Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 903: Teacher and brother who have been separated for many years

Chapter 903


The three of Nangong Ling looked confused, and stared at Chi Xing Dao Jun.

How come someone out of nowhere becomes their uncle?

Can it be more perfunctory?

Nangong Ling scratched his head and said with a grin, "Master, can we stop joking? What's the origin of this Taoist and how does he understand the Red Flame Heart Sutra?"

"Who's kidding you!"

Chixing Daojun rolled his eyes, pointed to Su Zimo and said, "He understands the Red Flame Heart Sutra. That's because he's a teacher's little master!"

The three of Nangong Ling were dumbfounded.

They are not fools.

The appearance of the two men, Akimichi Dao and Su Zimo, obviously didn't know before. How can they become brothers in a blink of an eye?

Ruxuan stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master, don't make a noise. You have come to the state of Faxiang. Your younger brother is the young monk of Yuan Yingjing. Who believes!"

Akimichi Jun was also asked a moment.

Immediately, Chi Xingdao Jun stared at Ru Xuan and scolded: "Someone who smiles with this hippie!"

Ru Xuan pursed her lips and backed away.

Akimichi Dao faced his face, and said in a deep voice: "The younger brother is not high in practice, that is normal, because the younger brother ’s practice time is too short."

"My mentor is just over 140 years old and younger than you all!"

Ru Xuan and others could not see Su Zimo's age, but Chi Xing Dao Jun could sense it.

The three of Nangong Ling were stunned.

When they saw Su Zimo's rough appearance and steady behavior, how could he be hundreds of years old, but he didn't expect to be more than 100 years old!

More than a hundred years old, it seems very big.

But we must know that Yuan Ying Zhenjun's birthday is more than a thousand years old. If you replace it with a mortal hundred-year-old birthday, Su Zimo is equivalent to a teenage boy!

Yuan Ying Zhenjun, who is more than a hundred years old, is equivalent to a ten-year-old teenage powerhouse!

Moreover, Su Zimo is in the late Yuan infant period, and this practice speed is already quite scary!

All three of Nangong Ling are more than 200 years old and are older than Su Zimo. Only when they practiced to the early years of the Yuan dynasty were they rare arrogants.

Among them, Nangong Ling is ranked 83rd in the vision list!

Prior to this, although Su Zimo showed powerful means, Nangong Ling disagreed.

In his opinion, as long as he can cultivate to the late Yuanying Period, he will definitely be stronger than Su Zimo!

But I did not expect that he has lost now.

What the three Nangong Lings, including Akasaka Dodo, didn't know is that Su Zimo practiced for more than a hundred years before practicing to the late Yuan Ying Realm because he cultivated two great gods!

In addition, the black-haired Yuan Shen must practice two top exercises of immortal Buddha!

Although the exercises are powerful, time is equivalent to consuming twice as much!

Moreover, during this period, at least half of Su Zimo's primal power came to nourish and create Qinglian.

The speed of repairs has actually slowed down a lot.

Otherwise, he might have reached his current state before he was a hundred years old!

In fact, in terms of seniority, Su Zimo is a disciple of Jihuo Daojun, that is, a master of Red Star Dao and a master of Tianxin Dao.

In this way, he is indeed the uncle of Akshiro.

Su Zimo smiled and looked at the scene quietly without correcting it.

The Akasaka Prince has lived for more than 5,000 years, and he may not be able to understand the relationship. He may be unacceptable for a while.

After all, he has a distinguished status in Bai Lian Men, and can be regarded as the master of the Zong Men Jiu Huo.

Su Zimo is more than 100 years old, and in his eyes is a little baby with a bad smell.

Now, this little baby suddenly ran up to him and became his uncle. How will he mix in Zongmen in the future?

Every time he saw Su Zimo, he had to salute Su Zimo, call an uncle, think crazy!

The Astral Emperor's costume was confused, and Su Zimo didn't reveal it.

After all, he was indifferent to the matter of seniority.

What's more, his age is really too young.

The 5,000-year-old veteran of the Red Star Daojun, if he salutes him daily and calls him a master, he also feels a little embarrassed.

"Just over a hundred?"

Ruxuan looked around Su Zimo, and stunned, "How do I feel like a seven or eight hundred year old man ..."

Su Zimo smiled lightly and refuted.

He now has a makeover, and after Yirong's appearance, he does look a lot older.

Liu Hanyan never said a word, but only glanced at Su Zimo occasionally, and there was a hint of curiosity across his eyes.

Nangong Ling noticed this scene and was even more anxious.

He loved Liu Hanyan in his heart, and even followed her to worship Bailianmen.

Today, Nangong Ling always felt that he had lost his face in front of his beloved one, and was grabbed the limelight by this person who did not know where to come out.

Therefore, Nangong Ling only targeted Su Zimo, but not malicious.

Originally, Nangong Ling was still thinking about how to perform in front of Liu Hanyan in the future and compare this Mo Ling.

Okay, this person suddenly became their uncle ...

"It's worse than that!"

Nangong Ling muttered in his heart: "One generation is the next generation, crush the individual!"

Think of each time you see Mo Ling, he has to respectfully call out Uncle, Nangong Ling is not in the taste.

Moreover, this uncle is younger than him!

What's wrong with this matter?

If this person is the master of Akasaka, then who is his master?

You know, their masters and ancestors, the strong men of their uncles and grandparents, have long since fallen!

Nangong Ling asked carefully: "Master, you have a younger brother, why have you never heard of it before?"

"I have to tell you a few dolls about me?"

Akimichi Jun stared at Nangong Ling and pointed at Su Zimo: "This is my teacher who has been separated for many years. Hey, no!"

"Okay, okay!"

Nangong Ling quickly laughed and echoed.

Immediately, he turned his eyes and asked, "The master of Uncle Moulin is ..."

Nangong Ling is going to dig deeper and ask.

As a result, before staring at him, he was glared at Akabori.

The Emperor of the Red Star looked serious and Shen said: "Okay, don't ask! You just need to remember that Mo Ling is your master!"

"The three of you settled on Uncle Shi and settled down with the uncle when I was free. I'm leaving now!"

When asked about a headache, Akimichi Dojo was afraid of saying something wrong, so he asked him to turn around and walk away, leaving only Nangong Ling who looked at each other.

Nangong Ling had a problem with his stomach. He hummed and didn't speak, watching Su Zimo's face unconvinced.

Ru Xuan's big eyes rolled slowly, not knowing what to calculate.

It was still Liu Hanyan who held the most weight, smiled slightly, came to Su Zimo, bowed and saluted, and said, "Liu Hanyan, a disciple of extreme fire, met Uncle Mo Ling."


Su Zimo nodded with a smile, and patted his palm in the storage bag. He took out a rusty flying sword and handed it over, saying, "It's a small gift, take it."


When Nangong Ling saw that the flying sword was plain and shabby, he couldn't help but pinch his mouth and muttered, "Take a broken flying sword to fool people, but also an uncle."

Liu Hanyan did not answer, took Feijian to inject mana.


Feijian trembled, as if alive, the sword is sharp!

The rust was peeling off layer by layer, five bright lights bloomed on the sword body, and almost blinded Nangong Ling's eyes!

Five magic patterns, perfect grade, true monarch weapon!

I'm working hard to save the manuscript, and I plan to add more in the coming year ~ Keke, if nothing unexpected ...

(End of this chapter)

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