Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 912: Assassination!

Chapter 912 Assassination!

After a short silence, there was an uproar!

Pedal Pedal!

Originally, a few of the teachers of Tianyi who were behind Cheng Peng ran over to help Cheng Peng, and glared at Su Zimo one by one, but he was afraid to come forward.

Cheng Peng came to such an end under this sword spirit, which one can resist if they come forward?

"Come on!"

Cheng Peng didn't have a little blood on his face. If he was angry, he gasped, "Return to Zongmen, and falsely report this!"

Several disciples taught him not to hesitate, and helped Cheng Peng leave Yingxian Restaurant, attracting a cloud, and galloping away.

"Who is this person? Seeing his Taoism, it doesn't seem to be a monk at Bailianmen?"

"Must be Master Jianzong!"

"Yes, those who can cultivate this kind of horrible sword spirit, I am afraid that only Jianzong inherited it!"

"It's just that this person is very face-to-face. I haven't seen it before. Is it the recent rise of Tianjiao?"

Qun Xiu had a lot of discussion and pointed out.

Nangong Ling obviously felt that some powerful breaths that were approaching this place had stopped their body, and it seemed that they were deterred by the scene just before!

"Go, leave this!"

Su Zimo put away the sword of Heavenly Sword, put it in his arms, rose up, jumped, and came to the long street.

The three Nangong Ling followed quickly.

Many monks watching around the restaurant spread out, looking at Su Zimo's eyes full of curiosity, awe, and hostility.

Su Zimo looked as usual, moving forward quickly.

Has gone out of the way, Nangong Ling San talent gradually slowed down.

Ru Xuan ran a few steps quickly, excited, and said, "Uncle Xiao, your sword is so handsome! What's your name, can you pass it to me!"

Even Nangong Ling couldn't help curiosity, Chuan Yin asked: "Uncle Xiao, have you ever practiced at Jianzong?"

Su Zimo didn't answer, but just moved quickly.

This time, Nangong Ling was not angry.

After this change, he looked at Su Zimo with a little more awe.

One sword qi will abolish the Tianjiao of the 15th Vision, which is not something anyone can do.

"Uncle Xiao, don't go so fast!"

Ru Xuan looked excited, without any fear in her eyes, followed Su Zimo hopping around, and said:

"Uncle Xiao, do you know this sword, what else are we afraid of? In this turbulent city, we are not walking sideways! Huh!"

"Uncle Xiao, don't worry, we are monks from Bailianmen after all. It is definitely not good for bullies to be bullied when we return to Taoism."

"If you have Yuanying Zhenjun who doesn't open your eyes and still want to grab lava spar, you move your fingers and chop a sword with it, oh!"

Ruan Xuan said more and more excited, and her hands were still better.

Su Zimo suddenly said: "This sword energy is extremely exhausting. In a short time, I can only release this time."

This is not Su Zimo's false words to scare Ru Xuan.

Heavenly Sword Technique is one of the three great sword techniques in ancient times!

Even though Su Zimo only realized the fur, he used the cultivation of Yuan Ying Realm to release this sword energy, which is already considered as overload.

If he had n’t condensed far beyond his peers, this sword energy would not be released before he would be hurt by him!

After hearing Su Zimo's answer, Ru Xuan stunned for a moment and was afraid to speak up.

Of course, what Su Zimo is worried about is not those who are seeking lava spar, but some existence hidden in the dark!

Su Zimo had a premonition that they had been stared at by more terrible enemies!

Must leave this as soon as possible!

"Well, this is getting a treasure, do you want to escape?"

"Oh, I heard that you got lava spar. It's a coincidence that I need this stone too."

In the crowd, a strange sound of yin and yang came suddenly and fluctuating.

"Who is it?"

Nangong Ling stared like a torch, screamed and looked around!

The crowd receded.

But Nangong Ling looked around, but he couldn't find a provocative person at all!

It seems that everyone is like, and it seems that everyone is not.

"Oh, it's worth the eighty-third of the vision list. It's really powerful."

"What's so powerful, it's not a waste, you have to protect others."

"Hey, that blue shirt and sword repair, what relationship do you have with these three masters of Bailianmen? I advise you, it's better not to be related to them."

"Bai Lian Men is about to be removed from the four big gates! I estimate that it won't be long before it is destroyed, hehehehehe!"

The sound of this teasing sounded again, and the position was still changing. It was impossible to judge the position of the person!

The three of Nangong Ling were so angry that they were furious, but could only be anxious.

Su Zimo was on his way, his footsteps suddenly, his body flickered, he jumped, and rushed directly into the crowd!

"Get out of me!"

Su Zimo's gaze was like electricity. He stretched out his palm and opened his five fingers, as if to cover the sun and grabbed a monk in the middle of the crowd.

This person is of ordinary shape and appearance, and there is nothing strange about his body. It is the kind of existence that he can forget at a glance.

But just such an ordinary monk, after seeing Su Zimo's shot, his eyes started to look cold, and he laughed strangely: "Tao friendly means, I can actually find my trace!"

This person did not shake with Su Zimo at all, turned over and retreated, his body was agile and extremely fast.

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

This person said something meaningful.

At the same time, on the other side of the crowd, an inconspicuous figure was approaching Nangong Ling quickly!

The monk was expressionless, his eyes were calm, and even a little murderous was not revealed!

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes, his internal bones rang, his outstretched arm soared three feet, and immediately fell on top of the running monk's head, grasping it fiercely!


The person ’s heavenly spirit cover, under Su Zimo ’s palm, was like a tofu block, was directly crushed, the Yuanshen died, and the corpse was on the spot!

When the three of Nangong Ling saw this scene, they felt that their heart was agitated and they suddenly felt an unprecedented murder!

The next moment, in the eyes of the three, saw a light of sword light.

too fast!

I do not know when, there was a humble monk beside them.

This person did not know where to find a slender soft sword and shot!

Without a doubt, this is a desperate assassination!

This person's combat power may not be better than Nangong Ling.

But after this sword was shot, Nangong Ling could only wait to die, staring at the sword, wiping his throat!

He seemed to be able to see that his throat was split, and crimson blood spewed across the street!

Seven Demon Sects, Hidden Kills!

To the extent that assassination can be achieved, there is no flaw, even people feel desperate, the only one who is astonishing is the hidden monk!

I have to say that the assassination was carefully prepared.

First, one person led Su Zimo away.

Another lurks in the past, launching a fatal blow and killing the treasure!

The whole process is almost impeccable.

Unfortunately, they really underestimated someone!

Just when this sword light was about to cut through Nangong Ling's throat, it suddenly dissipated!

The sword is exposed.

It is only a short distance from Nangong Ling's throat. The sharp edge of the sword body even cuts off the hair on Nangong Ling's neck!

At this time, the sword was still in the air, motionless.

One end was in the hands of monk Hidden Gate.

At the other end, pinched by two long, white fingers, they didn't move!

Thank you Yi, my name is Hang Chuan, and I do n’t give a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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