Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 945: You're done

Chapter 945: Success


A cold smile.

Although Su Zimo's refining steps and actions did not have any big mistakes, in the eyes of his master trainer, it seemed extremely jerky.

Ming Han stood with her arms folded, not anxious at all, waiting to see Su Zimo's joke at the end,

According to his expectations, Su Zimo can condense up to three French patterns!

If you are out of luck, it may not be condensed together.

If there is no one next to Su Zimo, continue his 'refiner'.

Normally, at this step of shaping, the spiritual material inside should have melted into a liquid and burned red, like magma.

But in Su Zimo's refining vessel, the candle is still like that.

However, under the control of Su Zimo's consciousness, the candlestone gradually separated into thirty-six waterdrop-sized stones.

In his mind, one of the drops of water gradually changed, condensing a very fine and delicate flying sword.

Subsequently, Su Zimo's mouth slightly tilted, a smile appeared in his eyes.

With a sense of consciousness, a pattern appeared on the blade of this flying sword, which seemed to be a condensed magic pattern.

The consciousness moved again, and a pattern appeared on the sword.

This pattern is not condensed on the sword with mana at all, but on the sword pattern!

The fake French pattern, but it looks no different from the real!


In a blink of an eye, there are already six lines on the sword!

If Su Zimo thought, let alone six lines, seven lines and eight lines, all of which are easy to understand.

Of course, if you really get seven or eight lines, you will be exposed directly.

Normally, the shaping step is relatively short, unless it is to create extremely complex shapes.

But Su Zimo is different.

He took a long time in the shaping phase.

It is not only necessary to shape the entire thirty-six flying swords, but also the size, shape, and position of the lines of these thirty-six flying swords cannot be deviated.

This is an extremely exhausting thing.

"It takes so long to shape the Feijian. It seems that this person really has no ability."

"Hehe, I'm all looking forward to it now. At the two steps of tempering and gathering spirits, what is his" amazing "performance."

The eyes of many monks could not penetrate the alchemy tripod, and the consciousness was isolated. Naturally, it was not clear what was happening inside.

If anyone could see what was happening in the refiner, the eyes would fall down!

In a long time, Su Zimo finally finished shaping.

In the whole refining process, the most important thing is the two steps of tempering and gathering spirits, one shaping, which took nearly an hour, and many monks were impatient for a long time.

Next is tempering.

Bailianmen has a special method of hammering.

At first, Jiuhuo Daojun only taught him a little fur, and until three months ago, he did not fully teach the meaning of the thousand hammer fingers.

This time, it was Su Zimo's first exercise of this secret method.

The tempering process naturally seemed extremely jerky, and everyone in Bailianmen either bowed his head or turned his head to look at it.

This tempering technique is too rough!

Su Zimo didn't care, and after a long time of pretending to practice, he began to gather spirits.

Many monks are struggling and waiting to see the excitement.

You should know that in the spiritual gathering phase, all kinds of disorder are most likely to occur.

Juling failed, the weapons that he cast himself exploded, and some of the refiners' mental exhaustion was severe. When they encountered such changes, they attacked their hearts with anger, and many passed out on the spot.

Those who were badly hit were not a few, and Liu Hanyan only ended up in this end.

Ru Xuan prayed silently: "It is inevitable that the flying sword exploded. Just ask God for blessing, and the uncle and ancestors will be fine."


Soon, a brilliance flashed out in the refiner Dingzhong.

Everyone froze.

How did you gather a pattern?

The chill looks as usual.

It is normal to gather a French pattern, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

It didn't take long.

The second glory flashed.

This means that two lines of law have been formed!

No one else could see the situation in the refining vessel.

In fact, the silencer in the refining vessel was completely silent, and Su Zimo was not condensing the lines at all.

Based on his practice in Yuanying Realm, it's so simple to make a little movement in the refining vessel and make a little light.

Lan Yuedao Jun frowned slightly.

She always felt something was wrong.

However, although she is expensive as a master of the sutra, she cannot use divine knowledge to investigate the situation inside.

This will touch the taboo of the refiner!

In fact, if there is a master of the refining equipment, his eyes are old, and his experience is rich, Su Zimo's means can't be hidden.

It's a pity that there is no master of the refiner at the Qianhe Tea Party!


Soon, the third Guanghua flashed.


This time, even the cold chirped.

Of course, he is not nervous.

Gathering one step, the harder you get, the lower the chance of success!

The smelter who was present had no less than a half, and all three patterns could be condensed!

As he thought, the fourth light flashed.

Four Law Patterns!

This time, there was even more agitation in the crowd.

Many monks have put down their contempt.

In any case, the superb craftsman who can make four lines of texture is already quite a master craftsman.

After a while, the fifth light burst!

This time, Qun Xiu was uproar!

Even everyone in Bailianmen's eyes widened and looked at the scene incredibly.

The three of Nangong Ling were stunned.

In their eyes, this refiner has a jerky and rough technique, and even the little master and uncle who does not even have a refiner, with a dilapidated refiner, has made a perfect true monarch?

Frost frowned.

He also felt that there was something wrong, but it was not specific.

And he has felt the pressure!

"This Mo Ling, wouldn't he really make a congenital monarch weapon?"

Looking at Su Zimo, Ming Han's eyes secretly thought.

I don't know how long.


In the refining vessel tripod, once again a dazzling brilliance, mana surge, boiling in the void!


There was an exclamation from the crowd.

The sixth pattern is lit, and the group repairs shake!

"This is impossible!"

The cold look was gloomy, and he bit his teeth, "How can it be so easy with six patterns! I don't believe it!"

It's not just the cold and unbelief, most of the monks present, including everyone in Bailianmen, can't believe it, their eyes are full of incredible colors.

Su Zimo did not give the group too much reaction time, and directly poured the prepared cold water into the refining vessel.

Stab it!

The green smoke billowed.

Quenching is complete.

In fact, quenching is putting the burning Feijian into cold water.

But Zhu Zhaoshi was burned by the fire of Xianmen Road, and there was no movement at all. If his flying sword was taken out directly, it would be exposed instantly.

The smelter is burnt hot, and cold water is poured into it, which will inevitably make a stabbing sound.

Seeing this scene, Qun Xiu's mind only flashed a thought. This person's hardening method was different and did not think much.

You're done!

It's finally time to see the real chapter.

Su Zimo smiled slightly looking at the dying cold that was not far away.

If no one finds a flaw until now, the tragedy is the bleakness!

Today is Sangen ^ _ ^ Thank you for your reward under the Bodhi tree.

(End of this chapter)

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