Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2304: Hell map

Chapter 2304 Hell Map

A red light burst out from the body of the martial art deity, and it became more and more fierce.

The red light touched the dark magic of him, and it instantly burned.

In an instant, the martial arts deity turned into a huge human-shaped fireball, with red flames burning on his body, burning his hair, skin, flesh, internal organs, and bones all red, crystal clear!

Karma burns!

Sirius once said that the Emperor Bo Xun had two emperor soldiers at that time, one of which was a Moro mask condensed by the seven emotions.

The other is the magic knife cast by Liuyu as a twin-Jidu knife!

There is the power of seven emotions in the Moro mask.

Only obsession can cut off the seven emotions.

The sword of Jidu contains the power of six desires.

Only the fire of Buddha's industry can burn Liuyu!

Although the master of martial arts does not know the Buddhist karma, he does know the red lotus karma.

The industry fire is the most restrained force of six desires!


Under the burning of the fire of the red lotus industry, the black magic of the martial art deity made a weird sound, billowing in smoke.

It didn't take long for these magical qi to be burned away by the fire of Red Lotus.

At the same time, there was an extra verse in the mind of the martial art deity.

He glanced around, rejoicing.

This passage records the Buddhist karma, and even the practice method of karma.

No accident, it should be the content of the Buddhist Karma!

Unexpectedly, the Buddhist scriptures were hidden in this magic knife!

At the same time, the martial art deity was also fortunate.

Fortunately, he first touched Jidudao. If Yan Beichen encountered Jidudao, the strength bred in this magic sword would be enough to destroy Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen is now seriously injured, and she doesn't know the karma. She was stunned by the sword of the sword and could not resist it.

Now, after receiving the Buddhist scriptures, the martial art deity can pass this scripture to Yan Beichen.

In this way, Yan Beichen will not bear any danger.

This should be regarded as a test left by Emperor Bo Xun.

If someone can withstand the power of the six desires in the sword of Jidu, he is qualified to accept his inheritance.

The karma fire in the martial arts demon gradually extinguished, and his eyes opened again.

The Sirius next to him was stunned.

"Are you OK?"

Sirius asked tentatively.

The Budo master shook his head slightly.

"It's abnormal!"

Sirius said secretly in his heart, "This is a sword of Jidu. The emperor of the old master, in addition to the old master, everyone else who touches the Jidu sword will be defeated by the force of six desires inside!"

"I've got the Buddhist scriptures."

The martial art deity stepped forward, hugged Yan Beichen on the back of Sirius, laid it flat on the ground, and called softly.

Yan Beichen's eyes were closed tightly.

The deity of martial arts stimulated Yan Beichen's knowledge of the sea with divine knowledge, and there was no response.

Yan Beichen's knowledge of the sea has been occupied by magic.

His primordial gods were full of rifts. Before that, he was only held by the demon spirit to temporarily stabilize the injury, but now he can't support it.

On Yan Beichen's Yuanshen, there was almost no breath of life, and the lamp was exhausted.

The martial arts deity took out a bunch of magic pills, and a brain helped Yan Beichen feed it down, constantly calling, wanting to awaken Yan Beichen.

But half an hour passed, Yan Beichen still showed no sign of waking.

"He's not done."

Sirius shook his head slightly and said, "In fact, his state is almost equal to a dead person."

"It's just that, because he practiced the Demon Scripture, he hanged his life and lives to this day."

The martial arts master clenched his fists and said nothing.

He took great risks, broke into Abi Hell, and finally got the Buddhist scriptures, but Yan Beichen couldn't wake up.

Even if there is a Buddhist scripture, what use is it?

"Bury him here."

Sirius said: "It is dead without regret to be buried in a tomb with the old master."

The martial art deity remains silent.

He looked at Yan Beichen lying on the ground, and suddenly he frowned.

There seemed to be any scratches on the ground below Yan Beichen.

The martial arts master gently moved Yan Beichen away, stared at the ground, and stared intently.

I saw the ground covered with scratches, which seemed to depict a scene.

In this space, the surrounding stone walls are dark rocks, towering steeply, and overcast, similar to the situation in Abi Hell.

In this space, there were corpses and bloodstains, and many monks were trapped in it. They shouted as if they were struggling.

Around these monks, there are a dense crowd of giant bees, and they are attacking frantically around these monks.

On the corpse next to it, some monks were stabbed with scars and wounds, and they were appalling!

The master of the martial arts turned his eyes and walked towards the side, not too far away. On the ground, he saw another picture.

In this picture, the scene is blurred and covered with dark fog.

But among those black mists, a crimson blood glow appeared, like red lanterns.

In some black fog, these "red lantern" figures completely emerged, just the **** evil dogs they encountered before in the martial arts!

Similar to the previous picture.

In this picture, there are also many monks trapped here, under the crazy attack of this group of **** evil dogs.

Some monks lay on the ground, looking pained, and their abdomen had been hollowed out by hell-dogs.

An evil **** dog bit his **** intestine in his mouth, trampled this person under his feet, his eyes were brutal.

The other monk was pulled out of the lungs in his chest by an evil **** dog, and fell to the ground with blood flowing.

This scene is completely a scene of hell, **** and brutal, I can't bear to see!

The Budo Lord continued to look around.

Not far from this picture, I saw another picture.

In this picture, the terrain is complex, with numerous ditches crisscrossing it like a huge maze.

The maze was filled with a black tide.

No accident, it should be the kind of **** ant colony!

In this picture, a group of monks are also madly attacked by the **** ant colony.

But in the blink of an eye, **** ants swarmed around, these monks were left with only bones!

Martial arts master stood up and exhaled softly.

He found that the positions of the three pictures are somewhat unique, and they form a circle around the bones of the Emperor Po Xun.

The deity of martial arts surrounds the bones of Emperor Bo Xun, and continues to search around him.

Sure enough, another picture was seen behind the picture of the **** ant colony.

In this picture, there is still a gloomy scene of hell.

A group of monks inside were attacked by a purple slender creature.

This creature, like some kind of snake family, is as thin as a cow's hair, purple all over the body, and pervasive.

These monks couldn't resist at all, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and even pores on their bodies would be penetrated by these purple long snakes!

The martial art deity revolves around the bones of Emperor Bo Xun, and continues to watch.

It didn't take long to go around.

A total of sixteen **** maps!

(End of this chapter)

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