Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2221: Take the house

Chapter 2221 Taking Over

"Better body?"

Liu Ping smiled sadly, only when Su Zimo was comforting him, and said, "This is Jiu Zhongtian, how can there be any physical body to replace it."

Su Zimo said nothing, guarding Liu Ping Yuanshen, and returned to the willow tree.

The willow tree seemed to be aware of it, and was a little scared, and the weeping willow branch shook slightly.

"Now give you two choices."

Su Zimo said faintly: "First, I will wipe out your primordial spirit, you will dispel the soul, all memories will be erased!"

Fortune green lotus, the only heaven and earth, the **** in the vegetation!

The vegetation in this space may not recognize the green lotus, but feeling the breath of Su Zimo, let them feel a kind of fear from the soul, and choose to surrender.

And this willow tree is greedy and greedy, feeling the strong vitality emanating from Su Zimo, he also wants to use Sui Mu to devour Su Zimo!

Su Zimo had no plans to let it go.

This willow tree shivered, and many tender willow branches, constantly stroking Su Zimo's clothes, seemed to beg for mercy.

Su Zimo continued: "The second option, don't resist, let my fellow fellow lose his house! If your primordial gods merge, he will also inherit your memory."

"In a way, you will be born again in another way, and you will leave here to see the wider world outside."

In fact, Su Zimo directly killed the willow primordial gods and let Liu Ping's primordial gods live in this willow tree.

However, Liu Ping is a human race, and the willow belongs to the grass and trees family.

Even if Liu Ping can manipulate this willow body, there will be many discomforts and a strong sense of rejection, and he will not be able to exert the full power of this body!

The body of Willow tree, in the fourth day, I do not know how long it has lived, how many earth gods have swallowed it.

It is huge and unimaginable. It may be even worse than the human race!

Over the years, it has also occupied Sui Mu to practice, and the power contained in this body is extremely terrifying.

Otherwise, it would not dare to fight against Su Zimo.

If you want to give full play to the strength of Willow's body, only Liu Ping won the house, and Willow's Yuan Shen does not resist.

Although the willow falls, Liu Ping can inherit its memory, which is equivalent to the fusion of the two great gods.

In this way, this body will not have any rejection to Liu Ping's Yuan Shen!

This is the best of both worlds for Liu Ping and Willow.

Willow was silent for a while, and then sent a sense of conscience, agreeing with the decision.

If he disagrees, he will be directly obliterated by Su Zimo.

Might as well be taken away by Liu Ping and leave this world!

"Brother Su ..."

Liu Ping listened, and gradually understood Su Zimo's meaning.

"You can inherit this body first. If you don't like it, if you encounter a better one in the future, you can replace it yourself."

Su Zimo said.

"it is good!"

Liu Ping looked excited and responded quickly.

Without physical protection, his Primordial Spirit could be in danger at any time.

Moreover, the body of this willow tree in front of him does not seem to be bad.

At this time, Liu Ping didn't even realize how horrible and powerful the power of this willow tree was!

For him, this is the greatest opportunity to practice so far!

Su Zimo sent Liu Ping's Yuan Shen into the sea of ​​willows.

Although the time is short, he hasn't left in a hurry, and stands still, his eyes are like a torch, guarding silently.

This willow tree is too courageous. If he leaves, the willow tree suddenly changes its head and swallows Liu Pingyuanshen, which is not impossible.

Willow noticed that Su Zimo felt Su Zimo's gaze, and the last wave in his heart calmed down, completely gave up resistance, and let Liu Pingyuan God take over!

The two primordial gods came into contact and gradually merged!

The protoss of the willow is a huge green brilliance.

Although the realm is still the earth fairy, the power of the Yuan Shen from this group of Guanghua is much stronger than that of Liu Ping!

In the face of this huge green brilliance, Liu Ping Yuanshen is at most a nail-sized light spot.

If it hadn't given up resistance completely, Liu Ping would never have succeeded!

Under Su Zimo's attention, this piece of light captured the energy of the green brilliance little by little, and it continued to grow.

It didn't take long for the energy of Liu Ping Yuanshen to finally surpass the willow tree, and the speed of capture was much faster.

After a while, in this piece of knowledge, there is only one group of Yuan Shen left!

Winning success!

Of course, Willow's memories are complex, and Liu Ping needs some time to fully digest these memories.

After the integration of the two great gods, they are not too stable, and they still have to wait.

In any case, Liu Ping is at least no longer in danger.

And, after he has complete control of Willow's body, no one can threaten him in this fourth day!

Su Zimo turned and faced the teleportation line expressionlessly, preparing to fly to the fifth sky.

"Brother Su, don't go ..."

Just then, Liu Ping's thoughts came over.

His primordial spirit is not very stable, and this divine thought seems to be a bit volatile.

"Taihua, they blocked the academy disciples. It was Brother Ye who gave up his life, broke the restraint, and warned me before I had the chance to escape ...

"I gave up my life?"

Su Zimo's footsteps frowned slightly.

"Brother Ye is dead ..."

"He released his life-saving tactics, broke the cap on his body, reminded me to be careful, and also made me stop you from flying ..."

"Brother Ye Fei scolded Taihua for shamelessness. He vomited his blood and was killed by him."

Liu Ping's thoughts were transmitted, and Su Zimo's expression became colder!

Brother Ye Fei is dead!

Although Su Zimo has been in Qiankun Academy for thousands of years, they also met for the first time at this annual conference.

There is no friendship between the two, at best, they have the same friendship.

Su Zimo didn't even have much impression on Brother Ye Fei.

But he did not expect that Ye Fei died in the fifth day!

He used to think that as long as Qiankun Academy did not interfere with his grievances with Dajin and Feixianmen, disciples in the Academy could be spared from the fighting.

But he did not expect that this time the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen, not only to kill him, but also to teach Qiankun Academy!

Su Zimo's face was gloomy, and his heart was so killing that he walked towards the teleportation array.

"Brother Su, what are you doing there?"

Liu Ping watched Su Zimo go further and further, and his heart became more worried.

However, his Yuanshen just merged, he was not stable enough, and he couldn't fully control the willow body. It was difficult to transform into an adult form. He couldn't leave.

"Nothing, I'm just going to bring Brother Ye's body back."

Su Zimo stood on the teleportation array, paused for a moment, and there was a sense of chill in his eyes before he slowly said, "In addition, some people will bury him!"

(End of this chapter)

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