Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 905: Stormy

Chapter 905

Since the thought of the saint-demon and samadhi fire, Su Zimo has begun to practice in this direction and to appreciate it.

Although the "Red Flame Heart Sutra" is regarded as the Immortal Method, Su Zimo's first comprehension is actually the Buddha's Taoism.

This is also common sense.

The black goddess is blended with the Buddha's holy relic, the carefree flower.

The worry-free flower is itself a flower of flame.

In addition, Su Zimo's practice is the highest level of Buddhist teachings. Whether it is the Lotus Sutra of Miao Fa, or the Sutra of the Great Sun, it is the Supreme Secret of Buddhist Sutra.

At the bottom of the burial dragon valley, Su Zimo Shen meditated on Taoism and recited the rituals for 20 years, and accumulated a very solid foundation.

This time, it is possible to condense the fire of the Buddha's door.

The scene seen by the three people of Nangong Ling was just that Su Zimo and Wu Yuan played against each other and slammed their fingers together, condensing the Buddha's Taoist fire, seemingly relaxed.

What the three did not see was that in the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, there was a black-haired primordial **** who was constantly chanting Scripture.

The Buddha's shadow appeared, the Brahma sounded, the sacredness was endless, and the deafness became trembling!

The black-haired primordial **** has deduced Xianmen Gongfa to the extreme, and only then has the cluster of golden Buddha-door fires condensed.

Wu Yuan's practice of the underworld fires is biased toward darkness and darkness.

According to legend, the pole of the underworld comes from the **** of the underworld!

If you really use Xianmendaohuo to fight against the underworld, it is really hard to say who wins or loses.

And the Buddha's Taoist fire is sacred and immense, and it can suppress the Nine You, the super Nether, and naturally restrain the fire!

Therefore, almost at the moment when the blaze and the Buddhism fire clash, the blaze was suppressed!

Chatting with Ruxuan for a while, and unconsciously, the four had arrived at Bailianmen.

At the gate of the mountain, stood a tall tripod with a height of over ten feet, which looked magnificent and extremely spectacular!

The four Su Zimo came to the gate of the mountain and looked up to Ding, they all felt small.

At the gate of the mountain, there are many monks guarding the Bailian Gate, most of whom build the base, and there are three or two Jindan real people.

When they saw the three of Nangong Ling, these monks showed respect and showed their salute.

"I've seen Brother Nangong, Sister Liu and Sister Ruxuan."

"Brother, sister is back, is this trip going well?"

Don't look at Ru Xuan who is walking in front of Su Zimo, like a child.

In front of these Zongmen disciples, she still behaved normally and converged a lot.

"Let's go, nothing is wrong."

Ru Xuan pretended to be a pie, and waved her sleeves, looking indifferent.

Everyone retreated.

One of Jin Dan's real people glanced at Su Zimo, curious in his heart, and asked subconsciously: "This Taoist is ..."

Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan were okay, but nothing happened.

Nangong Ling looked embarrassed.

He recognized Su Zimo as an uncle, and originally had a hundred unwillingness in his heart, and he was afraid that people would know about it.

Hearing this person's inquiries, Nangong Ling suddenly turned black and said angrily: "Ask so many things! Go back and guard the gate!"


The man was sprayed with a split head covering his face, his face confused, wondering what was wrong.

When Nangong Ling saw the man still not leaving, he stared, and said with a cold face: "Why, I have to bring someone back, and I have to tell you?

"No, no need!"

The man shrunk his neck and quickly turned away.

Su Zimo felt funny and didn't interfere.

After the four entered the Bailian Gate, Nangong Ling Sheng was afraid of meeting an acquaintance, and then asked him this question, so he made an excuse and left.

Accompanied by Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan, the three of them went along without a hitch.

However, during this period, many monks attracted their attention, showing envy and envy.

Bailianmen is not like Danyangmen or Qianhemen.

Bai Lian Men has to offer a sacrifice smelter, with thousands of hammers and many refinements. There are mostly men in Zong Men, and few women.

And Liu Hanyan, Ru Xuan two, is a rare beauty.

Whether it is the lower brother or the upper brother, there are a lot of love for them.

Seeing the two accompanied by a rugged big man to visit Zongmen, the crowd suddenly developed a feeling of cow chewing peony.

"Who is that person!"

"I haven't seen it before. It's very good."

"I don't know why, just look at him like that and want to beat him!"

Although these people were talking quietly, Su Zimo could hear it clearly.

He just smiled and didn't care.

He sent the Arctic Daojun safely, and it was already completed.

After three months, he will go to Qianhe Tea Party, and he won't be able to stay in Bailianmen for long.

Even if someone is upset, there can be no conflict.

Bai Lian Men is indeed the long-established gate, and its heritage is far better than Laifeng!

The immortal mountain in Zongmen is surrounded by green water, the building is magnificent, and the ancient vicissitudes.

The bricks and tiles are cast extremely finely, and they can be called magical axe.

Inside the gate, there are many types of buildings, full of a metallic texture.

Liu Hanyan and Su Zimo took a turn and settled in a cave.

For the next period, Su Zimo rarely left Dongfu.

I just took out the volume of Tiansha Jianjue from my arms and tried to comprehend it every day.

This sword is a trivial matter. If we can understand it as soon as possible, it will be too great to improve his combat power!

Although he rarely walked out of Dongfu, Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan often came over.

Su Zimo could feel that both women had great curiosity about him.

It's just that Ru Xuan wrote on his face.

And Liu Hanyan hid deeply in his heart.

During this time, through the chat between the two women, Su Zimo speculated that Bai Lianmen had exhausted everything and was preparing for the rebuilding of the physical body of Jiuhuodaojun.

According to the two women, during this time, many strong men in Zongmen went out of customs. From returning to Taoism to the prince of law, often the strong men went out to collect some top-level materials.

Even the two women heard that Zongmen's combined power was out of the mountain, for unknown reasons.

The strong players in Bailianmen also frequently make big moves. In major trading houses, auction houses have shot, at the expense of large prices, to buy some rare spiritual materials.

There are also monks ten million Danyangmen, buying a lot of elixir.

It is still a secret that Jiujiaodao returns.

At least Liu Hanyan did not know why.

Su Zimo didn't expect that Jiuhuo Daojun was just a strong person in the state of law. After five thousand years, returning again would make Bai Lianmen attach so much importance!

Even Zongmen fits into the mountains for him.

Su Zimo realized for the first time that Jiuhuodaojun was not simple.

He was happy for Jihuo Daojun, and at the same time worried.

The stronger Junjidao is, the more this news cannot be leaked.

Because if someone heard that Jiuhuodao died and was resurrected, there would be some plans!

Not everyone wants Gokudo to live!

Three months later, there was the Qianhe Tea Party, and there was also a battle for refiners. It seemed that everything was colliding.

Although the cultivation world is still calm now, Su Zimo felt the undercurrents and storms coming!

(End of this chapter)

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