Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2297: Gravekeeper

Chapter 2297 Gravekeeper

Asura was tall and burly, but now he knelt on the ground, and on his raised arms stood a seemingly small figure.

But it is this figure that trampled Ashura under his feet and couldn't lift his head!

The monks of Shura Temple widened their eyes and were horrified!

This asura was a Buddhist monk strongman, and it took great effort and energy to surrender it and guard this shura temple.

Unexpectedly, but in three or two rounds, Ashura was suppressed by this man in the purple robe and couldn't move!

Even more frightening is that this man in the purple robe is still in close combat, and the explosion of Asura is purely a confrontation between blood and flesh!

In fact, if Asura had the full force at the first moment, he might be able to hold on for a while in the hands of the martial arts deity.

Only then was his momentum captured by the martial arts deity, and he was surrendered by the martial arts deed without being completely released by brute force.

"Are there no worries in your temple?"

The deity of martial arts stepped Ashura under his feet without killing him, and asked again.

He came here only to save Yan Beichen.

With this Shura Temple in front of you, there is no deep hatred and there is no need to open a killing ring.

"The Worry-Free Tree is already broken, you are late!"

A monk sneered, "If you want a worry-free fruit, go to Abi Hell, maybe there will be!"

"Okay, I'm going to see there."

The martial arts master responded lightly.

The monk froze. He just said casually that he never thought that this man in the purple robe would go to Abi Hell.

Ah Bi Hell, do n’t say it ’s in heaven, even in the entire upper world, it ’s a fierce forbidden area, and the emperor is afraid to enter it!

Going to Abi Hell is tantamount to suicide!

Since the existence of Inferno Hell, I don't know how many powerful people want to explore the secrets of Inferno Hell, but none of the people who entered it came out alive!

Ah Bi Hell is like a bottomless black hole that can devour everything!

"what are you saying?"

The monk still couldn't believe it, and drank softly: "Do you know where Abi Hell is?"

The deity of the martial art ignored the monks of the Shura Temple. When he moved, he took the wolf toward the front, and soon disappeared into the sight of the monks.

"Brother, what should I do?"

A monk said: "The abbot Tao's heart collapsed, he had gone into a demon, and he was unconscious. Would you like to send a message to the strong man of Putuo Temple?"

"Send someone first to follow up and see where this monk in purple robes is going."

Another monk Shen said: "If he really entered Abi Hell, we don't need to bother. Anyway, if he entered Abi Hell, it would be a dead person."

"it is good!"

A monk flickered and chased in the direction of the martial arts deity.


The Shura Temple is extremely vast. The martial arts demon went all the way and walked for about a quarter of an hour before seeing the surrounding wall of the Shura Temple.

The deity of the martial arts took Sirius, was about to cross the wall and left Xiuluo Temple, but suddenly stopped his body, turned his eyes, and landed in a corner of the back yard of Xiuluo Temple.

There was an inconspicuous grave, with a shabby humble hut standing by it, crumbling.

These are nothing, the only weird thing is that an old monk is sitting on a tombstone with his back to the martial arts deity.

The old monk stooped and hunchback, shaped like a wither, slightly raised his head, two white eyebrows almost hanging on his shoulders, looking at the direction of Bliss Pure Land.

This posture of the old monk is a bit strange.

Sitting on a person's tombstone, there is some disrespect for the deceased.

What even confuses Martial arts deity is that he has clearly revealed his consciousness and searched Shura Temple up and down without realizing the existence of the old monk!

The deity of martial arts deity turned around the old monk.

It's just a low-level Xuanxian, and Shou Yuan is approaching, exuding the twilight, it's running out of time.

The martial art deity feels that this long-browed old monk is a bit special, but there are no specifics about the difference.

"Dare to ask the master's sign?"

The martial art deity descended, came to the old monk with long eyebrows, and asked slightly.

The long-browed monk slowly turned his head, glanced at the martial arts deity, and looked at the Sirius next to him. His turbid eyes could not see the slightest fluctuation and his appearance remained unchanged.

"It's nothing, just a gravekeeper."

The long-browed monk replied slightly, seemingly not interested in the martial arts deity and Sirius at all, and took a look before regaining his gaze.

"Why is there a Shura Temple here?"

Asked the martial art deity.

"Probably tens of thousands of years ago, there was some big movement over there."

The long-browed monk lifted his skinny arm and pointed a long distance. The Budo master looked at the map, and there was the direction of Abi Hell in Tiewei Mountain!

Sirius also said that tens of thousands of years ago, there seemed to be a big change in Abi Hell, which caused him and Zhending Ding to fall to the Nether at the same time.

The old monk with long eyebrows said, "After that, the monk of Pure Land built a temple here and looked at it from time to time. If there is any further movement, he can spread throughout the Pure Land as soon as possible.

Martial arts nodded secretly.

This makes sense, just watching whether there is any change in Tiewei Mountain nearby, just a Xuan-class sect is enough.

"What people are buried in these graves?"

Martial art deity asked again.

The old monk with long eyebrows said, "They are all monks sitting in the temple."

"Why is there no name on the tombstone of this grave under the master?"

"Because this person is not dead."

"Who's grave?"


Before the old monk died, he had prepared his grave and tombstone in advance.

And the long-browed monk was still sitting on his tombstone, so quiet and so calm, it seemed that he had seen everything and waited for death to come.

An unspeakable weird feeling arose in the heart of the martial arts deity.

There was a change in the clothes behind him.

The martial art demon looked slightly, and saw Sirius lower his head, biting the hem of his shirt, and was dragging gently to urge him to leave quickly.

The master of martial arts took a deep breath, said goodbye, and the old monk with long eyebrows remained motionless, not even looking at him.

The martial art deity rose into the air, and took Sirius in the direction of Tiewei Mountain.

"Do you recognize this old monk?"

Asked the martial art deity.

"do not know."

After walking far away, Sirius took a long breath, seemed relieved, and said, "But I don't know how, this old man feels very vicious and staying with him is particularly uncomfortable."

"He just glanced at me just now, my wolf's hair was all up!"

Martial arts deity does not feel this way.

And in the body of this long-browed monk, he didn't feel any hostility and murder, and his consciousness didn't have any reaction.

"This old man is so weird that he hasn't died yet, so prepare yourself a grave in advance, and don't be afraid of bad luck." Sirius muttered again.

"Gravekeeper, gravekeeper ..."

The martial arts muttered quietly, thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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