Gongzi, the entire Shuiyun Sword School can be razed to the ground!

"My son, you have to decide for me!"

The spirit of the slaves of the Xue family was dim, and came over sadly: "Although I'm just a dog of the Xue family, even if I hit a dog, I have to look at the owner. This person does not look at your face at all, and directly hands me. It's just not keeping Xue's eyes in sight ... "


The man hadn't finished speaking, and saw that Xue Gongzi suddenly waved the iron sword in his hand and cut the person's Yuanshen in half.

Yuan Shen died, and the slave died on the spot!

Even if this person died, he would never have imagined that he would fall under his ‘master’.

"Xue Yuan, I have met Dao You. My slave has no eyes and offends Dao You. I chopped him for you. Dao You don't need to have general knowledge with him."

The Xuegong arched his hands slightly towards Su Zimo, greeted him, and said with a smile, "I don't know what you call a friend?"

Xue Yuan's attitude surprised Xu Shi and his son.

You know, Xue Yuan is a ninth-order earth god, and most of the Xue masters around him are eight-height earth god.

In theory, Xue Yuan should never show weakness.

Many monks on the sidelines were confused, talking softly.

"What is the origin of this, so that Xue Jiagong can give up?"

"This man's Zongmen token looks familiar, it seems ... Qiankun Academy!" Someone exclaimed.

These four words sounded like a stone stiring up a millennial wave, which instantly caused a huge reaction in the crowd.

"Four Great Immortals Qiankun Academy!"

"Academy disciples have appeared!"

Xu Shi and Xu Xiaotian were shocked.

Although they have heard of the Four Great Sects, this kind of gate is too far away for them to reach!

Compared to Qiankun Academy, the Shuiyun Sword School they live in is like an insignificant ant.

At the time in Longyuan City, Xu Shi saw that Su Zimo had great potential.

But he couldn't imagine how, just thousands of years later, this scholar-like man had worshipped at Qiankun Academy, one of the four great immortals!

In Longyuan City that year, Xu Shi's cultivation was a realm, which was even higher than Su Zimo.

Today, however, the two are very different.

No wonder Xue Yuanhui has such an attitude.

Although the Xue family is an immortal Taoist family, with strong strength and rich heritage, it is worse than Qiankun Academy.

"Give them the sword."

Su Zimo did not answer Xue Yuan's question, but extended his finger and pointed at the iron sword that Xue Yuan was holding.

Xue Yuan frowned slightly and hesitated slightly before he said with a smile: "Dao You, I bought this sword with Yuan Lingshi. Even if you are a disciple in the academy, can't you grab it?"

He came here naturally to participate in the annual conference and compete for rankings.

With his means and combat power, it should be able to rank in the top 50.

Therefore, he saw that Su Zimo was only an eight-step earth fairy, and he was not afraid at all.

More importantly, the Xue family in this life also came out with a more powerful Tianjiao, just behind him!

This Tianjiao's combat power can definitely be ranked in the top 20!

The two top-ranking players, this is Xue Yuan's confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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