Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 916: The crisis is coming!

Chapter 916: Crisis Is Coming!


The Red Star Road hurriedly came to the Zongmen Bailian Hall and was bumping into a middle-aged monk with three strands of whiskers stepping out.

This popularity is calm, with a touch of majesty between the eyebrows.

"Meet the Sovereign!"

Two monks at the entrance of the temple bowed in salute to the man.

This person is the master of Bailianmen, Bai Yandao Jun!

"Brother Bai Yan!"

When he saw this man, Akashiro Tao stepped forward and greeted him.

Seeing anxious look at Bai Yandao Jun, what seemed to be a major incident, Shen Sheng asked: "What's wrong?"

Akimichi Jun tightened his brows and hated, "My three unwieldy disciples ran out secretly. It has been out for a day and has not returned yet!"

Bai Yandaojun looked slightly changed.

This period is extremely sensitive.

In all fairness, they would n’t know how to get through this level if they did not return in time.

Among the three disciples of Akashida-kun, Liu Hanyan is about to participate in the controversy at the Qianhe Tea Party one month later, and there must be no mistakes!

At this time, Liu Hanyan and the three left Zongmen, which was really dangerous.

"Do you know where to go?"

Bai Yandao Jun looked calm and asked Shen Shen.

"It seems to be going to Fengyun City."

Akashida was so angry that he bit his teeth and said, "These three little cubs are really worrying. Let them stay in Zongmen well, just don't listen! If something goes wrong ..."

Akagi Daojun couldn't say any more, and was anxious and anxious.

"Don't panic."

Bai Yandao Jun Shen said: "In the Fengyun City, the monks who gathered all the major gate forces in Zhongzhou are all righteous people. No one should be against them.

"What's more, Fengyun City is not too far away from Zongmen, and there is no danger."

Akashiro Tao shook his head and said, "I'm not worried about the people in the right path, I'm worried about the Temple of Underworld!"


Hearing the Minghuo Temple and Bai Yandaojun's heart, he couldn't help whispering, his face sank instantly.

Akashiro Tao said: "You also know that the owner of the Temple of the Underworld always wants to get the" Red Flame Heart Sutra ", and the three of Nangong Ling are their easiest targets to start with!"

"What's more, last time, the Temple of the Underworld carried a big heel, how could it be good!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in their minds.

"Apart from the three of them, who else followed?"

Hearing this voice, Chixing Daojun was shocked.

This is Jiuhuodao Jun spreading his voice with God, asking them!

Akasaka Taojun quickly said, "There is Mo Ling, and monk Zongmen saw that he followed."

"Well ... that's fine, maybe there's still a chance."

Jiujiaodao groaned.

Chixing Daojun swaggered his lips, disapproving in his heart.

In his mind, although Mo Ling's seniority is high, but he is also a true prince who is more than one hundred years old. How high can the combat power be?

One more him and one less him had no effect at all.

The Temple of the Underworld has failed once, and really wants to start with the three people of Nangong Ling, and it is likely to send back the virtual Taoist!

At that time, what use could Mo Ling have?

Does it scare opponents with their ranks?

In fact, Chixingdaojun still underestimated the determination of the Temple of Underworld!

Jiuhuodao said: "Hurry up and send the Zongmen strongmen to Fengyun City to find them and take them back to Zongmen!"

"Okay, I told my disciples to return to the virtual world!"

Bai Yandao Jun was determined by hand, ready to summon his disciples.

"Do not!"

Jiuhu Daojun immediately denied, and said, "Chixing, first let go of your hands and go there in person! You are in the state of law, you have a fast speed, and you can suppress it if you encounter a change!

Hearing this, Chixing Daojun's heart was stunned.

He faintly realized that things could be worse than he thought!

"Okay, I'll go!"

The Red Star Daojun did not hesitate, and broke away towards Fengyun City, and soon disappeared in Bailianmen.

"I hope nothing will happen."

Bai Yandao Jun murmured as he looked into the distance.


at the same time.

The four of Su Zimo have left Fengyun City, and the magic weapon of the magic boat has rushed towards Bailianmen.

This time, Su Zimo was at the helm, mobilizing mana, pushing the speed of the spiritual boat to the limit, chasing the stars and catching the moon!

The three of Nangong Ling were still unaware and still excited, talking about the battle of Fang Yuncheng.

And Su Zimo knew clearly that the sense of crisis surrounding him not only did not disappear, but heavier and heavier!

"Uncle Xiao, although you didn't have any fame before, just fighting this one is enough to make you famous!"

Ru Xuan said joyfully: "Uncle Xiao, rest assured, after returning to the ancestral gate, I will help you spread this matter and make you magnificent!"

Liu Hanyan smiled and said nothing.

Nangong Ling's look at Su Zimo's eyes has also changed.

Without the original hostility, some curiosity, some worship, and some admiration were replaced.

"Uncle Xiao, you are Xiu Xiu, but you have no contact with Jian Jian. It doesn't seem to be suppressed. What is going on?"

Nangong Ling leaned over and asked with an open mind.

Su Zimo's face was dignified, his senses spread, his eyes stared at the thick night in front of him, silent.

It wasn't that he intentionally avoided it.

However, all his mind was devoted to exploring the surroundings, preparing to deal with the danger that might come at any time. He really didn't hear what Nangong Ling asked.

If it had been changed before, Nangong Ling had already been angry, and ridiculed for the first time.

But this time, Nangong Ling just smiled, scratched his head, and asked, "Little Master, who is your master, is it also a sword repair? Among our predecessors in Bailianmen, there are still so powerful Sword repair? "

Su Zimo once used Cheng Qi to abolish Cheng Peng.

Once at the gate of the city, the sword evolved into a strong artistic conception, and the long swords in the hands of more than a dozen sword repairers were cut off.

Therefore, not only Nangong Ling, but even the monks in Fengyun City have mistaken Su Zimo for sword repair.

Su Zimo still didn't answer, but frowned tightly. Under the dark night, his expression looked more dignified.

"Uncle Xiao, what are you doing?"

Ruxuan also came together and asked curiously: "Let's all leave Fengyun City. There is no danger. Why are you so hurry to rush back?"

"Uncle, come here and talk to us."

Ru Xuan gently shook Su Zimo's arm and said likely.

Liu Hanyan, who was silent on the side, finally found some anomalies and whispered: "Uncle, what is the danger?"

At this moment, Su Zimo finally said: "If there is any change for a while, you run away the first time, don't worry about me!"


The three of Nangong Ling looked for a moment, confused.

Although they were chatting on the way, they were also exuding divine knowledge, searching the surrounding environment, and found no danger at all.


At this moment, a ghastly laughter sounded in the void, and it was creepy!

"Hello baby, you have a keen sense of being able to find me! However, the three of them cannot escape, and you cannot escape!"

PS: There are still friends asking about more. Let ’s talk about it, it ’s the year after the year, it may be the fifth or sixth day ... Tell me about you, how sad you are, people stop and rest during the Chinese New Year. !! !! !!

Thank you at the beginning of Chi Qing, how far will it always be, and the secret silly cat friends' rewards ~

(End of this chapter)

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