Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2453: Kendo first person

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Su Zimo crossed Yun Ting's message and his eyes fell to the fourth place in the forecast list.

"Name: Lie Xuan."

"Realm: Ninth Order Heavenly Immortals."

"Identity: The reincarnated immortal of the Yanyang Fairyland.

This identity is not much, but there are dozens of records, no losses!

More importantly, Shenxiao Palace highly praised this person: "Before reincarnation, he won the first place in the sky list and the second in the real list!"

"It is rumored that Xianguo's top practice "Yanyang Day Nikkei" has been cultivated to its peak. No one can force him to use his full strength since the shot, and the combat power is unpredictable!

Su Zimo once played hands with reincarnated immortals and knew the power of these reincarnated immortals.

Compared with ordinary monks, cultivation as a state may be similar.

Can reincarnate immortal two to be a person, two life practice, eyesight, experience, insight, situation judgment, combat skills... all kinds of things, beyond the ordinary monks too much.

Although the two reincarnated true immortals of Taihua and Fengyin were killed and injured one after another in the battle for the earth list, it was not easy for Su Zimo to win.

Moreover, he was an eighth-order earth immortal, only a small distance away from the two reincarnated immortals.

In the face of reincarnated immortals, there is too much difference between the realms, and there is almost no chance to win!

In fact, reincarnated immortals have always been invincible of the same rank.

In the last battle of the earth list, the two reincarnation immortals lost the hands of a younger generation one after another, which also surprised the entire Shenxiao immortal domain.

Su Zimo finished looking at the fourth place in the forecast list before looking at Yun Ting in third place.

"Name: Yun Ting."

"Realm: Eighth-order Heavenly Immortals, it is expected to reach the nineth-order Heavenly Immortals before the Shenxiao Conference!"

"Identity: King of Zixuan Xianguo County, heir to the sword sword, heir to the five elements sword, heir to the three swords, heir to the four elephants, heir to the heart, heir to the sword, heir to the sword of the thunder..."

Su Zimo grinned slightly.

This is the first person in Kendo who is hailed as the younger generation in the realm of heaven. With these identities alone, there are more than ten!

You have to know that each of these identities means a chance encounter, and you don’t know what you are going through to get this kind of inheritance and get these recognitions.

What is more terrible is that the inheritance Yun Ting received is all the swordsmanship!

This means that whenever he encounters any chance encounters, these ancestors of kendo, ancient heritage, all recognize his qualifications and choose him as his inheritor!

Yun Ting's talent in Kendo can be regarded as the ancient and modern!

Behind the identity is the record.

"Oh! Good fellow!"

Su Zimo glanced at it and couldn't help but sigh.

The content recorded on the record is dense and dense, with tens of thousands of words. It occupies the largest space on this prediction list. More than one hundred battles are all won!

After the record, Shenxiao Palace evaluated him even more than the first two reincarnated immortals!

There is a speculation that if Yun Ting breaks through to the ninth order heavenly immortal, the combat power will be above Qin Gu, Zong Feiyu and Lie Xuan.

If you are competing in the top list, there will be no errors in the battle, you will be able to become the top of the top list this time!

Su Zimo smiled and did not comment.

It has been many years since the last time the two met.

He did not have any confidence in letting him face the current Yun Ting.

Su Zimo continued to watch it.

The top ten of this prediction list are all the descendants of the three immortals and the four immortals.

From this point of view, the seven celestial forces of Shenxiao Immortal Realm are indeed well-known.

In the top ten of the list, Su Zimo also saw a familiar name.

Fang Qingyun.

This is also the only Celestial Immortal in the Qiankun Academy.

Su Zimo casually glanced at the information about Fang Qingyun.

Compared with the top four, Fang Qingyun's identity, record and evaluation are poor, and there are not many bright spots. It is not surprising that he is ranked tenth.

Su Zimo pouted, saying: "Fang Qingyun is known as the first fairy of the academy, and the ranking on this forecast list is average."

Liu Ping knew the grievance between Fang Qingyun and Su Zimo.

When Su Zimo was still outside, he had a conflict with some people headed by Fang Qingyun.

However, after Su Zimo founded the tenth stage of Tao Xin Lai, and was accepted as a registered disciple by the patriarch of the academy, his status rose sharply, so there was no head-on conflict between the two.

Liu Ping did not know that when Yang Ruo was seriously injured, there was Fang Qingyun's plan behind him.

Fang Qingyun even had to use Yang Ruoxu's injury to transfer Su Zimo away from Qiankun Academy, and then round him up!

However, the group of people was killed by Su Zimo afterwards. Even Tang Peng under Fang Qingyun died in Su Zimo's hands.

Liu Ping thought for a while and said, "This is just a prediction list. Brother Fang's true ranking may be higher."

Liu Ping actually wants to remind Su Zimo that his cultivation practice is not enough, and it is not appropriate to have a conflict with Fang Qingyun.

Su Zimo didn't say a word and probably browsed the entire list.

In addition to Yun Ting and Fang Qingyun, in this 100-person forecast list, I really saw several familiar titles.

Yan Bingying, known as the first beauty of the inner gate of the college, once admired Fang Qingyun.

It is said that over the years, for some reason, the two have gradually become estranged, not as close as they used to be.

Yan Bingying ranked 43rd in the forecast list, and his combat effectiveness is not weak.

The 98th place in the prediction list, the king of Yuanzuo!

Su Zimo sneered when he saw the name, and the Yuanzuo County King really had some means to rank in the prediction list!

"Son, I also read this list."

Tao Yao suddenly said, very seriously, "I feel that this list is not accurate at all."


Su Zimo asked with a smile.

"There is no son's name on it!" Tao Yao said reasonably.

Su Zimo laughed dumbly.

Liu Ping rolled his eyes at the side and said, "Peach, you don't understand. Brother's cultivation speed is very fast, but this forecast list is competing for various factors such as combat effectiveness and record."

"Senior Brother just broke through to Tier 6 Celestial Immortals, how could it be included in this prediction list."

Tao Yao frowned and said, "How can't it be? There is a thousand years before the Shenxiao Conference!"

"Even if the remaining millennium remains, what chance did Brother get to break through again and reach the seventh order of heaven, it is difficult to enter this list!"

Liu Ping's bitter mother-in-law explained: "Brother Brother's cultivation is the realm, and there is too much difference. You see the king of Yunting County is only a small realm away from the ninth-order Celestial Immortal.

"Don't say it's a brother, even if Yunting County King is in the sixth order of heaven, it is estimated that he will not be included in this prediction list."

"Furthermore, Senior Brother has no well-known record."

Tao Yao looked puzzled and said, "Did you not tell me that the son at the Ten Thousand Years Conference, pushed all the way, lost two reincarnation fairies in a row, and won the top spot?"

Liu Pingdao: "This is the battle of the heavens list, don't look at the record of Dixian. The record on this list, but these Tianjiao are all fighting after being promoted to Tianxian."

Speaking of which, Liu Ping suddenly felt a bit extinguished his own prestige, and quickly said: "Brother, I believe you! Wait another 100,000 years, the next battle of the heavens list, you can definitely enter the top ten of the heavens list!"

Su Zimo smiled and did not refute.

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