Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 918: Waiting for opportunity

Chapter 918: Waiting For An Opportunity

On the spiritual boat, the only thing that can keep calm is Su Zimo.

Su Zimo went all the way to the battle. He was invincible at the same level. He never lost a defeat. He had accumulated an invincible momentum and had a tough heart that was hard to shake.

What's more, when he was fighting for the Heavenly Sword Spell in Wangu Valley, he also played against many overlords and three top masters.

Although that short battle, it was Jihuo Daojun who used his body.

But with this experience, he will not be frightened by the chaos when he is facing Faxiang Daojun.

The three of Nangong Ling lived more than two hundred years, but did not have such experience.

Facing the prince of Faxiang Dao, his heart was desperate, and he was deterred by the old man in the Temple of the Underworld.

The three were panicked and had completely collapsed!

The old man in the underworld hall squinted his eyes and fell on Su Zimo in Lingzhou, and he laughed.

"Little baby, you've only lived for more than a hundred years, and you have such a mindset, but it's really rare."

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld laughed strangely, and the words turned around, saying, "You can still be so calm, are you waiting for the Bailianmen strongman to come to the rescue?"

Su Zimo was silent.

He believes that Bailianmen will be alert if they do not return for four days!

Maybe, at this time, there are already Zongmen strongmen coming to rescue!

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld grinned and said, "I might as well tell you that even if Bailianmen reacts, it is too late!"

Nangong Ling looked desperate.

It seems that everything is under the control of the old man in the Temple of the Underworld, and they have no chance to escape!

Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan couldn't move, but just wept silently, their bodies trembling.

"Old man, I look at you like this, but it's also a long life, and the oil is exhausted."

Su Zimo looked at the old man in the Temple of Hellfire and suddenly sneered: "Hehe, even if we fall, how long can you live, thirty years, one hundred years?"

Hearing Su Zimo's sneer and sarcasm, Nangong Ling glanced slightly and said secretly: "Uncle Xiao is really not afraid of fear. In this situation, he can still laugh."

"I'm not as good as this deadly spirit."

Thinking about it, Nangong Ling gritted his teeth, his blood surged up, and he secretly exclaimed: "Anyway, it's death, it's better to scold yourself before death!"

At this point, Nangong Ling also broke out and yelled: "You old dog, there is a fart for practicing Faxiang, it's not the same! Hahahaha, I'm waiting for you below, you're old!

The old man in the underworld hall shivered with anger.

The two sentences that Su Zimo and Nangong Ling said were a poke to his pain.

No matter how high his level is, he can't resist years of erosion.

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld has a gloomy face and a gloomy gaze, whispering: "Even if I only have 80 years of life, I will live longer than your little ones!"

Hearing here, Su Zimo's heart moved slightly, nodding his head to prevent the killing in his eyes from being exposed.

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld fire gritted his teeth and said, "Be at ease, before I die, I must kill some of your little ones!"

As soon as the words fell, the old man in the Temple of the Underworld flickered with a brow, releasing a terrifying sense of horror, and came crashing into the sea of ​​knowledge of the four Su Zimo!


The three of Nangong Ling were shocked, and Yuan Shen was hit by this consciousness. It was much darker and passed out on the spot.

Su Zimo also fell softly.


The old man in the Temple of the Underworld shook his robe, rolled Su Zimo's four people onto a huge dark cloud, took seven returning Taoists, and soon disappeared.

The spirit boat that originally contained Su Zimo's four people lost their mana support and suspended for a moment before falling.

In the night, the peace was restored again.


The dark clouds carried Su Zimo's people galloping all the way, very fast.

"This time we have done a great job, grasping these three people is tantamount to holding the life gate of Baixingmen Chixingdaojun!"

"Yeah, thanks to senior Yu's shot."

"That's right, we are also immersed in senior Yu's light."

The seven returning Taoists were another flattery.

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld had his hands on his shoulders, with no expression on his face, and said lightly, "If you can still miss the four cubs in the Yuanyuan Realm, I will be alive for ten thousand years!"

Listening to the sound of these surroundings, Su Zimo fell aside. Although he was conscious, he remained motionless and tried to control his emotions.

Even the heart beats and the blood flows, maintaining a constant state!

If he is only facing returnees, he need not be so cautious.

But the old man in the Temple of the Underworld is the king of the law!

Although he has entered the twilight, Su Zimo dare not care!

He did not faint, and was able to stay awake, not because the old man in the Temple of the Underworld lost his hand.

In his knowledge of the sea, the black-haired primordial **** has indeed been stunned.

Even with the protection of the created Qinglian, the black-haired Yuanshen failed to withstand the shock of the gods of the old man in the Temple of Underworld!

However, in the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, there is another yuan god!

Cultivate the red-haired Yin God condensed from the Great Demon King's Secret!

At this time, the red-haired Yin God was hiding in the corner of the sea, looking calm, waiting for the opportunity, waiting patiently for the opportunity.

As long as this opportunity is grasped, it is not impossible to kill the old man of the underworld hall!

Of course, all this must be done before returning to the Temple of the Underworld.

If he enters the site of the Temple of the Underworld, even if he can kill the old man of the Temple of the Underworld and seven other returning Taoists, he will surely alarm the strong of the Temple of Underworld and will still be captured.

They have been galloping along for more than an hour.

Su Zimo probably knows the location of the Temple of the Underworld. If the Faxiang Daojun controls the magic weapon and hurries his way, he will arrive in about two hours!

Time is running out!

Once he enters the Temple of the Underworld, even if he has the means to reach the sky, he can only stand by his hands!

Su Zimo was already anxious.

He even wondered if he would get up and fight now!

But soon, he gave up the idea.

This dark cloud is very big. Su Zimo's four people are still in the middle of the dark cloud. Seven returning Taoists are very close to them, but the old man in the Temple of the Underworld stands at the front of the dark cloud.

The two are far apart!

Su Zimo changed a little, and before he got close to the old man in the Temple of the Underworld, the latter must have noticed it first.

In all likelihood, this plan will fail!

Su Zimo keeps calming his heart and keep waiting!

The longer time has passed, the less chances he has.

But now he can only wait!

In the face of Faxiang Daojun, he did not have a second shot.

Once wrong, it was not him who died, as well as the three of Nangong Ling!

At this moment, the old man at the front of the Temple of the Underworld suddenly turned around and walked towards Su Zimo's side.

"Senior Yu."

Seven returnees quickly bowed down to salute.

The old man in the temple of noble fire nodded, and stood high, looking at the four of Su Zimo, his eyes were dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Senior, but what's the problem?"

Whispered a returning Taoist.

"It's a pity that such a good body, it's a pity that I will run out of life."

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld shook his head, sighed, squatted down, stretched out his thin palm, squeezed Su Zimo's body and arm, licked his lips and said, "If I had encountered it earlier, I would rather give up my body To take his house! "

"Is it?"

The old man in the Temple of the Underworld had his own sigh of emotion, but unexpectedly, he heard a response in his ear, cold and bitter, killing it!

Today is New Year's Eve, two chapters are released together, and I wish everyone a Happy New Year. I wish you all a good year, good health, good health and good health! !! !! !! Patients with protruding lumbar discs found that Shenma is not as important as physical health! Thanks a little bit, Xin Ruoxuan, the fruit of midsummer, and the reward from the Heavenly Master ~ That's right. This year is the year of the dog, and also the birth year of our single Wang. Please take care of the single Wang, and show love. . .

(End of this chapter)

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