Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2259: Seven-tailed Phoenix Lupin

Chapter 2259: Seven-Tailed Phoenix Lupin

Xie Ling engraved "Lin Rhinoceros" on a jade tablet with the knowledge of God and gave it to Su Zimo.

Later, he took Su Zimo to the arsenal of Yanyang Palace.

"As the top of the list, you can pick any weapon in the arsenal."

A profound smile appeared on Xie Ling's face, saying: "This arsenal is a heavenly order magic weapon, and there are even innate heavenly order magic weapons! Time is still an hour. As for whether you can get it, it depends Your luck and chance. "

Su Zimo nodded and stepped into the arsenal.

The moment he stepped into the gate, it seemed as if he had entered another space, surrounded by redness, flames, and extremely high temperatures.

At this moment, there was a blaze of fire rushing forward in the direction of Su Zimo.

Su Zimo reached out his hand and seized a fire.

The flame reveals the body, which is a flying sword, with the highest quality and good quality.

Among these firelights are magic weapons.

Su Zi Mosong's hand, this Feijian turned into a firelight, and immediately disappeared into the void behind him, disappeared.

"No wonder Xie Ling would say that, in order to get the inferior rank magic weapon, it takes chance and luck."

Su Zimo murmured softly.

There was a blaze of fire in front of him, and it was so dense and dense that it was impossible to detect what magic weapon was conceived in that blaze.

There were thousands of fires where Su Zimo looked.

Just looking for the past one by one, trying to find a magic weapon of innate quality, is just luck.

Su Zimo moved forward all the way, grasping the fire light around him, looking at the magic weapon inside.

Top quality, throw away!

Need it, throw it away!

Perfect grade ...

Su Zimo hesitated a little, but threw it away.

When he breaks through to Tianxian, the perfect magic weapon of the heavenly rank, he won't be able to match his eleventh grade Qinglian real body!

There was another flaming light, when it was about to reach Su Zimo, it seemed to sense something, suddenly changed its trajectory, and floated in the other direction!


Su Zimo's eyes lit up and his body flickered. He came directly to the fire and grabbed it!

This is a jade bracelet with a fine flame burning on the surface, and it is extremely extraordinary.

Congenital Order!

Su Zimo was happy.

Within a quarter of an hour, he found a heavenly magic weapon of innate quality!

He was about to withdraw from the arsenal, and suddenly his heart moved and he looked over.

In a fire not far away, his primordial spirit sensed a familiar breath.

Su Zimo hesitated slightly, and came forward to seize the flame.

This is a red plume fan with seven stems. The seven fan bones are crystal clear. Each fan feather is red without any trace of mottled wings.

It was only that the lumbar fan was dim, and there were clearly clear cracks on the fan bone, which seemed to have been severely damaged.

The reason why Su Zimo felt the familiar atmosphere on this feather fan is precisely because the material of this feather fan is from the God Phoenix family!

Su Zimo urged with divine knowledge. This lupin felt the power of dragons and phoenixes in his primordial spirit, and gradually glowed a red light, which became more and more fierce, emitting extremely horrible fluctuations in power!

"That's it!"

Su Zimo's heart was settled.

I'm afraid this feather fan has a long history. It may be far better than that jade bracelet!

Su Zimo already had a decision in his heart, so he did not stay in the arsenal, and did not wait for an hour before he withdrew from the place.

"So fast?"

Xie Ling couldn't help seeing a quarter of an hour before Su Zimo withdrew from the arsenal.

When he saw the red-red feather fan in Su Zimo's hand, he could not help shaking his head slightly.

"His Royal Highness, what is the origin of this feather fan?"

Su Zimo noticed Xie Ling's look and didn't take it to heart, and asked.

Xie Ling said: "This is a seven-tailed phoenix fan, cast from the feathers of the **** phoenix and the bones of the **** phoenix. It was indeed very famous at the time, but it was a pure treasure of nine jewels!"

"It is said that this pure Yang Lingbao can even summon a real **** phoenix when its strength is exerted to the extreme!"

"Unfortunately, in a big battle that year, this seven-tailed phoenix fan was severely damaged. The spiritual knowledge inside it fell apart and the realm fell. Now it can only be regarded as an ordinary magic weapon of heaven."

Xie Ling paused a little, cheekily, and shook his head: "This is a rare opportunity, and you are anxious to choose."

Su Zimo laughed: "Anyway, this feather fan was a pure Yang Lingbao. Even if it was severely damaged, the material is very special, at least it will not be weaker than the heavenly magic weapon of innate quality."

"you are wrong."

Xie Ling shook his head and said, "If this feather fan wants to exert its true power, it needs the power of the gods and phoenixes to urge it. Other creatures are just a chicken rib to get this magic weapon."

"Su Zimo, you don't know much about the seven-tailed phoenix fan, and you can be justified."

"Let's go, I'll give you another chance. You enter the arsenal and choose again. This time, be careful, be careful."

"Thank Your Highness for your kindness."

Su Zimo bowed his hand, and Shen said, "No need to choose anymore, I'll choose this feather fan."

Seeing Su Zimo's insistence on this, Xie Ling no longer persuaded and said, "In this case, you can go back to the palace and rest. After three days, gather in the square of Yanyang Palace."


Su Zimo retired and returned to the palace of Qiankun Academy.

If you can enter the list, you can also get a chance in the palace of Yanyang.

There is an ancient sycamore tree in the Yanyang fairyland.

The monks on the list have the opportunity to practice under this sycamore tree for a period of time.

Practice under this ancient tree, the world is full of vitality, do twice the result with half the effort, one year can be worth thousands of years!

Every time the monks on the list practice under the sycamore tree, they have made a breakthrough on the spot and stepped into Tianxian's Tianjiao!

The people who can be ranked on the list are all the evils in the earth fairy, and almost all of them practice to the peak of the nine-tier earth fairy.

After the baptism of life and death in the Nine Dragons Elimination Tournament and the continuous battle of ranking battles, the bottlenecks of these immortals have been loosened, but they lack an opportunity.

The practice under the Indus tree is this opportunity!

Su Zimo will naturally not miss this opportunity.

He is now the pinnacle of the eighth-order Dixian, and without a surprise, he will soon be able to break through to the ninth-order Dixian.

He should make good use of this opportunity to practice under the sycamore tree, improve his practice as much as possible, and strive to break through to the heavenly realm in the fastest time!

In addition to the rewards at the top of the list, there are many Yuanling Stones, some Yuanling Liquid, and Indus Dan.

Indus Dan, which can make the Jiexian Dixian break through the barriers and break the bottleneck when it breaks through the immortals, is the very famous Lingdan on the Shenxiao continent. Only the Yanyang immortal country can make it.

Su Zimo returned to the palace of Qiankun Academy, calling to the deity of martial arts in his heart to pass the "Lin Rhinoceros" to the past.

This mystery practice is not difficult to practice. With the talents of martial arts deity and Qinglian true body, it only took three days to successfully cultivate.

(End of this chapter)

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