Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2254: Ruyi Prestige

Chapter 2254: Ruyi Power

puff! puff! puff!

A few rays of blood appeared on Su Zimo's body!

Zhu Tian Wu Guang Shuo is too fast.

Relying on the sense of spirit, Su Zimo can avoid the key points, but it is still difficult to avoid being scratched by the Wuguangshu of the heavens. There are a few more wounds on the arms, shoulders, and thighs, and blood drips.

Many disciples of Qiankun Academy suddenly became extremely nervous.

"Elder Zhong, let's give up."

The chief of Chihong County was worried, and said, "This wind relies on the weapons of previous generations. In this respect, Brother Su is far too much to beat."

Elder Zhong and others looked at each other with some hesitation.

Su Zimo did fall into the downwind and was completely suppressed by Feng Yin, but his face was calm and calm, and he did not seem to be in despair.

Although Su Zimo had several more wounds on her body, it didn't take long for these wounds to stop bleeding, and there was a tendency to heal gradually!

These are only minor injuries, and for Qinglian's true body, it is nothing at all.

"Just wait and see."

Elder He groaned, staring intently at the battlefield, ready to stop at any time.

Bluestone battlefield.

Su Zimo is also constantly thinking about countermeasures.

If you want to break the situation, you must solve the hidden winds of the sky!

Zhending Ding is now devouring and refining several treasures in the Nine Heavens, which cannot be interrupted.

Although the several sacred spirits awakened, their strength was not fully restored.

What's more, this is Su Zimo's most powerful hole card. He doesn't want to be released in the same level battle and exposed in advance.

Nine days, the soil still tumbling in mid-air not far away.

Su Zimo just wanted to recall Nine Heavens Breath, and the 108 phoenix needles in it were about to move, trying to escape and return to Feng Yin's control.

Nine days can not move the soil, otherwise, let Feng Yin control the wind needle, it is also a big trouble.


At this moment, Wu Guang emerged again, stabbing towards Su Zimo's brows!

This time, Su Zimo did not dodge.

When he moved his mind, he felt a green light in his palm.

It was an exquisite jade, with the shape of an auspicious cloud at the top, and three orbs inlaid on it.

This jade is exactly what Su Zimo made when he broke through the ten grades to create the green lotus.

At the beginning, these three orbs were all dull.

Today, Su Zimo has practiced for many years, and constantly practice the "Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Zhen Jing". This sapphire jade Ruyi also attracts a lot of sun, moon and stars.

The three orbs gradually regained their brilliance and were dazzling!

In fact, these three orbs are condensed by the essence of the sun, moon, and stars in the chaos, corresponding to the three talents of heaven and earth.

Su Zimo practiced "Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Zhen Jing", refining the stars, Qinglian Yuanshen holding the three treasures, Ruyi, and received huge supplies.

And the three treasures of the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi release more condensed three-colored stars, so that Su Zimo can practice the Taishou Xuanling Beidou Zhenjing faster!

Otherwise, it is only for a thousand years that he will never practice this technique to the third level and open up the third star field!

At the beginning of Su Zimo's acquisition of the Three Sapphire Jade Ruyi, time was short and there was not much time to study.

One of the only uses for Sambo Jade Ruyi is to change its appearance.

It is also with this wonderful use that he was able to avoid the hunting order of King Yuan Zuo County within the territory of the Dajin Immortal Kingdom for 2,000 years!

Su Zimo retreat in Qiankun Academy. In addition to his practice, in his spare time, he will also study the usefulness of Sanbaoyu Ruyi.

Over the years, I have learned a lot, but I haven't had a chance to test.

Now, since Fengyin sacrifice the Wuguangshu of the heavens, Su Zimo thought a little, and took out these three precious jade Ruyi!

Su Zimo raised his hand, relying on the telepathy, raised the three treasures of Ruyi, and the three ends of the three-colored ray of light burst out toward the sky, and they continued to hit the sky.

"Stone with a stone!"

Feng Yin laughed at Su Zimo's move.

This jade article, compared with Zhutian Wuguang Shuo, looks extremely fragile and seems to be broken in one hit.


But after these two magical weapons collided, the sound of jade clashes sounded on the battlefield, Feng Yin's figure was manifested, he was in a big array, his expression was horrified, his feet were empty, and he almost dropped from the air!

The stalks of Wuguangshu also showed their figures, shaking slightly, and falling from the air, seemingly hit hard.

The crowd changed color!

"what happened?"

"What is that jade, which can shoot down the sky Wuguang shuttle?"

"Although Zhutian Wuguang Shuo was abolished, it was a pure treasure of Yangyang after all, how could this be?"

The crowd was tumultuous and the sound was rolling.

Even the elders of Xie Ling, Tian Yuan, and Qian Kun College were stunned and confused.

The wind hidden on the bluestone battlefield is even more distressed and unknown.

He saw Su Zimo come up with a delicate jade, and he was rushing towards the Wuguang shuttle under his feet. He didn't take it seriously.

This jade does not contain much power.

But this piece of jade was hit on the wushu of the heavens, and the vitality attached to the wushu of the heavens was scattered directly.

The vitality in his body was also shaken into chaos through the Wuguangshu of the heavens.

Feng Yin was unprepared, was caught by surprise, and almost fell from the air.

Feng Yin quickly urged consciousness, and once again tried to control the Wuguangshu of the heavens, stabilized his figure, and looked at the jade in Su Zimo's hand, his expression dreaded.

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo rejoiced.

The three orbs of Sanbaoyu Ruyi absorb more and more sun, moon, and star essences, and gradually produce three-colored rays, which have magical mysterious power.

Su Zimo's discovery of this three-color glow seems to have a special effect on vitality.

Now released in battle, it really is extraordinary!

After all, the Wuguang Shuo of the heavens was once a pure treasure of Jiuyao, and the foundation was there.

If it is an ordinary magic weapon, it will be beaten by Sambo Jade Ruyi. Although the magic weapon has no scars and will not be damaged, it will most likely be shot down and cannot be used for a short time.

Seeing that Sambo Jade Ruyi has such power, Su Zimo's spirit rose, stepped forward, held Sambo Jade Ruyi, and struck toward the wind.


Feng Yin once again urged the sky Wuguang Shuo, trying to distance him.

But Zhutian Wuguang Shuo was hit once by Sambo Jade Ruyi, which was obviously greatly affected and slowed down a lot, and he could not get rid of Su Zimo.

The situation has changed again!


Feng Yin dodged several times in a row, and she couldn't get rid of Su Zimo's pursuit. She looked cold and said, "Do you think my weapon is the only change?"

"go with!"

Feng Yin's method changes in his hands, spurring his consciousness, and awakening a vitality. He submerged into the heavenly Wuguang shuttle under his feet and pointed at Su Zimo.


The black light flashed and stabbed at Su Zimo.

While still in the air, this Wuguang suddenly disintegrated, and evolved into six Wuguang, coming from the air!

(End of this chapter)

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