Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2209: Go at full speed

Chapter 2209: Moving Forward At Full Speed

"Feng Yin and Taihua are about to soar to the fourth sky. I don't know if Su Zimo can catch up."

"Although Su Zimo obtained two treasures, it also delayed a lot of time and released many powerful means in advance. If he is besieged by the Dajin Immortal Kingdom and Fei Xianmen, it will be dangerous."


Some monks seemed to suddenly think of something and bewildered: "According to King Gensuke-gun, they will besiege Su Zimo in the Ninth Heaven. How can there be no sign yet?"

So far, except for the tentative battle between Tie Han and Su Zimo, the other monks in the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen have not made any moves against Su Zimo.

The monks of these two forces are moving at full speed and seem to have forgotten this.

"His Royal Highness, will it be King Motosa-gun's bluff, so he is lost?"

Xu Xiaotian whispered.

Xie Qingcheng shook his head slightly, and said, "No. Since King Yuan Zuo is in the audience and speaks out, he will definitely do it."

"And this time, the Jin Dynasty and the Feixianmen in the Jin Dynasty were clearly prepared. They have been planning for a long time and can never be abandoned halfway."

Xu Xiaotian asked: "But so far these people have shown no sign of action."

Xie Qingcheng groaned a little before he said slowly: "If you want to do something with Su Zimo, the immortals of the Great Jin Dynasty and Feixianmen must first gather together."

"The monks who entered the Nine Heavens are scattered all over the place. It is not easy to gather unless they are in a special place ..."

Speaking of this, Xie Qingcheng paused slightly, his eyes lightened, and he said, "Teleport!"

Xu Xiaotian gradually came to understand.

No matter where the monks are, they will eventually go to the teleportation.

In other words, only the teleportation formations can bring together the monks of Dajin Xianguo and Feixianmen!

"Which teleport array would it be?"

Xu Xiaotian asked again.


Xie Qingcheng shook his head slightly and said: "The first two days of the teleportation array did not start, and the third, fourth, and fifth fifth days are possible."

the other side.

This time, when seeing Su Zimo getting the treasure in the second heaven, King Yuan Zuo did not say a word, but smiled.

He wanted to understand one thing.

The more treasures Su Zimo seized, the better, because in the end, all these treasures will belong to him!

What's more, when Su Zimo seized the treasure in front, he would have to release a lot of hole cards and consume a lot of energy, which would make their plan smoother.

Thinking of this, King Genzuo County hoped that Su Zimo would continue to search for treasures.

It is best to get the treasures of the third and fourth heavens!

Nine heavy heavens.

Su Zimo realized that he was a little behind.

He also wants to find treasures in this space, he must increase the speed as much as possible!

At this point, Su Zimo's method of operation condenses behind the Tianzutong and Jinguang two supernatural powers behind him. The speed of the entire person has skyrocketed, turning into a golden light, galloping forward!

Many monks frowned in the square.

Several elders in the college also looked worried.

This space is gold. The main killer is the most dangerous and the killer is everywhere. The most taboo is to run at full speed!

If there is a sudden danger, under such a high speed running, there is no way to respond.

Not to mention moving at full speed, before that, someone was a little distracted and was cut into two by a sharp blade that suddenly came down in the sky, and his head was different!

"Is this too fast?"

"Keep this speed. In this space, it seems like it is galloping on the edge of life and death. If there is a slight difference, it may rush into the ghost gate at any time!"

Many monks murmured secretly.

The speed exhibited by Su Zimo has almost reached the limit of Dixian!


Just as everyone was talking, I saw Su Zimo's front suddenly appearing a huge blade, chopped down towards his figure!


Someone exclaimed.

Su Zimo's speed is too fast. He can only see a golden light galloping away. Even if this huge blade is not cut, it is difficult to avoid it due to the huge inertia of this light.


The blade is cut off, the golden light passes by, the speed is not reduced!



Everyone was surprised.

Su Zimo did not seem to dodge, and always kept moving at full speed, but the blade failed.

Theoretically, the killing device in this space will never be chopped down in the air, and this scene seems strange to everyone.

Only the real fairy Xie Ling and some Tianxian strongmen could see what was happening.

At the moment when this blade emerged, Su Zimo's figure changed slightly, and at such a terrifying speed, it was almost impossible to detect.

But it was this change that made him avoid the blade!

He didn't waste a bit of space, didn't slow down a bit, but just rubbed his shoulders with the blade, and he controlled every inch to the top, it was amazing!

The elders of Qiankun Academy looked at each other and nodded secretly.

This hand alone is enough to kill most of the earth immortals.

The real fairy Xie Ling looked at Su Zimo's figure and thoughtfully.

He was thinking about another thing.

The blade is almost condensed in an instant, and at the speed of Su Zimo, when you see the blade, dodge again, it is too late.

But the son avoided it perfectly.

This feeling is like this Su Zimo can perceive the danger in advance and make a change!

Is it just my illusion?

Xie Ling's heart was dark.

As Su Zimo moved forward, there were more obstacles and killings ahead.

At any time, there may be a blade blocking the road, a sword and axe on top of the head, and sword gas running through it ... There are more and more killing devices, more and more dense!

And every time, Su Zimo was able to avoid the sharp edge and pass by these killing devices.

From beginning to end, his speed has not decreased!

"this is too scary!"

"How did he do it?"

"I have never seen anyone pass this third day in this way."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the figure in the third heavy sky kept galloping in the air, occasionally sideways, occasionally lowering his head, and occasionally turning a small turn.

Every time, he can avoid the blade and avoid killing.

This figure seems to be dancing on the blade, wanton in the killing, chic and elegant, giving people a sense of stunning.

Su Zimo's ranking is improving rapidly.

On the other side, Feng Yin, Tai Hua, and others have reached the third-day teleportation array, without any pause, soaring.

"This speed is already fast, but after all, it is still a long way behind, and it is still difficult to catch up with Feng Yin and others."

Some monks analyzed and said.

The figure in Jiuzhong Sky seemed to hear this sentence. A pair of wings suddenly appeared behind him, and the speed of the whole person increased again!

(End of this chapter)

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