Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 928: Reunion with old people (second)

Chapter 928 Reunion With An Old Man (Second)

Ruxuan heard the fire, could not bear it, and shouted, "Hey! What tongue root do you chew! Our Bailian Gate is still one of the four side gates, when will it be removed!"

The monks talking over there came from Zhonghuang Bamen Mountain.

A Yuanying Zhenjun from Bahuangshan said, "Yeah, Bailianmen is really prestigious, and it's impossible to say. Nine factions of Xianmen, aren't they so aggressive?"


Ru Xuan was furious with both hands, grinding her teeth, and said, "It's you who make rumors first!"

The Yuding Taoist in front of himself jumped up and came between the two gates. He looked calm and looked at the emperor hills and slowly said, "Now, Bailianmen is still the four side gates, and no one is allowed to slander!"

"Moreover, even if my Bailianmen is removed from the four side gates, it is more powerful than your Bahuang Mountain!"

The monk from Bahuang Mountain is also a returnee.

This person seemed rather frightened of the Yuding Taoists, turned around, shook his head, and signaled to the monks under the door not to discuss.

The Yuding Taoist turned and left.

A Yuanying Zhenjun from Bahuangshan sneered again and again and whispered, "I'd like to see, how long can you keep improving your spirit!"

At this moment, Su Zimo's gaze moved and fell in front of a courtyard not far away.

There were many people gathered around it, and two Qianhemen nuns stood in front of the door, as if guarding the courtyard.

At the door, a man in a white robe was bowing, looking sincere, telling two Qianhemen nuns.

When I saw the man in the white robe, the coldness in Su Zimo's eyes gradually dissipated, softened, and a long-lost smile appeared.

"I'll go over there and see if you can go back with everyone."

Su Zimo pointed at the courtyard and said to Nangong Ling.

"I'll go as well!"

Ru Xuan saw there was excitement over there, so she planned to go and take a look at it, by the way, to relieve her boredom.

The Yuding Taoist turned around and saw Su Zimo's suggestion. He did not stop, but nodded: "Be careful."

Su Zimo smiled, jumped out of the boat, and galloped towards the courtyard.

Several Yuanying Zhenjun from Bahuangshan looked at each other, and quietly left the Zongmen team, followed secretly.


The man in the white robe was not a bystander. It was Ji Chengtian who was a disciple of Feng Feng who had worshiped at Danyangmen!

"Thank you, bother you for going in and briefing me, thank you very much."

Before arriving, Su Zimo heard Ji Chengtian's voice.

A Qianhemen woman guarding in front of the courtyard shook her head and said, "Let's go, Sister Lengrou will not see you."

Su Zimo's heart moved, so to speak, lived tenderly in this courtyard!

Ji Chengtian refused to give up, and bowed his head, saying sincerely: "Two Taoists, you said that Danchengmen Ji Chengtian asked for an interview, and the gentle fairy will promise to meet."

Another Qianhemen woman Xiu said lightly: "I urge you to give up. Before Qianhe Tea Party, Master Lengrou will not see anyone!"

"The cold and gentle fairy, the beautiful appearance, the glorious age, is it what you want to see!"

"Oh, every day countless days come to see the Lonely Fairy. Who is your Ji Chengtian? How fresh!"

"Yesterday, the vision list was seventh, and the true king of the Wind and Thunder Hall came and did not get a call from the gentle fairy. What is your Ji Chengtian!"

Many monks who watched lively around, holding their arms and sneer again and again, were extremely ugly.

Ji Chengtian's face was a bit ugly, his gaze turned, looking at the monks, Shen said: "I Ji Chengtian is not a famous arrogant in the world, but I and Lengrou are best friends, how can others compare!"

"Oh, I'm so energetic."

A five-element monk sarcastically said, "You dying, what's so amazing about it! If you come to the Qianhe Tea Party this time, do you still have to go back!"

Wuxingjiao is also one of the home visits of Zhongzhou!

Another said, "I advise you, roll back to Danyangmen now, maybe it's too late. Then hide for a lifetime like a tortoise, don't come out. Otherwise, you won't be able to keep your superior!"


Many monks laughed loudly.

Ji Chengtian bit his teeth and said nothing, his fists clenched, and he shivered slightly.

Decades ago, he was severely wounded by the emperor, surviving dying, and then stayed in Zongmen and never came out.

This matter is being teased now, and he has nothing to say.

But he heard that Leng Ruo's marriage with Ye Tiancheng could not be ignored!

He wanted to come and ask for his tenderness.

If this matter is tenderly willing, then he is a sincere blessing.

If the tenderness is forced by others, he will stand up anyway!

Even if you risk your life!

"A bunch of crazy dogs are barking, Taoists don't need to bother."

Not far away, a man in a blue shirt came over, followed by a man and two women.

The man in the blue shirt had a rough face, but his eyes were clear. Looking at Ji Chengtian, he slightly folded his hands and smiled.

For some reason, Ji Chengtian always felt that this person's eyes and smile were very warm.

Ji Chengtian also gave his fist in return, and laughed strongly: "Thank you for your comfort."

"Who are you, who are you calling a crazy dog!"

"It was a monk at Bailianmen."

A Yuanying Zhenjun sneered at the Five Elements Sect: "You have to get rid of your name from the four big gates, and still have nosy minds?"

Before Su Zimo could speak, Ru Xuan couldn't help but yelled at him: "We scold a crazy dog, whoever answers, whoever is!"

"Oh, this little sister, were you arrogant just now."

At this moment, behind the four of Su Zimo, a mocking laughter sounded.

Several monks from Bahuangshan came over, headed by a strong man, strong in stature, who had practiced to Yuanyuan's great consummation, showed fierce looks, and stared at Su Zimo.

"Yu Yu, here is Qianhemen, what do you want to do!"

Nangong Ling flickered, standing in front of Ru Xuan, gazing at alertness.

Yu Huang of Bahuang Mountain is also a arrogant boy. He was on the list of visions two hundred years ago.

Although the ranking is not high, but the cultivation experience is longer, the cultivation status is higher than Nangong Ling, and the combat power cannot be underestimated!

Yu Wei squeezed his fists, twisted his neck, and made a crackling crackling sound, smirking: "Finally, don't worry about the Yuding Taoists who have practiced at your door, I will let you go!"

"Now, since you run out by yourself, don't blame me for giving you a lesson!"

The two sides did not agree, and there was a tendency to fight!

The nuns in front of the courtyard did not stop.

When Tianjiao got together, the outbreak of conflict was inevitable.

As long as the two sides don't make too much noise and kill each other, they basically stand idly by.

Su Zi's face was expressionless, and he said, "Bai Lianmen has reached this point. What kind of clown clowns do you want to step on?"


Yu Wei grinned and said, "Just know! You're done practicing, and I just want to bully you!"


Su Zimo nodded, turned and walked towards Yu Wei, said lightly: "Since this is the case, it is no wonder I am."

(End of this chapter)

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