Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 943: I want to try

Chapter 943: I Want To Try

Tianzhang religion, mixed Yuanzong and Jianzong all expressed their positions.

The remaining three great immortals stood idly by.

The monks returning to the realm of the three major monasteries of the Buddhist temple, Wuxiang Temple, and Prajna Temple, who came to the tea party, all bowed their eyes and obviously did not want to be involved in the incident.

Most of the time, Buddhist monks have always been indisputable with the world, and rarely participate in the battle between the monks.

"If you can't even compete for the title of the master of the refiner, as one of the four side gates, Bailian Gate is indeed a bit of a name."

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with replacing the Bailian Gate by the Temple of the Underworld. It is normal for the practitioners to respect the strength."

Many monks whispered.

The Yuding Taoist slowly got up, his face sinking like water, and said loudly, "It's just ridiculous that I just want to take the position of Bailianmen by virtue of a battle of refiners!"

"Everyone has this qualification. Only you, the Temple of Underworld, can't do it! A traitor in my sacred gate, who wants to dominate the king, is ridiculous!"


Ming Han laughed and said, "I think you are really ridiculous! Bai Lianmen is rotten and obsolete, not thinking about progress, it is already alive and well!"

"Master, he could not bear to see the decline of the refiner's way, only to establish his own door. For thousands of years, he has made such achievements. Who dares to say that he is not qualified!"

"As the saying goes, there is no order to hear the Dao, the master is the teacher! Among the five left avenues, the leader of the corpse cultist was a disciple of Xi Zong. Now, this senior has not yet created a feat of ancient times, Side by side! "

"Master respects him for his talents and his own way of creating a smelting fire. Now that his achievements have already surpassed everyone in your practice, who dares to say that he is not qualified!"

The cold look was arrogant, the big sleeves fluttered, and the spirit was full of spirits. These words were also powerful and powerful, and many onlookers were nodding in secret!

Ming Han has just won the battle for refiners. He is young and full of enthusiasm.

At this time, when he said these words, the momentum was like rainbow. Although Yu Ding Tao's cultivation was high, compared with it, he was overshadowed!

Even everyone in Bailianmen had a little doubt in their hearts.

Is it true that the sectarian gate has reached such an irreparable level?

Nangong Ling hugged Liu Hanyan and stared at the dazzling bleakness not far away, her eyes full of grief and injustice!

Yu Dingdao looked towards the three main gates.

In any case, since ancient times, the four major gates are all connected with the same spirit, and the Bailian Gate is difficult. The other three major gates should not sit idly by.

Lan Yue Dao Jun's eyes passed on the faces of the mixed Yuanzong, Tianzhangjiao, and Jianzong, and he sighed silently, without speaking.

Today's event, the Temple of the Underworld is clearly prepared!

There are three great immortals as support, and at the same time, even if Qianhemen stands up, it is useless and it will offend the three great immortals.

Tang Yu at Danyangmen was somewhat unsuccessful, and he said loudly, "The words of the filial avengers are bad, Bailianmen has been passed down through the ages, and it has a rich heritage. Is it as bad as you say?

"What's more, the position of the four major gates is not trivial. How can you and your master trainers determine the outcome?"

"Ha ha."

Ming Han chuckled again and exclaimed: "Among the Grand Masters, Bai Lian Men is not an opponent!"

"Now the major gates are all there. I will now ask you one of the Bailianmen. If my Master comes forward, who can win the Bailianmen Refining Equipment!"

Bai Lian Men group repair silent.

The Yuding Taoist did not speak.

Prior to this, the Master of the Refiner of Bailianmen had played against the Master of the Temple of the Underworld, and suffered all defeats!

The reason why the value of the battle of the refining equipment at the Qianhe Tea Party is so important, Bai Lianmen also wanted to take this opportunity to pull back a city.

Unexpectedly, it still ended in a terrible defeat.

Although Han Han is the true prince of Yuan Ying, at this time, he has already set a trend and is dazzling. He pointed at the direction of Bailianmen and shouted loudly:

"You are no match for the battle of masters. You dare not fight against the battle of masters! Bai Lianmen, why is one of the side doors!"

The sound was thunderous, roaring in the ears of Xiu Lianmen.

"The Bailianmen is over."

"Yes, even if Bailianmen is unwilling to admit it, after today, there is no place for Bailianmen among the side doors."

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. This way, a super ancestral gate inherited from eternity, just fell like this."

Many monks talked about it without concern, and no longer considered the feelings of everyone in Bailianmen.

Ye Tiancheng smiled coldly, with irony in his eyes, and said, "If I am a disciple of Bailianmen, I would have returned to Zongmen a long time ago, why do I have to stay here!"

Finally, monk Bailianmen could not stand the pressure and stood up silently.

Soon, the second Bailianmen disciple stood up, bowed his head, and left the seat sadly.

Yu Dingdao looked at this scene, stretched out his arms, his lips moved a little, as if trying to stay, but didn't say a word.

Ye Tiancheng's eyes were cold, and God's consciousness sent out a wave of waves. He was ready to let the fierce footsteps go ahead and kill the people of Bailianmen outside Qianhemen!

"You don't leave, do you want to challenge me?"

Looking at Yuding Taoist, Nangong Ling, and others, Ming Han mocked in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Oh, I almost forgot. You have inherited all ages from ancient traditions, and have a rich heritage, and you may not even be able to hide the crouching dragon."

"Whoever disagrees can come up and challenge. If anyone of you can make a congenital monarch weapon, even if I lose, how?"

Netherfire Hall group Xiu laughed loudly.

"I want to try."

When the people in Yuding Tao couldn't bear it anymore, they looked embarrassed, and wanted to leave with the group, a sound suddenly made in the crowd.

The group repaired for a moment, and looked at each other.

A blue-shirt man looked indifferent, separated the crowd, and walked in. It was Su Zimo!

"It's you?"

Frost cold eyes.

Ye Tiancheng looked at Su Zimo, and did not conceal the murder in his eyes.

This man has been doing bad things to him again and again, he did not expect that now he jumped out again, he can't wait to shoot now and kill him here!

"Little Uncle, you ..."

The three of Nangong Ling looked at Su Zimo, and suddenly a radiant radiance burst into his eyes.

Isn't the little master and uncle not only an amazing sword repairer, but also an outstanding master trainer?

Is it true that the little master and uncle can save Bailianmen this time?

The three of them had never seen Su Zimo's refining device, so when Su Zimo stood up, the hearts of the three suddenly appeared endless expectations.

The Yuding Taoist was also shocked, his eyes brightened.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the suzerain and the Red Star Road parted before telling him to obey the order of the little master and uncle at critical moments.

It turned out that this little master and uncle was the hidden card of Bailianmen!

Nangong Ling and Yu Dingdao looked at Su Zimo with anticipation.

Unexpectedly, Su Zimo seemed to think of something, suddenly turned his head, looked at the three of Nangong Ling, coughed, and asked, "Who do you have a refining dinger, borrow me?"

Nangong Ling: "..."

Ru Xuan: "..."

Yu Dingdao almost spit out old blood.

The audience gathered around for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Real refining masters regard refining tripods as the most important magical instruments. Carry them with you. How can there be no refining tripods?

This is no wonder Su Zimo.

He has a refining dipper for making spirits, but he doesn't have a refining dipper for making magic tools.

As for the bronze Fang Ding, it has been used by his red-haired yin **** to sacrifice it into a magic weapon.

Thanks to the waves, under the linden tree, spring, deity, lonely star, pig pecs, meet, big rock, free smiles, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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