Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2193: Join forces

Chapter 2193: Joining Up To Slay

"Who is he, and how could it catch Yun Ting's attention?"

"A disciple of the academy, an eight-tiered land fairy, would actually let Yun Ting take the initiative to say hello?"

Everyone has heard of Yun Ting's temperament, pride, and everything.

When he entered the venue, even King Xie Lingjun, who was really immortal, was still friendly, looked around, and nodded slightly.

Yun Ting appeared, always looking forward, without looking at anyone.

His conversation with King Motosa-gun was also indifferent.

Now, this academy disciple has caused King Yunting to take the initiative to stand up, so much attention has suddenly surprised many monks.

"Did you not hear that, that person is Su Zimo, from the Nether Realm, who has the God of Sword Sword!"

"The king of Yunting County is here for this man's godsword!"

"Yes, the war intentions in King Yunting County's eyes cannot be completely concealed. I even suspect that he will shoot at any time!"

Numerous monks murmured in the rear.

The whole situation in the square, because of a move by Yun Ting, in a word, became tense, and the atmosphere became tense instantly!

Everyone knows that Yun Ting acts freely and always has no scruples. There are many amazing moves. Even if he suddenly shoots at Su Zimo, everyone is not surprised.

King Shering County frowned slightly.

The battle for the floor has not yet begun, and of course he does not want any changes.

Yuan Zuojun Wang Duan sat on the seat with a smile of gloat in his eyes. If Yun Ting could kill Su Zimo, he would save him a lot of trouble.

Several elders in the college are like enemies.

"King Yunting, what are you doing?"

Elder Zhong Shengsheng said: "The battle for the ground floor has not yet begun, not to mention, you are already a second-order celestial being and cannot participate in the ground floor competition."

The owner of Chihong County did not return home for a long time. At this time, he was sitting with Xie Qingcheng and other royal children, and he was nervous when he saw this scene.

Among the academy, the only one who was calm and usual was Su Zimo.

Even in the face of Yun Ting, who released a strong animosity, his appearance did not show much ups and downs even though he was in the limelight.

He didn't know the purpose of Yun Ting's coming here.

But he was convinced that Yun Ting would never hit him at this time!

He only met once with Yun Ting and had little contact.

But he knew that with the pride of Yun Ting, he would never hit him when the two sides were in a big state.

At the time in the emperor's tomb, Fang Xuan took advantage of the two to fight and attacked Su Zimo, which caused Yun Ting's resentment.

In his arrogance, if he wants to **** the killing of heaven and earth, he will choose to fight with Su Zimo fairly.

Su Zimo pushed away a few elders, stood in the front, and confronted Yun Ting.

"Su Zimo, you ..."

Elder Zhong was worried.

There was no obstacle between Su Zimo and Yun Ting. If Yun Ting suddenly shot, he would not be absolutely sure to protect Su Zimo.


Su Zimo shook his head slightly and laughed: "Say hello, just say a few words."

Hearing this sentence, there was a gleam of light in Yun Ting's eyes.

Su Zimo knows him!

Everyone thought that he might be working hard, but the person opposite knew, at least here, he would never shoot!

This silent tacit understanding, when the Fang Xuan shot in the emperor's tomb, they had once.

Somehow, Yun Ting's heart was a little happy.

"After defeating them in the future, we will become confidants after we have won the killing of the heavens and the sword."

Yun Ting's heart was dark.

In his eyes, few fellow monks in this world are qualified to be his friends, let alone confidants.

"Yun Ting, I haven't seen you for years, you are still so full of energy, nothing has changed."

Just then, Su Zimo said faintly.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the audience was stunned, and the argument was much lowered.

Many monks were stunned, and looked at Su Zimo with a stupid look.

What is this and what tone is this?

Is the eight-step earth **** of this academy the first evil master Yunting County in 100,000 years?

King Yunting's face sank instantly.

Because Su Zimo's words made him recall the battle of the emperor's tomb.

In that battle, Su Zimo once said something similar, something like 'you are still young'.

Immediately afterwards, the man beat him up, almost losing his life.

Back to Zixuan Fairyland, my sister learned a lesson.

Every time I think about this experience, he feels very upset.

The king of Yunting County looked cold, his body was more prosperous, his eyes flashed with murder, and he said coldly, "Don't talk to me in this tone, I don't like it!"

In Yun Ting's mind, only her sister can teach him this way, and everyone else is not eligible!

At this moment, King Genzuo suddenly stood up and shouted, "Su Zimo, you are so arrogant that you have taught King Yunting County!"

"The king of Yunting County is the strongest Tianjiao in Shenxiaoxianyu for 100,000 years. In the eyes of everyone, how can you let people downplay bullying!"

Yuan Zuo County King looked righteous, but in fact, he was fanning the flames, trying to stimulate Yun Ting County King, and shot Su Zimo directly.

Yun Ting turned her head and looked at Motosuke King expressionlessly.

He is young and full of vigour, but not a fool.

Seeing that the situation is not good and the atmosphere is getting more tense, the person in charge of this annual conference, Mr. Xie Ling County, had to stand up at this time and said loudly, "Dear friends, please sit down first. Today is the place to compete. If there is anything Grievances can be discussed after the competition. "


Unexpectedly, the fighting intention and murderous spirit of King Yunting County dissipated quickly, and he directly promised to sit down again.

Under the helplessness of Motosuke-gun, he can only return to his seat.

After this small storm, the four monks of the Sect are also seated one after another, and the competition is about to begin!

King Yuanzuo County looked at Yunting County King on the opposite side, his heart reluctantly, his eyes turned, and the consciousness said, "Yunting Taoist, today is the place to compete, you are not good to kill Su Zimo yourself."

"It's better, Zixuan Xianguo and my Dajin teamed up, and in the Ninth Heaven, together they besieged the son!"

Yun Ting looked up and looked at Motosuke King with a smile, seemingly interested in his proposal.

The spirit of King Yuan Zuo was shocked, and he continued to preach: "Dao friends, rest assured, this time, not only my Dajin immortal kingdom, but also all Taoist friends of Feixianmen. If Zixuan immortal can also join in, we three parties The forces are united, this son is dead! "

The smile in the eyes of King Yunting County became more and more prosperous.


Finally, Yun Ting laughed and trembled for nine days, attracting countless people!

Everyone looked confused.

Even Yuan Zuojun Wang Duxu was on the spot and did not know what Yun Ting was nervous.

Yun Ting slowly turned his head, looking at Qiankun Academy not far away, and said leisurely: "Su Zimo, the King of Yuanzuo County just told me that the Great Jin Dynasty had already joined forces with Feixianmen. Siege you in the Nine Heavens! "

"By the way, this Motosuke-gun also invited me to join forces with them."

As soon as the voice fell, Qun Xiu was uproar!

Everyone in the academy looked shocked, staring angrily at the direction of the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen.

Motosuke-gun was caught off guard.

He didn't even expect that his secret voice would be spoken in public by the King of Yunting County without any cover!

(End of this chapter)

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