Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2316: Opportunity to leave

Chapter 2316: Opportunity To Leave

The Martial arts master figured this out, but felt that the martial arts front no longer seemed confused.

Behind the heavy mist, a bright light shines through his heart!

Without him, how to urge, the fragments of the nine life wheels are automated into the mysterious mysterious runes, condensing the will of martial arts, the method of martial arts, circulating in the body, wrapped around each bone.

The bones of the martial arts body are soaked in these mysterious purple runes.

I don't know how long after that, a mysterious pattern gradually appeared on these bones, it seems to be imprinted on it.

At first, it was only a shallow layer, but as time went on, the runes on each bone became more and more clear, and it seemed to have been deeply engraved into it, blending with the bone and difficult to erase!

During this long process, the pain in Ah Bi Great Hell continues to torture the martial arts deity.

He would still be tormented by this pain.

But every time he wakes up, the deity of martial arts will be uplifted, enduring endless pain, and continue to imprint runes on his own bones, casting the Tao body.

This is his Word.

No matter how much suffering he suffers, he must continue to go on!

If this kind of pain in Abi Great Hell is inflicted on others, no matter what the other party ’s behavior is, it will already be distracted and the mind will collapse.

While in the Abi Great Hell, the deity of martial arts, under the circumstances of desperation, endured tremendous suffering, perfected martial arts, and created the next realm!

The martial art deity can not feel the passage of time, and there is no one or any sound around him.

He just continuously casts and polishes the Tao.

Finally, at a certain moment, all the runes in the nine life wheels and all the will of martial arts have all been printed on the bones of the martial art deity!

At this moment, the martial arts master feels like he has broken a bottleneck, a barrier, and has reached another level!

The martial arts body has just begun.

The martial arts deity has entered the real martial arts realm!

Normally, no matter how immortal, magic, or monks of Buddhism, when they step into the realm, they will cause the advent of heaven.

Fifty-nine days robbery is the lowest, and ninety-nine days robbery is the highest.

Although martial arts has a different path, which is completely different from the fairy Buddha and demon, this step of martial art deity also breaks some kind of imprisonment barriers.

Normally, it will also lead to the coming of heaven.

But the martial arts deity waited for a long time, and did not feel any breath of heaven.

There is only one possibility. This Abi **** can even isolate the sense of Tianjie!

The martial art deity looked inwardly, and saw that each rune was flashing purple halo on his bones, and the surface of each bone was burning with a fine purple flame!

These purple flames continue to temper his physical body, baptize his blood vessels, and burn all the impurities in the blood veins.

When blood, flesh and viscera are all baptized by this purple flame, it means that the true martial arts body is complete!

By then, every inch of his flesh, every drop of blood, or even a hair on his body, will contain the horrible will of martial arts!

Raise your hand to throw your feet and shake the world!

This true martial arts body will be invincible, pushing all the true strongmen across!

The Martial arts master thought of this place, his heart was a little excited, but then he calmed down again.

What if the real world is invincible?

He was trapped in Abi Hell and couldn't get out.

Terrorist strong men like Bo Xunjun, who can escape from Abi little hell, dare not step into this place.

Even if he promotes martial arts, and even the next realm of martial arts, what can he do?

He can only be here, and endlessly endure pain and torture, until Shou Yuan is exhausted.

The Master of Martial Arts suddenly smiled.

Even so, he will not give up.

Now that he is trapped here, he uses the rest of his time to continue demonstrating martial arts.

Because he knew that if possible, he might still have a chance to leave this place!

The Martial Lord does not know when it will be, he can only wait patiently ...


Time flies, in an instant, thousands of years have passed since the 10,000-year conference.

Zixuan fairyland, the palace library.

A woman with a light makeup on the top of the building lay half-on-half on a bamboo chair, with green silk **** with a ribbon, and hung on the back.

Su Yi woman held an old book in her hand, and watched it intently.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs.

Immediately afterwards, a maid-like woman came up, came to the woman in Su Yi, made a pot of tea for her, and then said softly, "Country master, rest."

After a while, the woman in Suyi seemed to shake her head, um, slowly got up, took a sip of tea, her eyes did not leave the ancient books in her hand, and asked casually: "What's going on outside this time?"

"I heard that something happened at Bliss Pure Land."

The maid vomited her tongue, and said sternly.


Su Yi women still did not look up.

Her maid likes to be surprised at first, something is a big thing.

The maid continued, "I heard that Emperor Bo Xun escaped from infernal hell, was born again, and came to heaven!"

After hearing the words of Bo Xun Emperor, the Su Yi woman slightly changed color, lightly glanced at Emei, raised her head, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on, explain in detail."

The maid said: "It was probably about a thousand years ago. A group of people came from Moyu, broke through the large iron fence and broke into Abi Hell."

"It didn't take long for only one of these men to escape from Abi Hell, and the rest died in Abi Hell!"

Su Yi woman frowned, and said, "How is this possible? Who can escape from Abi Hell? What kind of cultivation is this Sirius?"

"It is said to be just heaven."

Maid Road.

Su Yi woman frowned.

The news came from Bliss Pure Land, and after many transmissions, many details may be biased, but generally should not be wrong.

"You continue to say."

Su Yi woman said.

The maid said: "Later, it was Emperor Xun Xun who escaped from Abi Hell. At that time, the five kings of Nanzhanbu Island were shocked. As a result, Emperor Xun Xun killed four and was seriously injured."

"The Shura Temple on Datiewei Mountain has been reduced to ruins, and the monks are dead."

After a pause, the maid said mysteriously, "I heard people said that the group who first entered the Abi Hell was the subordinates of the Emperor Bo Xun. This time he broke into the Abi Hell and untied the seal of the Bo Xun Emperor Let this demon escape! "

Su Yi woman shook her head slightly.

Most of these speculations were contrived by good people, and they were not allowed to do so.

But this news is indeed shocking enough!

"and after?"

Su Yi woman asked again.

The maid said: "Later, this incident shocked the emperor and strong man in the pure land of Buddhism. I heard that he had also fought against Bo Xun Emperor.

"I also heard that Emperor Xun Xun rushed out of Abi Hell, which also caused cracks in Abi Hell, and he was no longer able to trap people."

"A lot of monks are going to Ah Bi Hell recently. If you want to go in and have a look, you have some chance."

(End of this chapter)

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