Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 967: Uncle, I'm late

Chapter 967 Uncle, I'm Late

Lan Yuedao Jun expressionless.

At this Qianhe Tea Party, so many people died, and one was bigger than the other, and even seven returnees lost their way, and she definitely couldn't escape the relationship!

If you fail to cope, Qianhemen will be implicated!

But Su Zimo had kindness to Qianhemen.

At this time, if she killed Su Zimo directly, she would make Qianhemen's reputation of ungratefulness, causing countless criticisms!

Thoughts turned, Lan Yue Dao Jun's mind had been thinking about it.

"Su Zimo, if you did not have anything to do with Qianhemen, I will kill you here and do not tolerate anything you do today!"

Lan Yue Dao Jun's voice was cold.

But when I heard this, the tenderness, the fat man, and others were all cheering.

Listening to this meaning, Lan Yue Daojun does not seem to be ready to attack Su Zimo.

After a short pause, Lan Yuedao's Jun Feng turned around and said, "However, today's matter, you have made a great disaster, and I can't protect you!"

"I have repeatedly told you to let you converge, because you don't listen to yourself, no wonder others."

There was a mockery in Su Zimo's eyes, and he said lightly: "The suzerain doesn't have to go in circles, just say anything."

Lanyue Daojun took a deep breath and said calmly, "I won't kill you, but you can't leave Qianhemen, just stay here as a guest."

There was a burst of restlessness in the crowd.

"It's an absolute hand!"

"Too cruel! On the surface, there was no shot against Su Zimo, but he was placed under house arrest, and he will not be able to escape until the powerful realms such as Yuanyuanzong, Jianzong, and Tianzhang are here!"

"In this way, Qianhemen can also be regarded as an explanation for Xianyuan Zong and other immortal gates. Moreover, it is important that Lanyue Daojun has not shot against Su Zimo and will not bear the name of ingratitude."

"What a killing!"

The monks who were able to practice to Yuan Yingjing were not fools. They soon understood the thoughts of Lanyue Daojun and whispered.

"Ha ha."

Su Zimo chuckled and asked, "Why, you want to detain me at Qianhemen?"

"Junior, don't know anything."

Lan Yue Daojun said lightly, "I am the sovereign and invite you warmly and stay in Qianhemen for a few days."

"What's more, you and Lengrou are best friends. I haven't seen them in a hundred years. I must have a lot to say, I just do you well."

"Master ..."

"you shut up!"

As soon as Leng Rou spoke, Lan Yuedao Jun glanced and interrupted sharply.

"It's really sounding."

There was a mockery in Su Zimo's eyes, and he sneered, "Lan Yue Daojun, the righteous chivalry in Xianmen, you don't have half a body, this hypocrisy, you have learned ten percent!"

Su Zimo put away a smile and asked slowly, "What if I insist on leaving?"

"Then don't blame me for being polite and suppressing you here!"

Lan Yuedao Jun said coldly, "junior, since this is already said, I advise you to take it for granted and suffer less!"

The coercion of Faxiang Daojun came slowly and shrouded in the entire Tongxuan courtyard!

Yuan Ying Zhenjun, who was present, felt as if he was carrying a towering mountain with him, and could not move at all!


Su Zimo laughed.

Even in the face of the coercion of Fa Xiang Dao Jun, he still expressed his pride: "Lan Yue, listen, although I can't beat you, but I Su Zimo wants to leave, I can't stop you. I!"


Yuan Ying Zhenjun, who was present, was two rare realms in the face of the princes of the Dao and the Dao, and it was rare to be able to stay inferior and inferior.

Like Su Zimo, he directly challenged the majesty of Faxiang Daojun.

This is not Su Zimo's bluff.

His frontal combat power is indeed no match for the French Prime Minister.

At the beginning, the town of Minghuo Dian Faxiang Daojun was killed only because the other party Shou Yuan was about to die and he was about to die. Otherwise, his barrenness would not kill him at all.

In the courtyard of Tongxuan right now, there are three princes of Daoism, strong blood, obviously at the peak.

The desolation of Su Zimo had little effect on the three philosophers.

However, he had a lot of cards, and the two primordial gods merged. With the help of Ming Wang rosary, he could briefly escape the coercion of Faxiang Daojun.

Another outbreak of blood sacrifice will not stop him even if he is a prince of law!

"Junior, you have been provocative again and again, I will give you a lesson today!"

Lan Yuedao's eyes flashed, his eyebrows flickered, and he was ready to shoot in person.

Su Zimo's eyes were bright, and the blood sacrifice method was about to erupt!


At this moment, a light drink came from the distant sky, interrupting the tense atmosphere in Tongxuan courtyard.

Qun Xiu turned his eyes.

I saw three monks coming from the sky, one of whom was a middle-aged man and relatively young.

The other two monks, both old men with white hair, seemed to be nearing their old age, but they were spirited and blushing.

"It is Master!"

Nangong Ling, Liu Hanyan, Ru Xuan's eyes brightened, exclaimed.

Among the three monks, the middle-aged man was their master, the Red Star Daojun!

The two elders next to the Akasaka Prince did not recognize them.

In addition to Akashiro, the two elders are also in the state of law!

"The Faxiang Daojun of Bailianmen came first. It seems that this is to take Su Zimo away."

"Hehe, how can it be so easy. Don't forget, this is Qianhemen. If Lanyue Daojun doesn't agree, the three Faxiang Daojun want to take someone away?

"Look, there's a lot of fun right now."

The group repaired their discussions and looked excited.

In the blink of an eye, the Red Star Daojun and the two elders descended into the Tongxuan courtyard.

Looking at the messy courtyard, looking at the many broken and corpses that were too late to clean up, the three of them saw a shock!

When Akagi Damon saw Ye Tiancheng's corpse, his pupils shrank even more!

But soon, he calmed down and seemed to have some preparations for the scene at hand.

The next scene, like a stone that stirred up a thousand layers of waves, just some quiet people burst instantly!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Chixing Daojun turned around and came to Su Zimo's body, worshipped slightly, performed the junior ceremony, and said softly, "Uncle, I am late."

Qun Xiu uproar!

The monk's name was heard more or less by the monks present.

Even if you haven't heard of it, the Red Star Daojun is a strong Frenchman.

Now, respecting a junior prince for a Yuanying Zhenjun, respectfully, what is the situation?

The monks present were shocked!

Even Nangong Ling all looked confused.

The three knew that Chixing Daojun was unwilling to admit this uncle Su Zimo.

At first, he just promised to come down, barely shouting ‘Little Master’.

Moreover, in order to take care of his face, Su Zimo once said that if someone is outside, he can call him by name.

Unexpectedly, in the presence of such major forces, and in the eyes of everyone, Chixing Daojun actually did such a move!

The three of Nangong Ling did not see a trace of reluctance in the face of Akashiro.

To be precise, when the Red Star Daojun learns Su Zimo's true identity from the Jihuo Dao Dao, his "Master" is called willingly!

He respected Su Zimo, not because of his seniority.

It is because the young man in front of him deserves his respect!

Just write two more today, no more, let ’s go to sleep, continue tomorrow ~ thank you if you live a dream, forget the rivers and lakes, look back, Tianqing, the road against the sky, brother Su, the moon in the dream, big stones Waiting for Daoyou's reward ~

(End of this chapter)

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