Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2252: You lose

Chapter 2252 You Are Defeated

Su Zimo didn't give Feng Yin any time to think and take a breath.

Relying on the sensory induction, Su Zimo continued to fight close to Feng Yin, all his ten finger nails bounced out, flashing with cold light, sharp edge, like a sword and a sword, flipping up and down, fierce offensive!

With each shot, Su Zimo's body was accompanied by a series of dragon chants, extremely high, shocking and earth-moving.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Zimo seems to have disappeared.

If everyone closed their eyes, they only used the consciousness to investigate, and what they saw was a sharp dragon with minions and teeth, shaking their heads and shaking their tails in the bluestone battlefield, and their claws biting!

The wind is hidden in front of this Shenlong, as small as a cricket, like a cricket that wants to shake a big tree!

"Where did you learn Su Zimo's melee skills?"

The heavenly gods of all the major forces are a little confused.

"Not very clear. If I read correctly, it should have something to do with the Dragons."

The true fairy Xie Ling groaned a little and said, "In the Nine Heavens, he has released a body-like method that is similar to teleportation, and it should also belong to a dragon-body method."

"Even if he has the best chance, what kind of inheritance of the Dragon tribe's secrets and techniques has he inherited, but how can he use the power of the Dragon tribe to exert such power?"

Another frowned.

Xie Ling also shook his head, looking blank.

When Su Zimo was in Long Yuan Xing at first, coincidentally, Yuan Shen merged into a dragon corpse and fought against the three true immortals.

In that battle, the dragon corpse relied on the remaining memories to release many melee skills of the dragon race.

Su Zimo merged with the Dragon and Phoenix primitive gods, and once practiced with the Dragons, he is very familiar with everything about the Dragons.

He practiced these melee skills of the Dragons, which is more effective!

If Qin Xianmeng Yao was present, Yue Hua Jianxian was present, and seeing these methods of Su Zimo, he might find some clues and think back to the unpleasant memory once.

Bluestone battlefield.

Su Zimo's melee skills broke out, the offensive was fierce, and both the gods and the gods were able to resist the wind.

He is useless, and even if it follows the wind, in the melee assault, he is not Su Zimo's opponent.

The wind was still, but my heart was agitated.

Although his psychic power is mysterious and magical, to maintain this state of supernatural power, he must also continuously consume the power of the Yuanshen.

Today, his mind is useless, and maintaining this state of supernatural power is tantamount to wasting the power of the Primordial God. It is completely unnecessary.

At this point, the wind hidden his thoughts and dispersed his mind.


In front of his eyes, two light burst out suddenly!

Those are Su Zimo's eyes, bright and infiltrating!

Just as the wind disappeared, Su Zimo felt something. He opened his eyes sharply, his eyes were like a torch, and the five senses were unlocked. Under the enthusiasm of the mind, the momentum once again rose to a level!

Spirituality is a passive response to danger.

In this battle, even if Su Zimo's offensive was fierce, he still could not exert the full power of melee.

If the two sides continue to fight like this, it will be difficult to separate the winner.

Now that the wind has dispersed his mind, Su Zimo has no scruples!

"Feng Yin, you are defeated!"

Su Zimo smiled, his eyes mocked.

"not good!"

Feng Yin sank in his heart, and realized that he might have made a big mistake!

He withdrew his mind, and now it is impossible to unite again!


Su Zimo sensed a flaw in Feng Yin's heart, yelled loudly, raised his fist, like a big seal, and fell down towards Feng Yin's heavenly cover, sending out a **** blood!

The wind hides in discoloration!

His mind fluctuated a little, and this ephemeral flaw was immediately caught by Su Zimo, and such a terrifying power broke out.

The wind's imposing momentum was captured by Su Zimo, and it was difficult to resist, and he could not help yelling, pushing the blood to the limit.


Behind Feng Yin, a hurricane that emerged from the sky emerged, making a noise like a ghost crying.

Bloodline vision!

Feng Yin sacrificed the blood vein vision, which was not enough, and the pupil technique broke out directly.

I saw in the depths of his eyes that two eerie lights came out, breaking his eyes, and suddenly came to Su Zimo's face!

Before the two cold rays fell down, Su Zimo felt some pain in his face like a crack.

The power of this pupil technique is very strong!

Su Zimo's pupil technique has been released in the nineth heaven.

But at this distance, it is difficult for him to dodge.

I saw that he slightly tilted his head, and these two cold lights instantly fell into his left eye.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo's left eye seemed to be stimulated by something. It suddenly became as dark as ink, exuding a trace of cold and dark air, without a little white eyes, and it looked a bit infiltrating!

Feng Yin's imaginary eyes were exposed and blood-stained scenes did not appear.

On the contrary, he saw the deep bottomless darkness in Su Zimo's left eye. His eyes, mind, spirit, spirit, seemed to be swallowed by this darkness!

Fortunately, the darkness in Su Zimo's left eye quickly converged.


The wind hidden in shock, with a clever, slow response. In a hurry, he quickly raised his arms and stood in front of him.


Su Zimo's fist fell heavily, as if the mountains were on top, and he was heavily sinking.

There was a creaking noise in Fengyin's body, and it seemed that all the bones were falling apart!

Although he was supported by blood vision, he was taken away by Su Zimo's left eye, and the reaction was slowed down.

In close combat, if Su Zimo had the upper hand, a suffocating offensive would erupt and he would never give the opponent any chance!

After Su Zimo's punch, the whole figure moved forward, his legs were slightly bent, his hands seemed to hold something, his face seemed to smile, and he offered to the wind.

Feng Yin's pupils contracted, her skin exploded, and her hair was erected!

With the help of body style, he tipped his feet and pulled back.

But Su Zimo's speed is not slow. As the shadow goes, the killing is always shrouded in his body, ready to go!


Without warning, Feng Yin suddenly dropped her long hair!


A dense cold light burst from the wind's long hair and hit Su Zimo's face door!

This time, the speed is extremely fast, and the tricks are a bit wild.

No one expected that such a killing trick would be hidden between the reincarnation's long hair!

These cold lights rely on the wind and are spurred by the blood veins hidden by the wind, which is extremely fast and almost instantaneous!

Su Zimo was chasing after him, and he encountered such a counterattack, he had no time to dodge!

There was a burst of exclaim in the crowd.

Su Zimo's expression was calm and he was not rushed.

His eyebrows opened wide, and a handful of golden yellow sand suddenly appeared, resisting in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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