Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2308: misfortune

Chapter 2308: Incident

Emperor Bo Xun stretched out his skinny palm, and made a light stroke in front of him, cracking a dark and deep gap, and there was a gust of wind inside.

"Space tunnel?"

The martial arts muttered quietly.

Emperor Xun Xun said: "This type of space tunnel can only pass through Abi Hell, and cannot directly leave the area of ​​this prison."

"If Zhending Ding is still there, Ah Bi Hell is not vulnerable, and I have no chance to open the space tunnel."

After speaking, Emperor Bo Xun stepped into the space tunnel first, his body disappeared.

Sirius looked at the martial arts deity. Although he did not dare to speak, he gave him a careful look again, and then followed him into the space tunnel.

Even without the Sirius reminder, the martial arts master also felt that after Emperor Xun Bei had instilled Yan Beichen's teachings, he became significantly different from before.

But at this time, the martial art deity did not retreat, groaned a little, and also entered the space tunnel.

After a short while, Emperor Bo Xun, Martial Art Deity, Sirius, and Yan Beichen once again left the space tunnel and came to another space.

Immediately after he appeared, the martial arts master felt a strong feeling of palpitations, and the heart beat uncontrollably.

As if there is a bottomless abyss underneath, you will fall into it a little accidentally.

The Martial Lord even felt that breathing had become a bit difficult.

This feeling is even worse than when he entered Ah Bi Hell!

He looked down subconsciously.

I saw a huge vortex hovering not far below him, dark as ink, like a portal that could devour all living beings, and lay there.

This portal has a magical magic that seems to be constantly summoning the martial arts deities and wants to drag him into it!

The martial arts deity just glanced at it and felt that his primordial **** was going to be swallowed up by this portal!

"This is the door of Nose."

The voice of Emperor Xun Xun came, and his tone had become somewhat murky. "Entering this portal is the real Abi Hell!"

The martial arts dedication strives to calm down the mind, and protects himself as much as possible from this Abi gate.

The Abi Great Hell was transformed by the body of the Great Emperor, and the master of Buddhism meditated the Prajna Nirvana. The influence of the Abi gate on him really reduced a lot.

On the other side, under the call of Abi's Gate, Emperor Bo Xun was obviously greatly affected!

In the eyes, black gas surged.

With a thin face, occasionally there is a treasured majestic Buddha image, and occasionally a ferocious demon!

The phases of the Buddha and the Demon alternate, seemingly in conflict within him!

"Old master, why don't we go out or leave here quickly."

Seeing this scene, Sirius was frightened and couldn't help urging.

The half face of Bo Xun Emperor seems to be plated with golden light on the Buddha's door, and the black gas surging and changing on the other half's face is horrifying!

Emperor Xun Xun waved his robe sleeves, hit a passage above his head, and suddenly poured into the endless vitality of the world, a touch of warmth, and a touch of sunlight also came in.

This passage leads to the outside of Abi Hell!

Sirius' eyes are wide!

At this moment, the golden half of Bo Xun Emperor's golden face had completely turned into black, his eyes were black, and his eyes were clear.

"Qiqing, you just called my old master?"

With the cold murderous voice, the sound of Emperor Xun Xun sounded slowly: "You dare to betray me!"

"Run away!"

Sirius screamed, holding Yan Beichen, galloping towards the passage above his head.

The Budo master also realized what happened.

Emperor Bo Xun and his demon are in the same small hell. In the small **** just before, the reason why Bo Xun Emperor shot and rescued Yan Beichen looks like a kind-hearted, broad-hearted elder senior because it was only the Buddha that was revealed Sex.

When Emperor Bo Xun passed the "Buddhism Sutra" initiation to Yan Beichen, the magic of his body gradually emerged and prevailed.

But at this time, the magic of Bo Xun Emperor had not been fully manifested.

When they came to the top of Abi's Gate, Bo Xun Emperor was stimulated by the Abi's Gate, and the magic in his body was completely inspired and occupied the leading position!

The magic wave Xun will never tolerate Sirius betrayal!

Budo is the new owner of Sirius.

The demon wave will not tolerate the existence of martial arts deity!

Almost at the same time as Sirius screamed, the martial arts departed at the same time and galloped away along that passage.

"Want to escape?"

Bo Xun Emperor was surrounded by dark air, suddenly extended his big hand, shrouded in the direction of the martial arts deity and Sirius!

Change comes without warning!

Moreover, this change is enough to make Buddhism deity, Sirius, and Yan Beichen buried here!

The power of the Emperor and the Emperor, they can't resist it!

At this moment, the void next to it suddenly cracked, a golden Buddha light emerged, dazzling, and fell directly in the hands of the Emperor Bo Xun!


The entire arm of Bo Xun Emperor was directly cut off.

But there was no blood at the wound of the arm.

Black gas surged, the broken arm was shrouded in magic, and in a flash, a brand new arm was born!

Martial arts deity has no time to think about what the golden Buddha light is and where it comes from.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, the princes of martial arts and Sirius ran all the way and escaped very far. The closer they got to the exit of the passage, the stronger the vitality of heaven and earth became.


Bo Xun Emperor snorted coldly: "After so many years of death, my soul is still there!"

With the thought of the Emperor Xun Xun, this passageway in the air quickly closed, and the light emerging from the entranceway of the passageway also quickly dimmed.

The closure of the passage means that the martial arts deity, Sirius, and Yan Beichen will fall into this dark and horrifying Abi hell.

That golden Buddha light reappeared, around the entrance of the passage, struggling to support it.

Under the powerful thoughts of Emperor Xun Xun, the channel exit is still closed, but the speed has slowed down a lot!

"Quick, quick!"

Sirius hurriedly rushed to escape.

Po Xun Emperor looked cold and coldly, "Ananda, you can't stop me at all, just a remnant of your soul! No one can leave anyone I want to stay!"

Emperor Bo Xun took a swift breath, like a whale swallowing a drink, and a steady stream of magic poured into his mouth!

The martial arts deity and Sirius suddenly felt a powerful suction force, dragged their bodies, and quickly fell!

Seeing that the exit of the channel was right in front of them, but how they struggled, they couldn't rush out.

The martial art master snarled, and suddenly operated the secret method. Nine purple halos screamed out behind him, condensing countless mysterious runes!

The Emperor Xun Xun opened the passage between Abi Hell and the outside world, and the vitality of the world poured in, allowing the martial arts deity to restore its combat power.

At the same time, the martial arts demonstrating the blood veins to the limit and directly releasing the bleeding vein vision-the melting pot of heaven and earth!

Nine life wheels, plus heaven and earth melting furnace released at the same time!

The martial arts master knew his own strength, and was totally vulnerable in front of Emperor Bo Xun.

He just hopes that by releasing these means, he can resist a little, even if only for a moment!

Offering these means, the martial arts deity and Sirius are closer to the exit of the channel, only one step away!

But in this step, how could the Martial arts deity and Sirius not step forward!

(End of this chapter)

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