Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2500: The fourth secret

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Of course, this feeling is not obvious, almost imperceptible, and Su Zimo is not sure.

This change does not seem to be caused by Qinglian's body.

If you encounter a force that can be swallowed and absorbed, like some fairy grass and spirit trees, Qinglian will have some more obvious reactions.

But on the battlefield of Shura, Qinglian was very quiet.

This kind of blood-smelling gas can block the six-tooth idol and the golden-winged Dapeng, but it can't seal the true dragon nine flashes, Tianyi true water and Nanming away from the fire. The reason can of course be that these three secret methods are all inherited from the town. Yuding.

But there can be another explanation, that is, these three secret methods come from the three holy beasts!

Su Zimo moved his heart, his eyes bright.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

This blood evil spirit may be related to the holy beast White Tiger!

Only in this way, can this kind of blood evil spirit ban the power of most monster monsters!

According to legend, the four sacred beasts are the ancestors of the dragon, phoenix, tiger, and tortoise. They were born in chaos and rule thousands of souls!

In the bloodline, the holy beast has to press the taboo!

When I was on the Longyuan Star, the Blue Dragon Sacred Soul on the Prison awakened. Among the Suzi Mo Yuanshen, the part of the Dragon Phoenix Yuanshen felt the horror of being suppressed, showing the four holy beasts!

If the blood evil spirits in the battlefield of Asura originated from the holy beast White Tiger, then many things can be explained.

The white tiger is located in the west, killing the felling, and comes with his own spirit.

And this kind of evil spirit contains all kinds of emotions such as killing, violent, and brutal. If the monk's heart is unstable, he will naturally be invaded by this evil spirit and lose his reason.

The asuras, yakshas, ​​and various monsters in the battlefield are also dominated by this evil spirit, only knowing the killing, so they will attack the Suzimo and others crazy.

There is a more important point.

His flesh and blood can absorb the blood of the evil spirit in the battlefield, not because of Qinglian's real body, but most likely because of the secret method on the fourth wall of the prison prison tripod!

This secret method is inherited from the White Tiger Holy Soul.

Su Zimo has already inherited this mysterious law after the restoration of Zhen Yu Ding.

It's just that every time he practiced over the years, he couldn't do anything about it.

In fact, the secret method of the four holy spirits of Zhending Ding is difficult for human races to practice successfully.

The reason why Su Zimo practiced the first three secret methods did not encounter much obstacle, mainly because he had received many inheritances from the three major races.

He once condensed the real body of the Dragon and Phoenix, so it is logical to practice the real dragon nine flashes and Nanming away from the fire.

And the real water of Tianyi from the sacred soul of Xuanwu, he has also received the talented supernatural inheritance of the shield of the spirit turtle in the Secret Code of the Great Demon King.

Therefore, there is no difficulty in practicing.

But the fourth mystery comes from the White Tiger Holy Soul.

Up to now, he has never practiced any of the tigers' secret techniques, let alone the white tiger.

Therefore, the fourth way of inheriting the secret method, he has failed to practice successfully.

He had also thought that if the brother Tiger in the lower realm was around, he might be able to help him a little.

It's just that monkeys, tigers, and little foxes have soared for many years, and certainly won't fall in the sky.

"Brother Su?"

Xie Qingcheng next to him, seeing that Su Zimo was still silent, shouted again tentatively.


Su Zimo slowed down and smiled apologetically, saying, "It's nothing."

Mindful a little, Su Zi said, "There are more than twenty days before the final capture of India. During this period, anything can happen."

Xie Qingcheng clearly heard Su Zimo's words, which meant something extra.

Su Zimo said: "If something happens to me during this period, don't worry, don't give up until the last minute!"

The blood of Qi is only his own speculation, and he is not sure, so he did not explain to Xie Qingcheng.

"it is good."

Xie Qingcheng did not ask, but took a deep breath and agreed to come down.

A group of people continued to walk along the streets of the ancient city, and the surrounding buildings were already dilapidated.

But looking at the outline of these buildings, it is not difficult to speculate that in this ancient city, there were also human race monks like them.

After another walk, Su Zimo moved his heart and felt a slight fluctuation of vitality.

He looked sideways, and fell in a house not far from the street.

This house looks relatively well-preserved.

"Go over there."

Su Zimo pointed to Xie Qingcheng and headed towards the house.

Coming to the front, Su Zimo did not hesitate, pushed the door in, and the door could not withstand external forces, suddenly collapsed and stirred up countless dust.

Everyone casually released several dust removal techniques, and then scattered the dust around.

"I see, or just settle down here."

Xie Qingcheng looked around, this house is not small, and there are more than a dozen houses around it, which can be rested for everyone.

Su Zimo nodded and no objection.

Following the subtle wave of energy, he came to a house and gently opened the door.

The room is not big, with some tables and chairs, beds, kitchen utensils, all at a glance.

Su Zimo's eyes turned and fell on the wall next to it.

It was covered with thick dust cobwebs, through which eyes could vaguely see the walls, with some traces.

This kind of vitality wave emanated from this wall.

Su Zimo waved his robe sleeve to remove the dusty cobwebs on this wall and stared at him.

The walls are engraved with pictures, as if depicting a battle that took place here at that time!

It's just that these patterns can no longer be seen clearly under the erosion of the years, but they can probably distinguish some creatures with obvious characteristics in them.

As if there was an asura inside, it seemed to stand upright, his head was already above the clouds, looking down at the earth, his eyes were full of glance.

Su Zimo counted.

This Asura's arm has reached as many as eight!

According to Sirius, only Ashura in Emperor Realm has eight arms!

Even after many years, through this incomplete and broken pattern, Su Zimo can still feel the horror and power of this Asura, eight arms holding different weapons, martial arts, magic power!

In addition to the Ashura tribe, Su Zimo also saw the Yasha tribe.

On the battlefield, they encountered two kinds of Yasha, and this pattern also appeared.

Beside the Yasha, there is also a line of small characters.

According to the above statement, the Yaksha tribe has three branches.

Su Zimo's first encounter with the Yasha that emerged from the ground belongs to Di Yasha.

Later, it flew down from the sky like a giant bat's yaksha, which belonged to the yaksha.

There is another kind, living in rivers, lakes and seas, which belongs to Shuiyecha.

In addition to these three branches of the Yasha, there is a more powerful Yasha, called Void Yasha, which is said to be extremely rare.

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