Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 934: Five people reunited (eighth more)

Chapter 934: Five People Reunited (Eighth)

Qun Xiu was astonished!

Just now, just because someone laughed, he was killed on the spot by Ye Tiancheng's maid town.

Even Qianhemen did not show up, choose the default.

Unexpectedly, at this time, some people dared to speak!

And this time, almost referring to the first name and mocking Ye Tiancheng, provoking his majesty!

Many monks realized that someone was going to die.

Hearing this voice, Su Zimo moved in his heart and couldn't help showing a smile.

Unexpectedly, he came too!

Ji Chengtian looked around, looking surprised and happy.

Coldness was originally indifferent, but when he heard this voice, he also moved slightly, and there was a trace of warmth in the cold eyes.


Ye Tiancheng's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked around.

Originally, the nine maids standing next to him were also frowning, looking around the crowd, but hesitant and inactive.

The voice just sounded loud and erratic, the direction was difficult to identify, they could not be sure at all!

"Oh, squint and squint, look at you silly!"

The joke sounded again.

This time, provocation meant even more serious, and directly rose to personal attack.

Not to mention the top of the vision list, Ye Tiancheng, who is now known as the first true monarch, would not be able to stand even if he was an ordinary person who was so provoked!

Make a sound.

Ye Tiancheng stood up, murderous, his eyebrows flickering, and his huge sense of spirit was released suddenly, covering the entire courtyard directly!

After a while.

Ye Tiancheng still did not move, his face was ugly.

not found!

After his consciousness came down, the voice seemed to disappear out of thin air, and then went into hiding.

Not to mention him, the returnees present and unable to find anyone to speak!

Ye Tiancheng took a deep breath, his eyes were gloomy, he slowly regained his sense, and sat back again.

"Oh, it scared me."

Ye Tiancheng has just recovered his sense of consciousness, and his buttocks haven't hit the throne yet. The sound of this teasing sounded again:

"I didn't say that you are mixed with Yuanzong. You have a big laugh and you can't stand it. Now you can't find me. Is your lungs going to explode?"

Su Zimo laughed secretly.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years have gone, and the fat man is even more naughty.

Moreover, it must be said that the obscurity method of the little fat man is quite clever, and Su Zimo can only vaguely determine the position of the little fat man by virtue of his powerful six senses.

The fat man kept moving in the crowd.

However, there seemed to be something hidden in his body that was hidden from others.

Moreover, he moved slowly and carefully.

"He Fang rat, hide his head!"

Ye Tiancheng's face was gloomy, and he slowly said, "If you have the courage, just show up!"

"No, I'm timid."

The fat man said: "You kill people at every turn, Qianhemen doesn't care, who is not afraid."

These remarks not only ridiculed Ye Tiancheng's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but also ran into Qianhemen.

Many returnees from Qianhemen were blushing.

Ye Tiancheng closed his eyes and suddenly closed his mouth, as if he had given up searching.

After a while, the fat man said, "What are you doing there, asleep?"


Ye Tiancheng opened his eyes, bursting out of intention, his body flickered, and he flew into the crowd instantly, coldly: "Get out of me!"

The group repairs were horrified and dispersed.

Only one figure, standing in place, in a black robe, seemed frightened.


Ye Tiancheng's fist hit heavily on the man's chest.

The man's shirt was torn and flew out, his chest had been punctured, and strangely, no blood flowed out.


The man fell to the ground and rolled a few laps before stopping.

Everyone took a look.

This is not a person at all, but a puppet made of the best black iron steel!

This puppet is lying on the ground, with its back to the crowd, and a few big characters are written on its back-it was an idiot who hit me!


This time, Qun Xiu couldn't bear it anymore and burst into laughter.

Su Zimo also laughed.

It turns out that it's not just small fat people.

There is that stupid Shi Jian who worshipped in Zongzong!

They are all here!

Seeing this scene, his lips were pursed softly, his heart was agitated.

When these old friends learned of her marriage with Ye Tiancheng, they knew it might be a trap, but they rushed over without hesitation!

Ji Chengtian is so.

Fatty, so is Shi Jian!

Lengrou was not a temperament, but at this moment, she felt that her nose was a little sore and her eyes became red.

Ye Tiancheng's complexion was extremely gloomy!

He even had a thought in his mind, killing all the monks who laughed at this moment!

But he knew that this was not realistic.

Although he is at the top of the vision list, the first true king, it is impossible to do this.

"Stop it!"

Just then, a light drink came from afar.

The three puppets came out of the air with strong breath and coercion.

Three French Prime Ministers!

The three female nuns looked only middle-aged, but still beautiful, exuding a mature charm that the young girls did not have.

The female nun headed by it is Lanyue Daojun, the emperor of Qianhemen.

Standing beside her were the elders of Qianhemen.

Lan Yuedao's eyes glanced through the crowd, and he said lightly: "If you two are here to participate in the Qianhe Tea Party, I will welcome Qianhemen. But if you come to make trouble, don't blame me for banging you out!"

The fat man and Shi Jian's methods are even more clever. Under the shroud of the prince of the Taoist monarch, they have nothing to hide.

The little fat man and Shi Jian slipped quietly to the side of Qianhemen before showing their figures.

The two made a face at Ye Tiancheng.

At this time, Qianhemen Sovereign was present.

Ye Tiancheng is no matter how strong he is, he does not dare to open the killing ring under the eyes of the Emperor Qianhemen!

"Sister Sovereign, don't bomb us out."

The little fat man smiled and saluted Jun.

Although Lanyue Daojun remained calm, but the voice of the suzerain's elder sister also made her happy.

She didn't look middle-aged, but she had lived for thousands of years. When she heard a baby girl over a hundred years old, she called her sister.

The little fat man said, "Sister of the lord, on your site, Ye Tiancheng dare to kill anyone. If you bomb us out, you will be killed by him."

Without reaching a smile, the fat man's mouth is still so sweet.

What's more, the small fat man and Shi Jian are the two heirs of the Tomb Sect and the Dai Zong Sect, and Lan Yuezhen will naturally have some scruples.

Lan Yuezhen said: "Just know what you are. In your name, you are eligible for a cup of Tongxuan tea."

After a pause, Lanyue Zhenjun warned the two of them one by one, saying word by word: "Remember, don't make me mess!"

Shi Jian is still stupid, unsmiling and silent.

The fat man hit a haha, even if the fool passed.

With a smile on his face, he beckoned to them and said, "Come here."

"Call Brother Jiji!"

"Haha, just wait for you."

Ji Chengtian laughed out of the crowd.

After a hundred years, the four finally reunited!

To be precise, five people!

Sitting on the side of Bai Lianmen, Su Zimo did not move, nor did he remind Leng Ru and others.

There is a fluctuation of consciousness when the consciousness is transmitted.

At this time, if the transmission is over, it will certainly attract the attention of others, and it is not necessary for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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