Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 940: Contest of refiners (second)

Chapter 940: The Contest of the Refiner

Not many people see how Su Zimo shot.

Just in a blink of an eye, Ye Qi had already fallen and fallen!

Amazing sword!

"This is really a cruel master, such a beautiful beauty, kill it when you say kill, without hesitation."

"Jianxiu is mostly decisive, which is normal."

"Just, when did Bai Lianmen come out with such a powerful sword repair?"

Many monks whispered.

"Good sword."

Pang Lan Zhenjun laughed.

The sword had no trace of red eyes, and gritted his teeth, "If it were not my frightful sword, how could he kill his opponent with one sword!"

It's not just the sword that doesn't think so.

Most of the monks present thought that this sword could have such an amazing power, which originated from the congenial true monarch weapon Jinghong Law Sword!

Jianzong Hang Qiuyu's gaze was faint, and a little flash of confusion flashed under his eyes, and his brows frowned.

He can see it.

Even if there is no Jinghong Sword, that Ye Qi will not escape the fall!

This sword is very powerful, but this sword is a bit odd.

Does not seem like swordsmanship, and gives him a sense of familiarity!

However, this Mo Ling shot time is too short, Jian Guang suddenly disappeared, he wanted to watch it carefully, there is no chance.

Ye Tiancheng's maid was dead, and everyone realized that something big would happen!

"you wanna die!"

Ye Tiancheng got up slowly, and the whole man exuded a coercive pressure, making the Tongxuan courtyard tremble!


Before Ye Tiancheng had any action, Ye Yi picked up the flute and blew up.

The flute sounds resentful and pervasive, as if it can penetrate into the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone, directly hurting the gods!


Ye Er, Ye San, and the two maids seemed to have no influence under the sound of the flute, but the atmosphere soared and they killed Su Zimo!

The leaves waved sleeves, and a fluffy pink petal fell down.

The petals seemed fragile, but when they floated away, they seemed to cut the void into pieces!

Ye Wu held the fan and injected mana.

There are five patterns on the fan!

Perfect real monarch weapon!

Even the maids next to Ye Tiancheng use perfect instruments!

"What are you doing!"

"Want to bully less!"

On the side of Bailianmen, headed by Yuding Taoist and Nangong Ling, Qun Xiu got up, showed the magic weapon, and grasped the method.

Monks from the mixed Yuanzong also all came forward.

The battle is about to start!

The situation has reached this point, and it is about to get out of control. Lan Yue Dao Jun frowns and has to stand up and stabilize the situation!

If the situation develops and the two sides fight, the monks in this courtyard will probably be involved, and no one will be spared.

This Qianhe Tea Party does not have to go on.

Qianhemen, her Lanyue Daojun, will become a joke!


Lan Yuedao Jun sighed loudly, exuding a great deal of coercion, shrouded down!

In her voice, not only contained the power of Faxiang Daojun, but also a hint of crane croaking, which instantly destroyed Ye Yi's flute!

The peach blossom of Ye Si, still in the air, motionless.

The judgments of many monks, whether on the side of Yuanyuanzong or on the side of Bailianmen, whether condensed or uncondensed, all collapsed instantly!

The method of the prince of law, the ruler of one sect, is evident!

"This is Qianhemen!"

Lanyue Daojun said slowly, "Now is Qianhe Tea Party, what do you want to do! But look at my master!"

Ye Yi pointed at Su Zimo and said coldly, "This man ignores the rules of Qianhemen and kills people, and his sin should be dead!"


The fat man couldn't bear it, and yelled, "You little maiden's skin looks so clean, but my heart is too dirty!"

"You don't make sense."

Ruxuan sneered: "It was the woman who first started, did we not allow us to fight back? Well, she deserves it!"

"This matter is set aside."

Lan Yue Daojun looked dignified, and Shen said, "The grievances between you should be settled on the Tianjiao front, and I won't stop at that time."

Qianhemen Sovereign came forward and finally stabilized the situation.

The monks who mixed Yuanzong and Bailianmen retreated.

Ye Tiancheng laughed suddenly, looked at Bai Lian Men Qun Xiu, and slowly nodded, and said, "Okay, very good! Your Bai Lian Men is really brave, and now dare to fight with me to fight against Yuanzong!" "

"Brother Ye, rest assured."

Underwhelming cry: "After the refining battle, Bailianmen will be removed from the four side gates!"

"it is good!"

Ye Tiancheng stared at Su Zimo and said quietly: "I'd like to see, how long can Bai Lianmen shelter you!"

Su Zimo smiled indifferently.

Ye Tiancheng got something wrong.

Su Zimo dared to confront Ye Tiancheng, not by Bai Lianmen, but by himself!

Lan Yue Daojun looked to Lengrou, and said, "Go to the Fuyu showdown first, as for your wedding ..."

After a short pause, Lanyue Daojun glanced at Su Zimo, sneered slightly, and said, "Since some people are not in control, they want to challenge Ye Tiancheng, and when Tianjiao fights, give him a chance!"

"If Ye Tiancheng wins, Rouer, you have to obey the arrangements for the teacher, how?"

"it is good."

He calmly agreed without hesitation.

Even Lanyue Daojun stunned.

The soft answer gave her a feeling that it seemed to her disciple that Ye Tiancheng would not win at all!

how can that be?

Lanyue Zhenjun smiled first and shook her head slightly.

In her eyes, the only Mo Ling who can surpass Ye Tiancheng is cultivation for realm.

But for a demon such as Ye Tiancheng, the difference between the early Yuan Dynasty and the post-Yuan Dynasty period is really nothing.

Ye Tiancheng has even beheaded people who returned to Xudao!

Or is this Mo Ling wanting to rely on that shocking magic sword?

This is even more ridiculous.

Lan Yue Daojun believes that Ye Tiancheng's body also has the innate true monarch weapon, and there is more than one!

Promise softly and quickly, so that Qianhe Tea will be back on track.

For some reason, Lanyue Daojun felt that just now, coldness suddenly changed into a person.

Although indifferent still looks indifferent, between his eyebrows, he will inadvertently reveal a touch of joy.

Lanyue Daojun shook his head and no longer thought about it.

Anyway, the situation at hand is still under her tight control!

Only a few episodes appeared just now, just a little accident.

The tea party went on.

Lengrou, as a monk sent by Qianhemen, came to accept the challenges from major runes in Zhongzhou!

This run-of-fu battle is going faster.

But in half an hour, the winner has been decided!

The rest of the Fuyu divisions have not yet made their own Fuyu, and Ruili has made a nine-day **** thunderbolt!

The power of this rune has reached the peak of Yuanying Realm!

Even those who return to Xuandao have their fears!

Seeing this, the other Fuyu divisions gave up admitting defeat.

Gently and logically, seal the master Fuyu, drink the ultimate Tongxuan tea!

After the battle of Fu Yan, it was the battle of refiners.

It is also the top priority of the Qianhe Tea Party!

(End of this chapter)

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