Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2350: one flower one World

Chapter 2350: One Flower One World

Su Zimo stepped forward and put several worry-free fruits and this broken worry-free tree trunk in separate storage bags and kept them.

If such a stout trunk can absorb all the refining and refinement, the eleventh green lotus is expected to achieve great success, and the state of cultivation will also leap forward!

However, Su Zimo has no plan to do so for the time being.

Although this worry-free tree trunk has no vitality and is in ruins, it is generally intact and its branches are all there.

Su Zimo has a bold idea in mind. If this worry-free tree can be resurrected, it will create greater and greater value!

Of course, this possibility is very small.

If it is unsuccessful, Su Zimo can accept it. At that time, the worry-free trunk will be absorbed and refined.

Su Zimo walked around while patrolling nearby.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the fingertips of Ananda Emperor, and he gradually fixed his eyes.

Ananda emperor's finger, holding a carefree flower.

This worry-free flower has long been withered, but Su Zimo condensed and found that there is another world in this worry-free flower, as if it contains a vast and boundless world!

Su Zimo looked at the worry-free flower, and his mind was immersed in it.

This world looks familiar, with nine mountains and four seas and four continents.

The edge of this world is surrounded by a dark mountain range. Zhou Zazau is like a wheel. When Su Zimo saw this mountain range, the first reaction in his mind was Datiewei Mountain!

This world is a pure land of bliss!

Datiewei Mountain, also known as the Donkey Konglun Mountain.

This mountain range is too long and almost endless. It encloses the entire Bliss Pure Land, forming a clear boundary.

Although Su Zimo approached this mountain, he could not see the whole picture of this mountain.

Today, Su Zimo's heart is immersed in this worry-free flower, as if he had become a spectator, came to the sky above Bliss Pure Land and looked down.

He can see the whole picture of Mount Donkey Kong!

A wonderful feeling gradually wandered in Su Zimo's mind.

In the Nether World, he practiced a method of India, known as the Donkey Kong Wheel Seal.

After soaring, although this French seal can also be released with the strength of the heavens and the earth, its power is unremarkable.

Therefore, Su Zimo hardly used this seal.

But at this moment, he saw the Donkey Kong Wheel Mountain with his own eyes and felt something, and gradually realized the deeper meaning and true meaning of the Donkey Kong Wheel print!

The existence of the Donkey Kong Wheel Mountain is a natural barrier for Bliss Pure Land, indestructible!

This is true whether it is King Kong Lunshan or Greater King Kong Lunshan.

Even when the battle against Bo Xun Emperor was fought that year, and even more than 20 emperors shot, even the carefree trees were fragmented and broken, and they could not break the Donkey Kong Wheel!

The release of this seal of law is to be indestructible and unshakable!

At the same time, Su Zimo's heart glowed with a hint of understanding.

Emperor Ananda hid his way in this carefree flower world and passed it on!

This process of spreading the law is quite mysterious.

Normally, even if Su Zimo had cultivated to the true immortal, he could not see the whole picture of Mount Donkey Kong.

Because the territory of Bliss Pure Land is too vast, the eyes of the true immortal can not see the Diamond King Mountain.

Therefore, Su Zimo had no chance to understand the essence of this Donkey Kong wheel print.

However, Emperor Ananda concealed the Donkey Kong Rinshan, and even the entire bliss pure land, in the worry-free flower, which has quite the mysterious meaning of mustard Nasu.

Su Zimo looked at the Donkey Kong wheel in the worry-free flower, squeezed out the Donkey Kong wheel print, and repeatedly figured out the ‘indestructible, unshakable’ mood, completely immersed in it, and had forgotten where he was.

When the two fairies saw this scene, they both showed surprise.

I saw Emperor Ananda's eyebrows. At first there were only two golden lights, which were submerged into the body of Mingzheng and Martial arts deities.

But now, the fingertips of Emperor Ananda, and the withered carefree flower, even separated a golden light into the body of Su Zimo!

"this is……"

Mo Qing looked confused.

Yunzhu said: "Su Daoyou is really great. He is also recognized by Emperor Ananda and is accepting the inheritance of Taoism!"

"Moreover, this dharma inheritance comes from that worry-free flower, which seems to be different from the two who are Huang Wu and Mingzhen."

I don't know how long, Su Zimo has been able to grasp the essence of the Donkey Kong wheel print, and then stopped to realize.

However, his mind still has not withdrawn from the worry-free flower, and continues to search inside.

Soon, his eyes fell on the center of Bliss Pure Land.

There stands a tall and majestic mountain peak, with a magnificent atmosphere, exuding an extremely heavy sense of oppression, suffocating.


The center of Bliss Pure Land!

The moment he saw Mount Xu Mi, Su Zimo knew that the seal of Mount Xu Mi that he had comprehended in the Nether Realm was too obvious.

The seal of Osuyama that he once condensed is just in shape, there is no charm of this mountain at all!

Only by seeing this legendary Buddhist sacred mountain can you comprehend the essence of the Osuyama Seal!

If you say, the essence of Donkey Kong wheel printing can be called 'Jian'.

Then, the essence of Osuyamazan Seal can be called 'heavy'.

Thick and majestic, magnificent!

Between heaven and earth, and throughout the Upper Realm, this Xumi Mountain is the heaviest mountain peak!

Su Zimo's law and seal changed, and began to evolve the Osu mountain seal, learning about the Taoist method in which Ananda Emperor remained in the worry-free flower.

Over time, Su Zimo gradually realized.

He exhaled a long breath and his mind retreated from the carefree flowers.

At this moment, the worry-free flower in the hands of Emperor Ananda quietly collapsed, turning into a little dust, floating in the air, and dying with the wind.

"The Buddhism has a cloud and a world of flowers. I didn't expect to be lucky to see it today. Thank you for predecessors."

Su Zimo sighed in his heart and worshiped deeply towards Emperor Ananda.

At the same time, the golden light between Emperor Ananda and Mingzheng and Martial arts gradually dimmed and eventually disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the body of Emperor Ananda, under the watchful eyes of a few people, collapsed a little and disappeared into the void!

The blood and body of Ananda Emperor can be preserved so well, and it is completely maintained by virtue.

Now that his ministry is over, the skin is gone.

Mingzhen bowed in front of Ananda Emperor, and bowed three heads respectfully.

When Ananda Emperor sat down, there was still a drop magic pestle.

Even after so many years in the past, there is still a faint golden light on this falling magic pestle.

On top of the magic pestle, the word 'Happy' is printed.

This is Emperor Ananda's destiny!

Ananda is the Sanskrit word, and free translation is joy and celebration.

Obviously look at the martial arts deity.

The master of martial arts shook his head slightly and said, "You can take it, I can't use it. You inherit the Ananda Monarchy, and you have the Tibetan Bodhisattva, and only you can exert the true power of this emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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