Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2257: Top of the list

Chapter 2257: Top of the List

Everyone thought that Feng Yin had released a peerless supernatural power, and there was no suspense in this battle.

Unexpectedly, the situation is changing rapidly!

Su Zimo suddenly released a Buddhist seal, which caused the hurricane disaster to fall apart without warning and to be approached.

Not to mention the wind hidden in the game, even the spectators were on the spot, did not understand what happened in the middle.

For this level of slaughter battle, chess is a trick, is the abyss.

Feng Yin played all his cards. Both vitality and spirit had been exhausted. Su Zimo was close to him, and he was not an opponent at all.

Su Zimo used the killing trick in the Great Demon King's Secret, and in the blink of an eye, the wind was hit hard!

When life was on the line, Feng Yin also exploded a strong desire to survive. While the blood and blood in the body had not completely dispersed, all the blood and blood were condensed together in one place and suddenly burst!

At this moment, he got tremendous strength, his body collapsed, turned into a blood, and fell from the bluestone battlefield.

The wind is lost!

In the midair of the square, on the battlefield of Qingshi, only a figure of blue shirt was still standing there.

There was a little silence in the crowd. In the direction of Qiankun Academy, the talents of the chief of Honghong County and other talents burst into shouting, excited and full of joy.

The crowd was also boiled.

"Su Zimo won!"

"An eight-tiered earth fairy, became the top of the earth's list, and defeated two reincarnation true gods. It is truly invincible! This annual conference is enough to enter the annals of history!"

"You find that there isn't. Su Zimo's injury should be intentional."

Many monks moved in their hearts and wanted to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Prior to this, Feng Yin hurt Liu Ping of Qiankun Academy by cutting his arms and piercing his chest.

Today, Su Zimo tore Feng Yin's arms, pierced his heart, and penetrated his chest. The wound was almost the same!

This is obviously out of revenge for Liu Ping!

"Unexpectedly, at this annual conference, a person who ascended from the lower world stepped on top of two reincarnated immortals and became the top of the list! Such a big movement and scene have not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years.

An old man sighed.

"Last time, there might be such a mighty spirit in the Nether World, and it may still be the wind and the wind." Another said.

The original old man shook his head slightly and said, "I heard that Feng Wantian's annual multi-year convention, although the top of the list, is invincible, but his opponent is not as strong and dazzling."

King Genzuo and Baihai Tianxian looked ugly.

Su Zimo became the top of the list, which means that the cooperation between the two forces has completely failed!

The two immortals lost ground are still second, mainly this time too shameful, in the future for a long time, will become the talk of many monks!

King Yuan Zuojun looked at Su Zimo's figure, and even though he was resentful in his heart, he was helpless.

He realized one thing.

At this annual conference, he failed to kill Su Zimo, and he may have no chance in the future.

In the heart of Baihai Tianxian, he was also thinking about how to return to Zongmen to deal with Qinxian.

The two didn't know what they were saying. They didn't stay here, said goodbye to Zhenxie Xie Ling, and hurried away with His Majesty the monk.

The two great forces of the earth fairy have been beheaded by Su Zimo.

The two continued to stay here, just asking for nothing.

"Feng Yin, how is it, all right?"

Qingfeng Tianxian looked ugly, holding Fengyin back to the table, and whispered.

Feng Yin took out a few medicine bottles from the storage bag, and swallowed a dozen pills of panacea in one breath, his face only slightly eased and stabilized the injury.

"I'm fine."

Feng Yin slightly raised his head, looking at the figure on the bluestone battlefield, his eyes were cold, and three words were spit out in his teeth.

"How could this be?"

Qingfeng Tianxian frowned and asked, "Why did your hurricane disaster suddenly disappear? What is the origin of that seal?"

Although he is a strong fairy, his insight and eyesight may not be better than Fengyin.

"I am not sure as well."

Feng Yin shook his head slightly: "The Fa-Indian should come from the Buddhist gate, I have never seen it. Somehow, the moment the Fa-Indian touched the hurricane disaster, the hurricane-storm disaster broke up on the spot."

This change was too fast, and in that situation, he couldn't react at all.

Normally, even if Su Zimo released a peerless supernatural power, fighting a hurricane natural disaster, a violent collision would erupt.

The magical power is pervasive, and both sides' bodies may be forced back.

But just in the scene, the moment when the hurricane disaster hit the Buddhist Seal and disappeared silently, there were no signs, and no power fluctuations!

Because of this, Su Zimo was able to rush to the wind without any hindrance and explode to kill.

Bluestone battlefield.

Su Zimo slowly regained his vitality, feeling the shock, admiration, jealousy, coldness, and envy of the complex surroundings, but his heart was calm.

It was not easy for him to win this battle.

This war would be unpredictable, if it were not for the impermanence of the secret methods in the Prajna Nirvana.

Impermanence is the law of birth and death.

Everything in the world is fickle, everything goes back and forth in ‘living, living, and extinct’.

Like all living things, from the initial yin and yang intersection, heaven and earth sympathy, life is derived.

When the physique is completed, it is live.

Gradually aging, that is different.

End of life is extinction.

The Peerless Supernatural Hurricane Scourge released by Feng Yin cannot escape the change of life and death.

Fengyin urges consciousness, condenses tactics, and makes a living.

Hurricane natural disasters are formed to live.

Supernatural powers roar, whether they are stronger or weaker, are different.

No matter what magical power, there is a moment of disappearance and disintegration.

Impermanence and impermanence.

And the fastest change is the mind.

Mind birth and death, must be between!

Su Zimo condensed the signs of impermanence, and touched the natural disaster of hurricane.

Therefore, as soon as this peerless supernatural power has condensed, it has been immortalized by the immense power hidden in the impermanent seals.

According to Sirius, the Prajna Nirvana is a taboo secret, and since its practice, a seal of law recorded in it has indeed shown extremely terrifying power!

This mysterious method is not too expensive for the Yuanshen, but it can resolve the supernatural powers!

"The ranking battle is over."

At this moment, the voice of Zhenxie Xie Ling sounded slowly and said slowly: "Below, I will announce the ranking of this ranking!"

"Top of the list, Qiankun Academy, Su Zimo!"


With the sound of Xie Lingsheng, a huge list emerged in the air, and it dropped down. The first line was written with a line of words-Qiankun Academy, Su Zimo.

This line of words represents the supreme glory of the earth fairy!

"The second place on the list, Yufengguan, Fengyin."

"Third place on the list ..."

Xie Ling paused for a moment, looking in the direction of Qiankun Academy, and then said, "The third place on the list, although some of us have disputes, we finally decided to be Qiankun Academy, Liu Ping!"

In the top three places, Qiankun Academy is the second!

(End of this chapter)

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