Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2195: Don't match him with shoes!

Chapter 2195: He's Not Worthy Of Lifting His Shoes!

Yun Ting came in person for one thing, that is, to give the eight-tiered earth fairy of the academy a battle book!

In the eyes of everyone, the two sides are not only famous and different, but also very different in strength.

How could this Su Zimo make the king of Yunting County so important?

The sentence of King Yunting County will all the questions and ridicule present at the scene, instantly suppressed!

"I took it."

Su Zimo looked no fear and nodded.

Even if the king of Yunting County does not come, he knows that there will be another battle sooner or later between the two!

"it is good!"

Yun Ting's spirits fluttered, and he said loudly, "If you can win the top spot on the earth, I will wait for you on the top of the heavenly gods' list!"

At hearing this, many monks were shocked.

Even the real fairy Xie Ling frowned slightly and shook her head.

In less than 10,000 years, the Xiaoxiao Fairy Club will be opened.

Today's Yun Ting is just a second-order Tianxian. In less than 10,000 years, how many levels can he ascend to?

At that time, he will be able to compete with other gangsters?

You know, even if you have enough cultivation resources, you won't be able to improve to a realm even if you have sufficient cultivation resources.

Moreover, this Su Zimo's cultivation is lower now, it is only eight steps to earth immortality, less than ten thousand years, let alone to compete for the top of the heavenly list, he can be promoted to heaven immortal is regarded as a gifted talent!

Yun Ting's current appointment sounded ridiculous.

What's more, the top two battles have almost been determined this time. How can Su Zimo of this academy defeat the reincarnation?

If he enters the ninth heaven, he may not be alive!

After a pause, Yun Ting continued, "Of course, if you can't even win the capital of the place list, you are not eligible to fight me again."

"Then you're probably disappointed."

Yuan Zuo County's Wang Lengheng said, "This time, there are two reincarnated immortals sitting in the wind and Taihua. Su Zimo wants to be the top of the list. It is just a dream!"


Yun Ting raised her eyebrows and squinted at Feng Yin and Taihua, two reincarnated immortals, saying, "Since the reincarnation has been reborn, it proves that the previous life has failed, and it is nothing great!"

Yun Ting's remarks meant that Feng Yin and Tai Hua, the two reincarnated immortals, were not in their eyes!

His every move, every word and deed, is full of sharpness!


Taihua's face was sullen, and he said coldly, "Ignorant juniors, dare to be pretentious in front of me. Does the elder in the family teach you!"

In Taihua's heart, even if he is reborn, he is still the true immortal of the previous life.

Feng Yin had no expression on his face, and said lightly, "Junior, it's not too late to come back arrogantly when you practice to the day of true immortality."


Yun Ting laughed, had no interest in talking with the two at all, turned around and looked at the people in the square, and asked, "Do you still have a face to laugh at and ridicule him?"

In Yun Ting's mouth, he is naturally Su Zimo.

Yun Ting picked up a pot of spirits, drank it, and showed his madness. He stretched out his fingers and drew a slice across the square, pointing at all the arrogant evils, even covering Taihua and Fengyin. Laughing loudly: "One of you, one of them, is not worthy to stand up and give him shoes!"

The faces of the people in the square changed greatly, and they were shocked and angry.


Taihua's palm was patted on the desk case, and he gave a cold drink and said, "Presumptuous!"

Even though Yun Ting had known for a long time that he was arrogant and arrogant, at this time King Xie Lingjun, the host, felt a headache.

The elders of the academy changed their faces and looked at each other with anxiety.

From the perspective of several elders, Yun Ting's remarks are tantamount to pushing Su Zimo to the tip of the wind and waves, which is tantamount to placing him on a shelf and roasting!

Is this killing?

Su Zimo is facing two great forces of the Great Jin Dynasty and the Feixianmen. The situation is extremely dangerous and cannot be optimistic.

Today, Yun Ting's words are equivalent to building more opponents for Su Zimo!

In fact, this matter is indeed a misunderstanding of the college elders.

In Yun Ting's mind, there were so many people here that only Su Zimo was worthy of his opponent.

Just now, he saw that Su Zimo was ridiculed and ridiculed, and there was an uproar in his heart, so that was what he said.

"King Yunting, why do you repeatedly target Su Zimo of my college? Is it just for the sake of killing swords?"

Elder He couldn't help fighting, and frowned and asked, "What's more, the two of you have cultivated a disparity. You are famous, what is the suspense of this battle?"

"God kill the sword, naturally one of the reasons."

Yun Ting said a few pauses before he slowly said, "More importantly, we were all Xuanxian back then, and there was a war!"

"However, due to the environment at that time, there were many methods that could not be used, and they were not enough! I hope that the next time we fight, we can do our best to show what we have learned in our lives and have fun!"

In the battle of the emperor's grave, Yun Ting was defeated.

Today, with his pride, it is rare to be able to take the initiative to speak about it.

Of course, he would never admit that he was defeated, and he still has many methods that have not been released, and naturally he is not convinced.

That's why he fought with Su Zimo again.

Yun Ting did not expect that although he did not say the results of this battle, the news was enough to shock everyone!

"Su Zimo once fought against Yun Ting and survived?"

"Did you not hear that? There were restrictions at that time, and Yun Ting was unable to exert his full combat power."

"No wonder Yun Ting would target Su Zimo like this. The two have had conflicts and had deep grievances."

On the square, boiled again.

On the seat of the Immortal Kingdom, Xie Qingcheng didn't know what he thought of. He just picked up the tea cup, his wrist suddenly shook slightly, and a lot of tea spilled.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The owner of Chihong County next noticed Xie Qingcheng's anomaly, and whispered.

Xie Qingcheng took a deep breath and whispered: "Red Rainbow, until this time, I was really sure that what you said was correct. Su Zimo's combat power should be able to rank in the top five!


The master of Honghong County didn't want to understand for a while, and was a little dazed.

Xie Qingcheng said: "Did you hear that? Yun Ting and Su Zimo had a battle. Do you know the result?"

"I don't know, Yun Ting didn't say, only two people are clear."

Chihong shook her head.

"Guess it."

Xie Qingcheng asked with a smile.

"It should be Yun Ting win."

The chief of Honghong County tentatively said.

Xie Qingcheng shook his head and said, "If Yun Ting wins, today he will not come to Su Zimo's battle book again and say those words again."

"Not bad."

The master of Honghong County gradually came to understand, nodded again and again, and said, "Master Ruo Su is the defeat of his men. With Yun Ting's pride, why fight against his men again."

"So, in the war, the two should be tied!"

The owner of Chihong County was a little excited.

Su Zimo can be tied with the first evil in 100,000 years, which is also something to be encouraged.

Xie Qingcheng shook his head and asked, "If it was a tie, why didn't Yun Ting say anything?"

"Brother, you mean ..."

The master of Honghong County was startled.

Xie Qingcheng bowed his head slightly, and said, "In that battle, Yun Ting was mostly defeated. That's why he came here in person to meet Su Zimo."

(End of this chapter)

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