Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2206: seabed

Chapter 2206 Undersea

This matter may be just a trivial matter for the whole place competition. It won't be long before people will forget it.

But after this incident, many sectarian forces and many monks in the square changed their attitude towards this academy disciple.

The grievances of Su Zimo and Dajin and Feixianmen were mostly just a fun, gloating.

Now, these people hope that this disciple of the academy will be able to stay on the list and save himself from danger in the Nine Heavens.

The mind has deviated unknowingly.

"By the way, did you find that Su Zimo's right hand seems to be cured?"

At this moment, a monk recalled the scene of Su Zimo's bow-and-arrow shooting, and said suspiciously.

"It seems so!"

"No, Su Zimo was injured by the fluorescein stone, and the flesh on the palm was reduced to ashes. In such a short period of time, he can recover as before?"

Someone mentioned this, and many people reacted.

Many Tianxian recalled the scene just before, all slightly changed.

"What a terrible healing power!"

Xie Qingcheng was surprised.

Zhenxie Xie Ling nodded secretly.

Flesh and blood was incinerated by the phobia, and healed in such a short period of time. Such self-healing power can almost be reborn than shoulder drops of blood!

Second day.

After Su Zimo soared, he came to an isolated island.

Wherever I look, there is an endless ocean.

It's just that the surrounding seawater is glowing with silver, which is very different from ordinary seawater.

Su Zimo squatted down, holding up a hand of sea water.

His wrist sank slightly!

"Sure enough, it is one yuan of heavy water."

Su Zimo murmured softly.

One yuan of heavy water is extremely rare. Refining a lake may only get one drop, which can weigh tens of thousands of kilograms!

This space is all filled with one yuan of heavy water!

Before entering the Ninth Heaven, the owner of Chihong County mentioned to him that if he encounters the marine world, it is composed of one yuan of heavy water and the teleportation array is deep in the ocean floor!

And in a yuan of heavy water, the pressure on monks is unimaginable.

A drop of heavy water weighs tens of thousands of pounds.

All around is a piece of heavy water, and this pressure is enough to suffocate.

And if you want to reach the teleportation array at the bottom of the sea, you must continue to dive.

The deeper you dive, the greater the pressure in the ocean, not to mention the ocean of unifying heavy water!

In the end, if there is no strong physique, many immortal magical powers protect the body, and the pressure deep in the bottom of the sea is enough to squeeze the flesh and blood!

This is just a hindrance to the marine environment.

What is more terrible is that, like the first heavy sky, there will be many creatures in this ocean, or they will mutate.

If a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami erupts, the pressure on the monks will rise more than ten times!

Su Zimo jumped into the ocean without hesitation, sneaking all the way deep into the ocean floor.

Qing Lian really did not feel much pressure when she was in the ocean formed by one yuan of heavy water.

Even if it continues to deepen, one yuan of heavy water will not be able to cause harm to the real body of the ten-pin Qingqing lotus.

But after a long time, Su Zimo's side gradually began to appear many creatures!

There are huge schools of fish swimming towards this place, and a large shadow is over, exhaling a breath of death!

In the distance, a monk sacrificed magical powers and wanted to delay time.

But in a blink of an eye, he was torn by a school of fish, leaving only a bone that was sinking into the deep ocean floor.

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, his hands changed the magic formula, aroused the consciousness, and the vitality of the world quickly gathered. In front of him, a mass of black water condensed.

This black water emerged, forming a vacuum zone around Su Zimo, squeezing all the surrounding heavy water away!

Su Zimo's thoughts moved, spreading this black water over his body, forming a barrier like a shirt.

The school of fish rushed forward, as if they were suddenly shocked, and spread out!

Su Zimo smiled slightly and continued to sneak towards the bottom of the sea.

This black water is the secret method inherited from the basalt sacred soul in the prison prison, Tianyi Zhenshui.

Tianyi true water is the English of pure water and the essence of all waters. With just one drop, it can be transformed into a vast ocean, much stronger than one yuan of heavy water!

At first, Su Zimo could only condense a drop.

Cultivate to the eight steps of the earth fairy, he can already condense a ball!

Tianyi true water is inherited from the sacred soul of Xuanwu, which naturally contains the scent of basalt, this kind of breath, for the living beings in this ocean, is just a godlike existence!

"What does this mean?"

"This Su Zimo has a lot of cards!"

In the square, many monks saw this scene and made another noise.

Tianyuan of Shanhai Xianzong looked slightly and slowly said, "If I read correctly, it should be Tianyi Zhenshui!"


Zhenxie Xie Ling whispered.

After a short pause, Xie Ling smiled and said, "If there is Tianyi Zhenshui to protect himself, this second day will not hinder him."

"It is not necessarily a good thing to use such a powerful secret method in advance."

Tian Yuan shook his head slightly.

In his opinion, Tianyi Zhenshui, a powerful secret, can be used in ranking battles, and used to fight against Feng Yin, Tai Hua and others.

But in fact, for Su Zimo, this is just one of his many means.

Even if it was used in advance, it would have no effect on his combat power.

There is the protection of Tianyi Zhenshui, and the surrounding heavy water has almost no obstacle to Qing Lian's true body, and Su Zimo's speed reaches the extreme.

Diving in the deep ocean, such as flat ground, is getting faster and faster!

His ranking is also improving rapidly.

Earlier than 200,000 because of capturing the psychedelic stone.

Before reaching the teleportation array on the second day, Su Zimo has returned to the rank of 10,000, and the ranking is still improving rapidly!

However, this time Feng Yin and Tai Hua were not slow.

When Su Zimo arrived in the teleportation formation, there were eight others in front of him. Feng Yin and Tai Hua were still in the top two!

Su Zimo stood on the teleportation array and looked around.

Not far from this teleportation array, there was a deep, ditch, bottomless, and bursts of cold air inside.

Su Zimo moved in shape and swam towards the trench.

Came to the edge of the trench, and sure enough, the Zhending Ding in the sea trembled slightly!

Su Zimo's eyes were bright, hesitating a little, he jumped down and sneaked into the depths of this gully!

on the square.

Many monks looked at this scene and were a little bit confused, wondering what Su Zimo was going to do.

"Is this ... eyeed again?"

The immortal Xie Ling shook his fist subconsciously, looking a little nervous.

Xie Qingcheng seemed to think of something, looked slightly at Xie Ling, coughed gently, and whispered, "Second Brother, it seems to be ..."

On the surface, Xie Ling pretended to be calm and smiled lightly, but inwardly cursed: "Is this child a dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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