Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2249: Final battle

Chapter 2249: Final Decisive Battle

No one expected that Yue Feng would lose so quickly in the sixth round of the war.

At first, the two of them used their magical methods to fight each other.

But just after Yue Feng was approached by Su Zimo, only two rounds, Yue Feng was already unable to resist, and was almost hanged by Su Zimo on the spot!

"It seems that in the Nine Heavens, the eighteen immortals of the Taihua Xianren died unjustly."

Some monks who participated in the knockout rounds of the rankings did not have the opportunity to see the shocking battle in front of the rankings stele. At this time, they were sighed by seeing this encounter.

"Not only is it injustice? You haven't seen it with your own eyes. In that battle, Su Zimo's counterattack was even more brutal and fierce!"

"I just didn't expect that Shanhai Xianzong was the first of the four great immortals, and Yue Feng lost the true biography of Shan Hai Jing, so he lost so quickly."

Tian Yuan, who was at the top of the list that year, was expressionless and said nothing.

Normally, if you are in a close combat, with Yue Feng's strength and defense, you will not lose much to Su Zimo.

However, Su Zimo's melee skills are really weird, and they are tangled up close to each other, like a giant python, directly locking Yue Feng to death, completely unable to resist!

"Brother, I'm defeated."

Yue Feng returned to the seat of Xianzong in the mountains and sea, bowed his head slightly, and looked ashamed.

"You lost in melee skills and he was beaten by surprise."

Tian Yuan said: "This is a ranking battle. You have a chance to escape. If you have a life or death battle, you are already a dead person."

"My brother taught it."

Yue Feng did not dare to speak back.

On another battlefield.

Since the beginning of Feng Yin and Liu Ping's engagement, Feng Yin has always been in the upper hand. With the help of Yufengguan ’s top-level body ‘Ru Ying Sui Feng’, he takes control of the situation and continues to make moves to form a crushing situation.

Although Liu Ping has the inheritance of Qiankun Academy and Juliu, but many of his means are released, they often fail, and he can't touch the corner of the wind.

The wind sees that Su Zimo has ended the battle, and the offensive has become more and more fierce!

Liu Ping gradually couldn't support it, and couldn't stand it.

In fact, whether in the realm of Yuanshen or physical blood, the difference between the two is not too big.

But the most powerful reincarnation is his combat skills and combat experience.

In this regard, Feng Yin almost crushed Liu Ping!

In a sense, Liu Ping is facing a true immortal who possesses the power of earth immortal.

On the Liu Ping side, he has just merged the Yuanshen and inherited the body of Juliu. Although his strength has skyrocketed and he has more means, he is not yet fully familiar with this body.

In many ways, relying on Juliu's memory, he can be released, but without his own perception and understanding, he will not be able to exert his full power after all.

Over time, Liu Ping had almost no resistance!

In fact, in the ninth heaven, Su Zimo's battle with the Taihua Fairy, if it was a normal fight, that battle might last a long time.

Su Zimo released thirty-six years of knives in one breath, driving the Taihua fairy to the Jedi, forming a war of attrition on both sides.

The advantages of the Taihua reincarnation fairy disappeared, and no fighting skills or combat experience were needed, which eventually led to the death of the Taihua fairy!

Liu Ping obviously cannot do this.


Liu Ping's movement was a little slow, and a wound was scratched on his arm.

Liu Ping, with a small face and firm eyes, still roaming on the bluestone battlefield, constantly resisting Fengyin's offensive.

puff! puff! puff!

Feng Yin's face was expressionless, and his shots became fiercer.

Many immortals present did not see what weapon hurt Liu Ping at all.

Everyone can only see a cold light, flying around Feng Yin, looming, every time they appear, they will bring a ray of blood on Liu Ping's body!

But a few breaths, Liu Ping's weak body, there are already a dozen wounds, shocking!

Liu Ping's small face was white, still dancing with willow branches, his hands kept releasing the magic spell of the fairy, biting his lips, not entangled with the wind hidden!

"As long as you can drag on for an extra moment, Master Su can rest for another moment!"

There are too many wounds, and the blood flow is serious. Liu Ping has felt a little dizzy, but this thought was extremely firm in his mind!

"Liu Ping, come down."

Su Zimo frowned slightly and said loudly.

Liu Pinghuan is still struggling with Feng Yin if he hasn't heard.

"Don't give up yet?"

The wind looked colder.

Naturally, he could also see Liu Ping's intention, and the cold light flashed around him!


Blood and water gushed and fell into the air.

The two thin children's arms flew high, and Liu Ping's arms were chopped down by Feng Yin!


There was a roar in Liu Ping's mouth, but he still did not step back, shaking his head, countless willow branches, like spirit snakes, lingering towards the wind.

"Liu Ping conceded, please be merciful!"

Su Zimo saw the situation was not good, and quickly got up and shouted.

On the Qingshi battlefield, if Liu Ping still refuses to retreat, Feng Yin can even kill Liu Ping on the spot!


There was another gush of blood.

Liu Ping's chest, pierced by a cold light around Feng Yin, pierced a huge blood hole!

Liu Ping's heart has been perforated by wind, and blood and blood quickly decay.


Just then, a cyan figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield, blocking Liu Ping.

Su Zimo appeared, put his fingers together, squeezed out the sword tactic, and headed towards the void ahead.


The sharpness of the sword finger swallowed up, just as the sword finger fell, a cold light appeared in the void, colliding with the sharp finger on the sword finger, and a sharp and harsh sound came out.

The wind receded, and his figure became apparent, looking at the other side of the bluestone battlefield, raising his eyebrows slightly: "Why, Qiankun Academy wants to fight more?"

"You two might as well be together, I can go on!"

"The crazy tone is indeed the reincarnation true immortal." Someone praised.

The other person said, "What do you know. That Liu Ping's heart burst and blood loss is almost equivalent to a disused person. If Su Zimo really joined forces with Liu Ping, Liu Ping would become his burden instead. This reincarnation is really smart. "

Su Zimo glanced at Feng Yin coldly before turning to inspect Liu Ping's injury.

Liu Ping's injury was very serious. Feng Yin's later shot was obviously intentional and he wanted to abolish Liu Ping's body!

It is a pity that Liu Ping now has too much life in this body.

Even if he suffered such a serious injury, his body did not decline, and he was still recovering little by little.

Although the speed is very slow, as long as you care carefully, this body can be restored as before!

"Brother Su, I didn't last long."

Liu Pingqiang resisted the severe pain from his body, his face barely a smile.

"It's enough."

Su Zimo murmured, waving his sleeves, sending out a gentle breeze, wrapping Liu Ping's body, and slowly falling to the spectator seat of Qiankun Academy.

He himself did not leave the Bluestone battlefield.

Zhenxian Xie Ling also slowly got up and nodded: "This is just right, the seventh round of the ranking battle, which is the final battle, officially started!"

(End of this chapter)

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