Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2460: Retired?

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"not good!"

Mo Qing sinks in his heart.

Over the years, she has browsed a lot of information in the realm world, and naturally heard of the "Shadowless Sword" method!

There is absolutely no shadow. The most prestigious assassin in the world, who has leapfrogged and killed many powerful true immortals, has a great reputation in Jiuxiao immortal territory and even the entire heavenly realm.

His combat strength may not be among the best in the real fairy, but even the strongest in the real fairy list is extremely daunting to him.

There were only two true immortals in the academy present, she and Yang Ruoxu.

Mo Qing believed that No Shadow would not dare to hurt her life.

There is only one target that has no shadow.

Yang Ruoxu!

The assassin of the True Immortal in the Dongxu Period has assassinated a True Immortal in the Normalized Period. There is almost no suspense. Yang Ruoxu will die!

These thoughts flashed in Mo Qing's mind between electro-optical flint.

Without hesitation, she immediately offered an old picture scroll and threw it in the direction of Yang Ruoxu.

This is the treasure she got in Abi Hell, a ghost, a ghost and a devil!

No shadow assassination, silent, no trace.

If she waited until she noticed, she would definitely be too late.

Mo Qing has to prejudge in advance and make a choice!

Immortal demon figure unfolded instantly, surrounded Yang Ruoxu in it, there were four figures on the scroll, three of them were dim, the lines were blurred, and they could not be seen as real.

But one of the figures, blonde, has a golden light shining all over him, blood is surging, and his eyes are like a torch, lifelike!

Although it is only a figure on the scroll, it exudes infinite coercion!


Many real immortal strongmen saw this figure, their expressions changed, and they exclaimed.

The characteristics of the Protoss are extremely obvious and can be recognized at a glance.

Many true immortals even suspected that if someone approached, threatening Yang Ruoxu, the Protoss on this picture would run out directly, killing all threats!

At the beginning of Abi hell, a bone demon of Bai Guguan just looked at the **** on the figure of the ghost, the devil, and he was blind on the spot.

The strength of this **** is evident!

Over the years, Mo Qing has comprehended the gods, ghosts, and deities, but only understood the gods. There are ghosts, immortals, and ghosts in the back.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly there was a chuckle in the air, full of ridicule and mockery.

This is a shadowless laugh.

Moreover, he has disappeared in place!

The most terrifying assassin in this world has already shot!

However, there is no movement around Yang Ruoxu's ghost, ghost and devil figure, and the above idols have no counterattack.

Mo Qing suddenly thought of a possibility, his heart gradually sinking into the bottom, and his face was bloodless!

The goal of absolutely no shadow may not be Yang Ruoxu, but...

Su Zimo!

"I heard that this son was incompatible with the king of Yuanzuo County and offended Mengyao County Master. Today I slaughtered him as a gift for Mengyao County Master!"

The sound of no shadow sounded, and his assassination had already fallen on Su Zimo!

No one thought that there would be no action against Su Zimo.

For a time, Su Zimo was just a fairy.

A famous powerhouse such as Wuwuying, assassinating a fairy, is like killing a chicken with a knife. It is completely unnecessary to use big things.

Secondly, Mo Qing beheaded a true immortal strongman in the fairy kingdom of Dajin.

Therefore, when Wu Wuying said that Qiankun Academy would have to pay for his life alone, everyone would subconsciously think that Wuwuying would also assassinate the true fairy of a college.

Only then will the two parties be considered equal.

But the assassin's behavior could not have been pacified by common sense, and the way of assassination was unpredictable.

The more unexpected, the higher the assassination success rate!

"Zimo be careful!"

The first reaction came from the burial night.

The same assassin, the shadowless way of assassination, was taught by Zhenye Zhenxian, and he could naturally perceive what Wuwuying thought.

But he was seriously injured and had run out of lights, let alone help, even the response was much slower.

Even, the reaction is slower than Su Zimo!

Because, when there is absolutely no shadow to be shot, Su Zimo's spiritual consciousness suddenly warned madly.

He sensed a strong sense of crisis, and death was so strong that he almost suffocated!

This is perhaps the biggest danger he has encountered since he ascended to the upper realm!

Assassination from the top true fairy strong!

too fast!

Su Zimo can't see the figure without a shadow, let alone the direction and trajectory of his shot.

But he knew that No Shadow had already shot.

More importantly, although Yang Ruoxu and Sister Mo Qing are both present, no one can help him.

When the two people reacted, I'm afraid he has become a dead body!


His figure and vitality have been completely locked by the shadowless, and under the pressure of the true immortal strongman, he cannot move at all.

The release speed of True Dragon Nine Flashes is one point slower than that of Teleport, which is too late!

Not even the nine dragons of the true dragon can do it. With all the supernatural powers such as the wings of the wing, the wings of the Dapeng, the golden light of the ground, it is even too late.

Before he released all these magical powers, he would have killed him without a shadow!

Even if he wanted to abandon this Qinglian true body, Yuanshen was out of his mind, but it was almost a shadowless sword!

In the final analysis, it is still a huge difference between the strengths of the two sides. Many of his cards are almost reduced to decoration in front of absolute strength.

What's more, for top assassins like No Shadow, once they have shot, they will do their best!

He doesn't have a slight contempt for his opponent's weakness.

Therefore, as soon as Wu Wuying shot, he completely cut off all the retreats of Su Zimo!

He will kill in one blow!


Under everyone's attention, Su Zimo's eyebrows were pierced by a sword!

The figure without a shadow suddenly appeared.

"It's over!"

Yang Ruoxi was shocked, clenched his fists, and looked sad.

too fast!

The whole process is slow to speak, but in fact it was only for a moment, but everyone moved, and the sword without a shadow, already penetrated Su Zimo's head!

Mo Qing looked dark.

There will be no miracles in the world.

Since Wu Wuying has shot, he will surely block all vitality of Su Zimo.

If you want to survive, you must first notice the inevitable killing in advance, you must also judge the direction of this sword, and you must be able to get rid of this sword...

All these things, not to mention Celestial Immortals, can't be done even by the True Immortal Powerful!

No shadow sword, no shadow, no sound.

Even she can only barely catch a trace of nothing.

In other words, if this sword of Wuwuying was shot against her, she could not guarantee that she would be able to retreat!

But Mo Qing's thoughts just flashed, and he suddenly frowned lightly, and noticed something strange.

This sword pierced Su Zimo's head, there was no trace of blood?

On the battlefield, some unexpected variables seem to have occurred!


Su Zimo's body suddenly burst, without any flesh and blood. This body turned into a blue ray of light and dissipated in the world.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo's figure suddenly appeared beside Mo Qing!

Although he looks pale and seems terrified, his life is strong and intact!

Su Zimo didn't die?

Was he born from the shadowless sword?

All eyes widened, shocked!

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