Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2289: Fallen Land

Chapter 2289: Fallen Land

Tianhuangzong is growing stronger, but the upper limit is difficult to break through. There is no true immortal strongman sitting in town. Even if the area is wide and the number is large, it is just a mysterious gate.

For thousands of years, the deity of martial arts has never stopped demonstrating martial arts methods.

Qinglian Zhenshen passed many secrets, such as the Forbidden Secrets of Prajna Nirvana, which helped him a lot and felt a lot.

However, there is still a long way to go before the next method of practice can be deduced.

For thousands of years, although the Tianhuangzong was established and constantly expanding, it never encountered any old people from the Tianhuangzhang continent.

For this, the martial arts deity is not unexpected.

The magic realm is juxtaposed with the Jiuxiaoxian realm, with vast expanses.

Qinglian's real life has been soaring for many years, but she just encountered a desolate ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago. The martial arts deity is in a corner of the demon domain. It is so easy to meet the old acquaintance.

Over the years, the deity of martial arts has not consumed any cultivation resources, and the cultivation of the realm has no progress, and it is still maintained in the life cycle.

For the current martial arts deity, no Yuanling stone, Yuanling liquid is useless.

Without the next method of practice, no amount of cultivation resources will help him.

Sirius relies on the memories of previous lives, and relies on the experience of previous lives, and has a lot of cultivation resources as an aid, and the cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds!

In fact, in a sense, Sirius is also a reincarnation fairy, even stronger than the Taihua fairy and Fengyin!

The past lives of Taihua and Fengyin are just true immortals.

The previous life of Sirius was the Seven Demon King, and he followed Bo Xun Emperor. No matter his practice experience or vision, he far surpassed others!

Sirius uses the secret method to raise the body of this pair of moon-wolf Sirius by several levels, which can be described as a rebirth!

Thousands of years ago, this wolf-wolf Sirius was just a ninth-order Xuanxian cultivation.

But now, his practice has broken into Tianyuan Realm!

At such a speed, even Yun Ting is hard to reach!

Yan Beichen has "Li hate sutra" as the foundation, and she has strong hatred in her heart. She has penetrated into her bone marrow. If she practiced "Devil's Sutra", she will make great progress in the realm of magic.

Of course, Yan Beichen's cultivation is faster than improvement, but it is still better than Sirius who has the memory of previous life.

For thousands of years, Yan Beichen has cultivated to the nine-tiered earth fairy.

The speed of cultivation is also very scary!

Many of the magic skills are swords that go too far and practice very fast, but the hidden dangers are also very obvious.

Yan Beichen practiced "The Demon Scripture" because the Yuanshen was severely damaged, and it was almost exhausted, even the martial arts deity could do nothing.

The only way to save his life is to practice the "Magic Scripture".

At the time, Sirius had said that the practice of "Devil's Scripture" only temporarily suppressed the injury of Yuan Beichen from Yan Beichen and temporarily eased it.

If something goes wrong, it will break out in the future.

For thousands of years, while the Tianzhuang Sect has grown and developed, it is also constantly looking for healing elixir that can cure the Yuanshen.

However, this kind of elixir is too precious, let alone the remote corner of the demon realm, it may not be found elsewhere in the demon realm, among some huge sectarian forces.

On this day, the martial arts deity is in retreat, and suddenly there is a sound of broken clothes in the air, coming very fast!

"the host!"

Sirius's voice sounded.

The master of Martial arts sank in his heart, and heard a trace of strangeness in Sirius' voice. He foresaw that something might have happened, opened his eyes, and broke through.

"what happened?"

The martial art deity asked straightforwardly.

"Yan Beichen will not do it."

Sirius shrugged slightly, spreading his hands.

He has cultivated to this state and can completely imitate the human body.

Today, standing in front of Su Zimo is a big man with short silver hair and a fierce eyebrow.

Sirius has no feelings for Yan Beichen, but he knows that the deity of martial arts and Yan Beichen have a deep friendship, and he cannot hide this.

"Genshin's injury?"

Asked the martial art deity.

Sirius nodded: "I said long ago that practicing" Devil's Scripture "can only suppress his Yuan Shen injury at most, cannot be cured, and may erupt at any time."

"Some time ago, he retreat and practiced, preparing to impact the barriers of Tianyuan Realm. However, he did not expect that the breakthrough failed, which caused Yuanshen's injuries to erupt, and his devotion could not hold his injuries."

"Where is he?"

Asked the martial art deity.

"On the Great Hall of Heaven."

Sirius replied.

The martial art deity didn't say a word, and left directly to the Tianhuang Great Hall. It didn't take long before he arrived outside the Great Hall.

In the hall, Yan Beichen leaned on a chair, his face pale and bloodless, his eyes half open and half closed, the vitality of life in his body was weak, and he was clearly exhausted.

In addition to him in the hall, there are seven Tianxian strong men, both male and female, and cultivated to a very high level, all at the level of eighth and ninth heavens!

When these Tianxian strong men saw the arrival of the martial art deity, they were all shocked and got up quickly.

They have all heard of this fierce name.

The seven knew that Tianhuangzong was the subject of Sirius on the surface, but in fact, the real master of Tianhuangzong was the mysterious purple robe man with a silver mask!

The deity of martial arts came to Yan Beichen, exuding his senses, and searching in Yan Beichen's body, frowning under the silver mask, his face was dignified.

Yan Beichen's condition is extremely poor.

To be precise, if there is no obsessive demon spirit cultivated from the "Magic Scripture", maintaining the vitality left in Yan Beichen's body, he would have died!

"You came."

Yan Beichen seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes hard and glanced at Su Zimo. The corner of his mouth moved and he smiled strongly.


In his arms, the ferret sobbed in a low voice, very sad.

"I can't accompany you to fight anymore. The way forward can only go on your own." Yan Beichen said hard.

Just saying a word, he took a few breaks in the middle.

"Brother Yan, there must be a way to save you!"

The martial art deity turned his head to Sirius and asked, "You said that the complete practice of Emperor Xun Xun was called" Magic Buddhism Sutra. "If you find another Buddhist Sutra, will it Is his primal wound healed? "

"There is hope, it's just ..."

Sirius looked embarrassed and paused before he said, "The Emperor Bo Xun taught me the" Magic Sutra "in order to allow me to control the Moro mask. Only by obsessing can I cut off the seven emotions. I won't. "

"You won't, Bo Xun Emperor definitely will."

Budo said faintly.

"But Bo Xun Emperor has fallen for many years."

Sirius said: "Moreover, he has no disciples at all, and it is impossible for anyone in this world to understand the complete Buddhist Sutras."

"Have you said that Emperor Xun Xun fell on Pure Land of Bliss?"

Martial art deity asked again.

"Yes, that battle ..."

Sirius didn't finish talking, but suddenly he seemed to think of something. There was a scare in his eyes, and his voice trembled and asked, "You, you, you wouldn't want to go to the fall of Emperor Bo Xun Looking for the Buddhist Sutras? "

"Only then can it be possible to find complete exercises."

The martial arts shouted deeply.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Sirius shook his head again and again, and said, "This is impossible! There is no way to go there!"

"Where did he fall?"

The martial art deity asked again, his gaze was like a torch.


Sirius hesitated for a long time before slowly saying, "Abi hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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