Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2284: Named disciple

Chapter 2284 Named Disciple

After hearing this voice, it seems not surprising that the suzerain of the academy did not change.

The prince of the academy stayed on Su Zimo's body. He didn't look down at Xuan Lao. He kept calm and asked: "Why don't you agree?"

"Hey, if you want to accept a disciple, you have to come first."

Xuan Lao Chuan Yin said: "I first look at this boy, you come one step later!"

"You want him to inherit your mantle?"

The suzerain asked again.


Xuan Lao Dao: "This son has a strong heart that has never been seen before. Only with such a heart can we bear the responsibility of my veins!"

The aristocrat of the academy said lightly: "In all fairness, with his talents and talents, and this persevering and powerful Taoism, if he inherits your mantle, it is a waste.

"Tear less."

Xuan Lao was a little displeased and said, "Since the establishment of Qiankun Academy, I have had this vein. I have a great responsibility. It is related to the future prosperity and decline of the Academy. How can it be called a waste?"

"Actually, in my opinion, you have no meaning in this vein."

The suzerain of the academy said: "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, I succeeded the suzerain. You inherited the tenth elder of the academy, but after so many years, the academy's development has grown and has nothing to do with you."

"To be precise, since the establishment of Qiankun Academy, the tenth elder position has never played any role in these years."

Xuan Lao silent.

He knew in his mind that due to his special status, the tenth elder could not get involved in college affairs.

Even his identity is a top secret in Qiankun Academy!

Quietly, Xuan Laocai said: "Anyway, this is the rule set by the old suzerain. You and I can shed light on the dark."

"Yes, you are in the dark. Except for the elder, the other eight elders do not know your true identity."

The lord of the academy sighed and asked, "Do you want Su Zimo to accept your mantle, just like you, and you will only be able to hide everything and live in the dark?"

"He is still young. It would be too cruel to give him such a burden."

Xuan Lao was silent again, without a word.

The aristocrat of the academy said, "Worship under my door, I will teach him, protect him, and with his talents and qualifications, he will be able to make a name for himself in Jiuxiao Xianyu in the future, and he will live happily, what's wrong?"

"You have a loving heart, I can understand."

"But because of your inheritance, it would be selfish to put all the burdens that were originally on you on him."


Xuan Lao was silent for a long time, and suddenly made a strange laugh, saying: "I'm not like you, I have received six disciples! My pulse is a single pass, so I finally met a good one, I will never miss it!"

"But I have already appeared here, and just said I would accept him as a disciple. Do I have to repent in the presence of many disciples?"

The suzerain of the academy was helpless and smiled slightly.

"I do not care!"

My old eyelids rolled over.

Seeing Xuan Lao always refused to concede, the ancestor of the academy could not help but sigh softly. The depression in his eyes seemed to be a little heavier.

"Let's go, both of us take a step back."

After a while, the apostle of the academy said, "I have said that I should accept him as a disciple. Naturally it is not easy to keep his word. I can take him as a registered disciple first."

"When he enters the realm and achieves the true immortal, let him choose by himself, worship under my door, or choose to inherit your mantle?"

"Well ... it's fair."

Xuan Lao's eyes turned and he said, "This is also considered to respect his wishes, no matter who he worships, it is his own choice."

"And he is just a fairy, and his cultivation is too low. If he is pushed directly to the position of a true disciple, it may not be a good thing for him."

After a short pause, Xuan Lao said, "You accept him as a named disciple, or let him practice in the inner calendar first. If you go straight to the real pass, there are true immortals around, and his life may be difficult. "

At this moment, the tenth stage under Su Zimo's feet has been condensed and completed!

Su Zimo stood on the tenth stage, closed his eyes for a long time, and remembered the sharpening of the nine kinds of Tao and Will. The two Taos of the True Body became more perfect and indestructible!

The tenth stage was condensed, and the fighting flames of the two real bodies were also extinguished.

The tenth stage is called the martial arts stage.

Su Zimo left the two real willpower forces on it.

Anyone who has stepped onto the tenth stage must endure the impact of martial will. It is an unimaginable vast force, burning fiercely, and can burn everything!

Those who do not have a strong Taoism will step on the tenth stage, and will even set their heart on fire and burn their own Taoism!

It took a long time before Su Zimo opened his eyes slowly.

There was something strange around it.

Su Zimo felt something, looked up subconsciously, and was seeing nine old men around Daoxin Ladder, all watching him.

Eyes are cold, or kind, or friendly, or admire ...

Su Zimo's eyes quickly passed over the nine old men, and fell on the body of another Confucian man.

The eyes of the two touched slightly in the air.

There was a thunder in Su Zimo's mind, and I instantly recalled the countless strange runes that emerged on the level of wisdom.

In the eyes of the man in the robe, Su Zimo can see the deep endless starry sky, the dark and boundless deep sea, and countless astronomical calendars.

It seems that all the mysteries between heaven and earth cannot hide these eyes!

"You are fine."

The robe man spoke, his voice was low and magnetic.

Su Zimo was shocked and came to his senses.

He and the Confucian man looked at each other, and realized in his heart that the person in front of him was the ninth-order of the Debut Ladder, and the master of Qiankun Academy!

"Meet the lord."

Su Zimo bowed to salute.

Even he himself did not realize that he had condensed the tenth order of Daoxin, and even shocked the aristocracy of the academy!

"Next, you might want to change your tongue."

The aristocrat of the academy smiled slightly.


Su Zimo froze slightly.

Before he condensed the tenth order, his mind was completely immersed in it, and it was not clear what was happening outside.

The patriarch of the academy looked around and said, "You climbed to the ninth step of the Taoist Ladder, and the elders of the academy of the academy appeared at the same time and wanted to put you in the door."

"Later, you condensed the tenth order, and even I was tempted."

Speaking of this, the suzerainian of the academy smiled, and said, "However, if you cultivate in a state of inadequacy, if you directly enter your door and become a true disciple, it will be unfair to other true disciples."

"I will take you as a named disciple first. If one day, you can step into the real world and become a true immortal, and it will be too late to worship me."

After a short pause, the eyes of the patriarch of the academy seemed to pass by the elders on the altar, and said, "Of course, when you become a true immortal, if you want to worship under the door of other elders, you will follow you."

(End of this chapter)

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