Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2292: Carefree tree

Chapter 2292: Worry-Free Tree

King Kong Wheel Mountain!

He heard this name, and there was a ray of light in his eyes.

In this way, the Datiewei Mountain can also be called the Donkey Kong Wheel Mountain!

On the continent of heaven, there is a style in the Ming Wang Fayin, called the Diamond Seal.

It is no coincidence that these two names are exactly the same.

The origin of the Donkey Kong wheel print should come from the Donkey Kong Wheel Mountain of Bliss Pure Land!

On the back of Sirius, Yan Beichen closed his eyes tightly, mad at the hair.

There was not much vitality in his body, he was extremely weak, and after tossing through the teleportation array, he could not bear it and passed out.

The martial arts deities explored and realized that Yan Beichen's life was temporarily unaffected, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sirius stunned the drowsy Yan Beichen, followed behind the martial arts master, and walked all the way, while telling the martial arts master about a lot of information about bliss pure land.

After about an hour, a thick black line emerged from the front sky, spreading endlessly.

"That's Datieweishan."

Sirius looked at the black line of the sky and said: "To be precise, Datiewei Mountain is not like a mountain peak, but more like a mountain range of hundreds of millions of miles.

"That is to say, every creature who wants to enter the Pure Land of Pure Bliss has to cross this big iron siege."

Bliss Pure Land is juxtaposed with Jiuxiaoxian Realm and Magic Realm.

How long can this mountain be surrounded by the entire Bliss Pure Land!

It didn't take long before the deity of Martial arts came to the foot of Datiewei Mountain.

Looking in the distance, I cannot appreciate the spectacularness of this mountain.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, you can feel your smallness.

This mountain range is dark and looks very hard and endless. It is even more majestic than the Panlong Mountains on the Shenxiao continent, and it exudes a sacred majesty of the Buddhist gate!

This mountain is like a sturdy wall that guards the Elysium, resisting the defilement of countless demons, and all creatures can only reach the Pure Land of the Buddha Gate by crossing this wall.

The Master of Martial Arts suddenly raised his hand and fisted and punched in front of Datieweishan!


With this punch, the martial arts deity used Qicheng strength, and the big iron siege remained motionless.

On the surface of the peak, there is not even a trace of loose rock!

But the martial art deity felt a bit of pain in his palm.


Sirius laughed and said, "The big iron siege mountain is dense and firm, cannot be destroyed, is not rotten and not bad.

"At that time, the old master fought against the more than twenty emperors of Jiuxiaoxian Realm, Bliss Pure Land, and they couldn't shake the mountain, which shows the supreme power of this mountain!"

The Budo master stopped trying and prepared to climb.

According to the guidelines on the map, you have to cross the large iron mountain in front of you and cross a strait to see the mountain.

Ah Bi Hell is in Tiewei Mountain!

"I think of one thing."

At this moment, Sirius suddenly said: "Actually, to save Yan Beichen, it is not necessary to go under Abi Hell. Moreover, even if he obtains the complete" The Buddhist Sutra ", he may not be able to save his life . "

"In heaven, there is very little elixir that can heal the wounds of Yuanshen. There is only one Bliss Pure Land, named Wuyou Tree."

"Worry-free tree?"

The Budo master asked: "One of the three sacred trees of Buddhism?"

As for the worry-free tree, the deity of Martial arts is more familiar.

That year, Butterfly Moon took a worry-free flower at the bottom of Burial Dragon Valley and planted it in his Dantian to replace Linggen. Later, he also helped him repair Jindan and survive a catastrophe!

The legend of the three sacred trees is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures of Tianhuang.

According to legend, the Buddha was born under the tree of Sanssouci, obtained under the Bodhi tree, and nirvana under the Miluo tree.

Because of this, there is a power of "life" in the worry-free flower, which makes Su Zimo's broken Jin Dan can "resurrect from death"!

At this point, there was a clear realization in the martial arts deity, saying: "In other words, this" life "power on the worry-free tree can heal Brother Yan.

Sirius said: "To be precise, only the worry-free fruit can be. The worry-free fruit is the crystallization of the vitality of the worry-free tree, which is equivalent to a fruit of life!"

"The rest of the worry-free flowers are not good enough to treat some physical injuries, naturally."

"Where is the worry-free tree?"

Martial art deity asked again.

The Sanssouci Tree is one of the three holy trees of the Buddhist gate, and there must be countless high-ranking monks to guard it, but it is always stronger than the forbidden area that even the emperor can't keep away!

If you can't get into Abi Hell, it's best.

"Worry-free tree ... it was originally on Tiewei Mountain."

When Sirius said, he looked a little weird and paused.


The Martial Lord heard something in Sirius' words and frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Sirius said: "Wuyou Tree was originally on Tiewei Mountain, and it was not far from the entrance to Abi Hell, but the old master was also on Tiewei Mountain in a battle with Twenty Emperors. He was beaten apart. "

"Worry tree is dead?"

Asked the martial art deity.

"Yes." Sirius nodded.

A spiritual tree such as a worry-free tree is gathered together to consolidate the fortunes of one world, just like the building of heaven. At least on the pure land of pure joy, there is no second tree at all!

"After all these years, hasn't Sanssouci been reborn?"

Martial art deity asked again.

Sirius shook his head and said, "In the first war, the Sanssouci tree was shattered and broken, and vitality was cut off, and it must not be revived."

After a short pause, Sirius said, "Although the Wushou tree is dead, if you can find the scattered Wuyou fruit, you can still heal the wounds of Yan Beichen's Yuan Shen."


The martial art deity muttered silently.

Anyway, he had to go to Tiewei Mountain first.

The worry-free tree has also grown there, and there may be clues about worry-free fruit on Tiewei Mountain.

"So it is."

At the halfway point when the martial art deity climbed, he said to himself suddenly.


Sirius asked subconsciously.

The martial art deity said: "The battle between Emperor Boxun and more than 20 emperors in that year had a very large scope, and it was very possible to inadvertently open the channel of the continent of the lower world.

"So there are two great swords left behind."

"Because the worry-free tree was shattered, the worry-free flower buried at the bottom of the Dragon Valley should have fallen from Tiewei Mountain in the battle of Annihilation.

The creation of Qinglian, the only sacred object in the heavens and the earth, was supposed to be in the upper world, but it appeared in the continent, which is strange.

According to Sirius, during the First World War of Annihilation, a monk of Buddhism participated and suffered heavy casualties.

The fortune-making Qinglian is likely to be the object of a certain Buddhist monarch. This Buddhist monarch fell in that battle.

Eventually led to the creation of Qinglian, along with the two major sword tricks, Wuyou Hua, and fell on the continent.

There are so many differences between these gods and the gods on the continent, which have changed the fate of many people, such as the emperor of the Buddha and the sword emperor in ancient times ...

In this life, they have made Su Zimo's rise!

(End of this chapter)

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