Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2238: Supreme majesty!

Chapter 2238 Supreme Majesty!

"Brother Su, Tie Han was caught by me!"

When Liu Ping saw Su Zimo noticed Tie Han, he quickly turned around and carried Tie Han over, saying: "Fortunately, Master Su hit him seriously, so I can easily capture him."

Su Zimo's eyes turned, looking at the child in front of him wearing a green blouse.

"I'm Liu Ping, and somehow it looks like this after transfiguration."

Liu Ping spread his little hands, a little helpless.

Su Zimo nodded slightly, looking calm.

It was he who helped Liu Ping to seize the house, merged the giant willow Yuanshen, and inherited the giant willow body. It is not surprising that this result.

"Master Su, this Tie Han is basically a waste, what should I do?"

Liu Ping asked again.

Su Zimo didn't speak, but just stepped forward and pulled Tie Han from Liu Ping's hands. He said nothing, put his palm into a knife, and chopped it on Tie Han's neck!


Gushing blood!

Tie Han's blood is not hot, but it is icy cold!

Su Zimo cut off Tie Han's head with one palm!

Dozens of monks in the surrounding area were all at a loss.

Mo Qian's eyelids jumped wildly, and the muscles in the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. His face was ugly.

In the eyes of this Dajin immortal torture ground guard, the reincarnation true immortal of Feixianmen, it seems to be no different from ordinary domestic animals.

Killed so decisively and so casually!

Not to mention others, even everyone in Qiankun Academy was secretly shocked.

The Taihua Fairy beheaded Brother Ye Fei, and everyone naturally sought the Taihua Fairy to settle accounts.

However, in the eyes of everyone, if they were to get rid of others, they would have some concerns and hesitations.

The only one in front of me is decisive and decisive!

on the square.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

King Yuan Zuojun looked at this scene, his eyes were exuberant and gloomy, and he wished that he could rush into the Nine Heavens and kill Su Zimo himself.

Baihai Tianxian had already folded up the folding fan and sat expressionlessly in the table.

The siege of the imperial dynasty of the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen was completely defeated.

The eighteen earth gods led by the Taihua fairy, Tiehan, and Qingchenzi all died in the hands of Su Zimo. No one was spared!

Although there are still four ground gods in these two forces, even if these four people join forces, it will not be a good climate.

These four earth immortals have not yet reached the weighbridge stone. It can be seen that their means are far below those of the fallen, and naturally they cannot threaten Su Zimo.

After Su Zimo cut off Tie Han's head, he headed for the battlefield and chopped off all the heads of the immortal corpses such as the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen.

Eighteen heads, ticking, tickling with scarlet blood ...

Either deadly or miserable, or horrified with facial features, or embarrassed with facial features, or blurred in flesh and blood.

An eye-catching scholar-like person, holding the eighteen **** heads in his hands, forming a strong contrast, is shuddering!

"I said, let these people be buried with Brother Ye."

Su Zimo said: "Bring Ye Ye's body back to the academy, these people's heads will be placed as sacrifices before Brother Ye's grave."

The eyes of Qiankun Academy were reddish.

This is perhaps the biggest comfort to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei did not die in vain.

When he died alone, eighteen peak gods of the immortal kingdom of Dajin and Feixianmen were buried, including one reincarnated true fairy!

"What are you just arguing about?"

Su Zimo looked at the owner of Chihong County and asked suddenly.

The owner of Chihong County glanced at Mo Qian, not far away, and stopped talking.

She had originally wanted to tell the story in 151.

But now, seeing Su Zimo's state, if it is because of more than a dozen storage bags, she fought with the monks of Yufengguan, and a scuffle broke out, she is worried that Su Zimo's enemies can not be hidden.

"It's nothing."

The owner of Chihong County bowed his head slightly, ducking his eyes and saying a word.

Naturally Su Zimo could see that the owner of Chihong County concealed something.

He looked around, glanced over the corpses on the battlefield, his heart moved, and he suddenly asked, "What about the storage bags on these corpses?"

Some monks in Qiankun Academy turned their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of Yufengguan.

Su Zimo's heart was bright, holding eighteen **** heads, walking slowly, in a blink of an eye, came to Yufengguan several monks approaching!

Passed by Su Zimo's gaze, the moist hairs of Mo Qian and others all erected and the scalp exploded!

"Who took it?"

Su Zimo asked lightly.

The tone was flat and he couldn't hear the emotions, but Mo Qian felt an unimaginable pressure. He was almost out of breath!


Mo Qian couldn't bear it. He laughed, and stumbled and explained, "I saw you leave without picking up those storage bags. I thought, I thought ..."

Su Zimo didn't speak, but just looked at Mo Qian quietly.

Mo Qian's tone became weaker and weaker, and finally he couldn't speak anymore.

In his ears, there was only a slight heavy breathing, and the sound of the blood flowing from the eighteen heads, dripping on the ground.

Just a click, like the footsteps of King Yan!

Fang Cai, he had a straightforward and eloquent argument in front of the master of Chihong County and other disciples of Qiankun College.

Nowadays, Mo Qian can't even say the four words "things without a master".

It's as if these four words were spoken, and he will be in great trouble!

A thin layer of sweat beads gradually emerged on Mo Qian's forehead, a bean-sweat sweat slipped down his cheek slowly.

It was a little itchy, but he didn't dare to wipe it.

"Don't be afraid!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in Mo Qian's mind.

It is Brother Fengyin's transmission of knowledge in God!

Mo Qian was shocked, and his fear seemed to fade away a lot.

He glanced slightly and glanced at the direction of Fengyin.

At this point, Feng Yin was standing not far away, and he was staring at this side, his eyes flashed with the light of God, his breath condensed, and he was ready to go!

Mo Qian's mind was settled. He took a deep breath, gathered courage, turned to look at Su Zimo, and was about to quibble. Su Zimo opened his mouth again.


There are no extra words, only two words, and the tone is still flat.

But the courage and courage that Mo Qian had just evoked was immediately defeated by these two words, and the whole person's spirit almost collapsed!

No one can appreciate the pressure that Mo Qian faced at this time.

Su Zimo just beheaded and killed eighteen peak immortals, even the reincarnated true immortal fell into his hands!

This is the majesty of blood, killing, and corpse accumulation, with an irresistible deterrent!

In front of Su Zimo, Mo Qian felt like a cowardly little white rabbit, and Su Zimo was an ancient beast that had just shattered countless souls, exuding a terrible evil!

In the presence of such a beast, Mo Qian shuddered on the ground.

Mo Qian dared to guarantee that if Su Zimo took the shot, even Feng Yin could not save him!

"Here, it's all here!"

Mo Qian completely collapsed, and with a sense of consciousness, he pulled out all the dozen storage bags and carried them to Su Zimo with both hands.


Su Zimo nodded, his eyes seemed to be much milder.

He patted Mo Qian's shoulder and said softly, "I don't necessarily see these storage bags. But you have to remember, this is my thing. I won't give it, you can't take it."


Mo Qian trembled slightly and nodded subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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