Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2525: Devil's Cave

After Su Zimo helped Xie Qingcheng win the Lingxia Seal, instead of staying in Yanyang Fairyland, he said goodbye to Xie Qingcheng and returned directly to Qiankun Academy.

This time, Xie Qingcheng was certainly the biggest winner in the battle to win India, but his gains were not small!

If there is no such opportunity at the bottom of the lake, he wants to practice to reach the seventh order of heaven, at least a thousand years.

Moreover, there is no chance to comprehend the secret technique of "White Tiger"!

After practicing for a month at the bottom of Xuesha Lake, Qinglian really absorbed countless qi of blood, and the blood monk contained in the bone of the white tiger has been exhausted.

This white tiger's bone also turned into a pile of bone residue.

Su Zimo returned to Qiankun Academy and was about to retreat again.

If there is nothing else, he intends to practice all the way to the Shenxiao Fairy Club, striving to go further and step into the eighth order Heavenly Immortal!

When he reaches the eighth-order Celestial Cultivation, even if he does not use the blood of Qinglian, he has enough confidence to defeat Yun Ting!

Su Zimo returned to the Dong Mansion and was about to retreat. Suddenly, he felt that there was a movement from the Martial Deity.


Magic domain.

Tianhuangzong is located in the corner of the demon, in a remote place.

However, in these years, Tianhuangzong has been controlled by Emperor Tianlei and Thunder Emperor. The five great demons will grow rapidly, conquer all the way, and gradually expand outward.

The speed is not fast, but it is growing steadily.

Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven's Fury and the Five Great Devil will be in the Demon Realm, and their reputation will rise.

Of course, when it comes to the Tianhuang Sect, the first thing everyone thinks about is the Tianhuang Sect Master, Wu Wu!

Although the barren martial arts have never appeared in these years, the battle of Middle-earth was spread throughout the demon domain, and the battle of Yuxiao fairy field shocked the entire heavenly realm!

Because of this battle, I do not know how many monks have joined Tianhuangzong.

On this day, the retreating martial deity suddenly moved in his heart and took out a black residual image from the storage bag.

This black residual image looks extremely old, with a special material, as thin as paper.

The deity of martial arts had tried, and with his current cultivation practice, even if all the power broke out, he still could not tear this black remnant picture!

This was obtained shortly after the Wu Dao deity soared into the Demon Realm, and the Chiyan Valley was destroyed, and it was obtained from the owner of the Chiyan Valley.

Chiyangu Valley majored in leaps and bounds for the realm, rising very fast, and its roots are on this black remnant.

When Martial Deity first got this black remnant picture, he painted a headless figure with a weapon like a spear in his hand.

He just glanced casually at the time, and he felt that his own eyes were dragged into this black remnant figure.

Every trajectory on the remnant picture seemed to be countless runes and poured into his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a violent, killing, and destroying emotion was born in his heart!

At the same time, a steady flow of heaven and earth vitality swarmed into his body, absorbing refining and smelting faster, beyond imagination!

On his skin and on his face, there also appeared a strange black pattern, mysterious and mysterious.

The Dao heart of the martial arts deity is indestructible and unshakable, and this emotion naturally does not affect him.

He calmed down quickly, but the black lines that appeared on his body did not disappear immediately.

This power was attached to his body, and he seemed to want to take root, but he was burnt out by the body and sacrificed out of the martial arts oven to refine it directly, and disappeared.

After that, the martial arts deity has not seen this black residual image.

But now, he suddenly felt a sudden change in this black residual image.

When he took out the remnant picture, he could not help frowning slightly.

Above the black remnant picture, the original tall figure has disappeared.

Instead, they are curved trajectories, like some kind of map.

More than that, there is still a power in this black residual picture, it seems that he wants to lead him to a certain place!


The Budo deity murmured and stood up.

Over the years, the retreat, his true martial arts body, has been cultivated to the state of great success.

Now, Jing Ji thought, since he had this opportunity, he might as well look at it in the past.

The Budo deity left the closed place, and Sirius lay not far away, his ears moved, heard the movement, opened the wolf eyes, and shook his body and stood up.

"Are you going out?"

Sirius's spirit was refreshed and a little excited.

With the prestige of Arawu in the Demon Realm now, he can carry Arawu out for a walk, and he also feels light on the face.

"You stay in Tianhuangzong."

The deity of Budo said casually, his figure flickered, disappeared, leaving a grieved Sirius.

The deity of Budo said to Lei Huang again before leaving Tianhuangzong, according to the guidance of the black residual picture, galloping in the direction of the soil in the magic domain.

About ten days later.

The Budo deity slowly slowed down.

Over the years, he has gone all the way and heard some rumors.

It is said that each of the major Celestial Sect forces in the Demon Realm has moved and moved towards the Back Yin Mountain of the Demon Realm, probably in the same direction as his forward!

Beiyin Mountain belongs to the most famous mountain in the Demon Realm, because a magic tree named Undead is growing above this mountain.

It is said that this immortal tree is immortal, immortal, and unknown for many years.

When the deity of the martial arts crossed the robbery, he had dealt with the heaven-level forces of several demon domains.

In addition to these sect powers, there is also a sect of absolute dominance in the Demon Realm, and a large number of monks have also been dispatched.

Lingxiao Palace!

Just by hearing the name of this force, one can see its ambition.

Above the sky!

The reason why Lingxiao Palace dominates in Demon Realm, other forces can't contend, mainly because Lingxiao Palace once gave birth to an emperor!

"Have you heard? At the foot of Yinyin Mountain, a huge demon cave appeared, and there were winds in it. The cultivation practice under the real demon was almost inaccessible!"

"What Devil's Cave, I heard, there is a tomb of the Devil Emperor under that backless mountain!"

"It is said that this Devil Emperor's Tomb was born for the first time, which shocked many sect forces, I don't know how many chance encounters, magical secrets!"

"I heard that the emperor of Lingxiao Palace was dispatched, and I was going to go to the devil's cave to find out."

"I heard that there seemed to be a traitor in the Lingxiao Palace. During the chase of the Lingxiao Palace, this demon cave appeared."

Moving forward, the Budo deity heard many rumors, and gradually had a contour in his mind.

Not surprisingly, this black remnant picture in his hand should also be related to the born cave under the shady mountain!

The closer it is to the Yinyin Mountain, the more demons around it, the vast majority are true demons.

Of course, there are also very few bold and imposing angels who also want to join in the excitement and touch the chance.

But whether it was a real demon or an immortal, when they saw a man in a purple robe and a silver mask, they all showed awe of fear and shunned, and no one dared to approach!

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