Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 490: Tide volume

Chapter 490: Tide Volume

After a little while, Yan Beichen closed his sword and stood.

Su Zimo took a long breath and couldn't hide his excitement in his eyes.

In addition to the final form of "Ding Hai Juan", the remaining four forms have already realized the level of "potential"!

The most important thing to realize so quickly is the pressure that Yan Beichen brought to him.

Otherwise, even if he has been practicing in the air for several years or more, if he has no chance, he may not be able to enter this step.

If a monk wants to truly grow, he must continue to grind between life and death!

Of course, what really excites Su Zimo is not just realizing the realm of ‘potential’.

What's more, under the premise of equal strength, the two men are not weaker than the one in front of the sword. On the first day of the Northern Wilderness, they were proud!

Even though Yan Beichen has been immersed in the knife path for more than a thousand years, he has not fallen into the wind.


Su Zimo was sweating and refreshing.

Yan Beichen looked indifferent and calm, as if he could see all the thoughts of Su Zimo.

"Do you think you are very good and can block my knife?" Yan Beichen asked lightly.

Su Zimo was silent.

Judging from Fang Cai's rivalry, although Yan Beichen was always suppressing him, he did not show any flaws. Instead, he blocked all the opponent's all moves!

However, even if such a thing was seen by Yan Beichen, Su Zimo was not easy to admit it.

But Yan Beichen's next sentence let Su Zimo fall into the falling ice cellar and get cold all over!

"You look at yourself."

Yan Beichen's eyes flickered with disdain.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, looked down, and froze suddenly, her pupils contracted violently.

I do not know when, the blue shirt on his chest has been cut out, just near the heart, criss-cross, forming a large 'death'!


Su Zimo only felt cold in his hands and feet.

This means that if it was a battle of life and death, he had already died as many as six times in a brief confrontation!

The scariest thing is that he didn't notice it from beginning to end!

Su Zimo was more and more shocked.

All the pride and excitement of the founder disappeared.

If there are no restrictions, Su Zimo may not lose by virtue of the body style and speed of the Great Wild Demon King's secret code, and the horrible body.

But at least in the sword, Su Zimo has been defeated.

Yan Beichen touched the storage bag with two more scrolls in his palm and handed them to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo fixed his eyes and exclaimed.

"The tide rolls!"

The Blade Emperor left two scrolls in the ancient battlefield. One is Dinghai Volume, which was obtained by Su Zimo.

The second is "Tidal Volume", which was taken by Yan Beichen thousands of years ago.

Yan Beichen said: "The Tide Volume" is not a sword method, but a secret method, with a total of nine layers. When the knife emperor was at the seaside, watching the tide and the tide created, interweaving the Tao and the law, implied the magic of heaven and earth.

"The two volumes of the tide and the Dinghai are mutually reinforcing. Cultivation of the" Tidal Volume "will cultivate a tide strength. When you reach the first level, every time you go out, you will have an extra force. This is the tide strength."

Su Zimo seemed to realize.

Yan Beichen continued: "The first layer of" Tidal Volume "will increase the strength by 10%, and the second layer will increase the strength by 20%. Do not underestimate the increase of 10%, 20%, which really falls into the battle and kill. The gap is too obvious! "

Su Zimo secretly said.

If you cultivate Jiuzhong's tidal power, it will increase Jiucheng's power, which is almost equivalent to exploding double combat power, enough to sweep the same level!

"Of course, the biggest use of" The Tide "is to make up for the flaws in" Ding Hai Juan "."

Yan Beichen said: "Your first four styles of swordsmanship have reached the point where the fire is pure, but the swordsmanship is changing, and the rigid-flexible transition is still a little stagnant and not mellow."

"These flaws are almost invisible to ordinary monks. But if you encounter a real cruel person, you risk losing your life!"

Su Zimo was stunned.

He did have such a slight feeling of stagnation during the previous practice of the sword.

But in the ancient battlefield, and the three gates of the immortal, the Buddha, and the demon struck and killed, no one found this flaw, so that Su Zimo didn't care too much.

Unexpectedly, such a flaw, in the eyes of a real master, was so deadly!

Su Zimo was grateful.

He didn't expect that Yan Beichen was so neat, and he didn't hesitate to teach him "The Tide Volume".

"Senior, let me practice Ding Hai Juan while I tell you the key points."

Su Zimo's mind is very simple. It is also an exchange to pass Ding Hai Juan to Yan Beichen.

"No need."

Yan Beichen looked indifferent, and waved, "I have begun to comprehend my Tao. Ding Hai is in my eyes, and it's nothing great!"

Yan Beichen's words were full of pride.

He is confident that he will be crowned in the future, and his achievements must be above the sword king!

Su Zimo no longer insisted, took away "The Tide Volume" and looked at the second scroll, and couldn't help frowning, "Sura knife?"

The other secret method is actually the secret of Shura Zong, the Shura Sword!


Su Zimo was a little stingy.

What did Yan Beichen's move mean to make him worship the Shuluzong?

Su Zimo hesitated, and returned the "Sura Knife" back, saying: "I haven't thought about leaving Lei Feng, this" Sura Knife ", please ask the senior to take it back.

Yan Beichen took a look, but did not take over.

"Even if you don't join Shuluzong, you can use this sword to practice."

"Is that ... inappropriate?"

Su Zimo frowned.

As for this kind of non-mystery technique of the sect gate, once someone teaches it privately, it will be punished by the sect gate, and it is likely to be killed!

"I dare to pass, do you dare not learn?" Yan Beichen sneered.

Su Zimo was silent.

In the ancient battlefield, he caused a lot of trouble, there is really nothing dare not learn.

What's more, Su Zimo is not uncultivated in the practice of the magic gate.

In the underground river at that time, Su Zimo and Ji Fairy were trapped in the narrow sarcophagus, and they had practiced the "Lingxue Magic Scripture" left in the sarcophagus.

At this point, Su Zimo closed the two scrolls.

With a little thought, Su Zimo thought of one thing and asked: "Xiu Luo Zongyuan is in Zhongzhou, and the seniors can come in time, but care about the seniors rumoring?"

Yan Beichen nodded, looking at Su Zimo's gaze, with a strange look, saying: "I never thought that the magic girl of this world chose you to make a furnace tripod."

This is the second time Su Zimo has heard the word 'furnace tripod'.

For the first time, in the Royal Highness, the sealer of the fantasy demon questioned Ji Lei, who admitted it frankly.

"What's the meaning of Su Ding's hearth?" Su Zimo couldn't help asking.

Yan Beichen kept silent.

Seeing this, Su Zimo temporarily suppressed his confusion and thought for a while, and then asked: "Why are all the monks and monks, including the Da Zhou dynasty, so jealous of the Wu tribe in the territory of Da Zhou?

"This fear comes from a catastrophe ten thousand years ago." Yan Beichen said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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