Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 981: Merciless knife

Chapter 981: Relentless Sword

"What is Shura here to do, come to Bailianmen for a while and leave?"

"It's unclear, this person has always acted without hesitation, who knows what he thinks."

"It is estimated that it was also for Su Zimo, but when he saw the fighting power of Jihuo Daojun, knowing that he was out of reach, he ran.

Many Tao Jun looked at Yan Beichen's back and whispered.

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

I'm afraid only he knows that Yan Beichen's visit will have a purpose, and it is likely that he came for him!

"Please come to the inner temple."

Jihuo Daojun said, nodded to Su Zimo, and turned to walk towards Bailianmen.

Jiu Huo Dao Jun is about to break through the fit, which is of great importance. Su Zimo has not disturbed him because of Yan Beichen's affairs.

Su Zimo groaned a little and walked towards Bai Lianmen alone.

"Uncle, where are you going?"

When the Red Star Daojun was about to leave, he bumped into Su Zimo and asked casually.

"It's okay, I'm going out." Su Zimo said ambiguous.

"The uncle, be careful, don't leave Bailianmen. Those in Xianjian Daojun should not have gone far."

After saying this, Chixing Daojun left in a hurry and set out to inform the elders of Zongmen.

Emperor Huodao will break through the realm of law, and all elders in Bailianmen must show up to guard him. In this process, there must be no accidents!

At this time, everyone's attention was put on the body of Jiujiaodao, and no one noticed Su Zimo's departure.

Su Zimo went all the way, galloping towards Bai Lianmen!

Going through the mountain gate of Bailianmen, Su Zimo came to the keeper of the gatekeeper and asked, "Where have those Faxiang Daojun gone?"


The goalkeeper pointed.

Su Zimo nodded, without hesitation, running in the direction of the boy's finger.

Even if he encounters Xianjian Taojun and others, he is not afraid!

Although his combat power is not good, he can rely on a lot of hole cards, such as **** Dafa and other escapes!

Without travelling far, Su Zimo felt a movement in his heart.

He was short, his whole body was almost on the ground, his hands and feet moved together, his body meandering like a big python, swimming slowly forward, silently.

When he came to a dense grass, Su Zimo stood still, squinting at the front, squinting his ears, listening to the sound.

In the mid-air ahead, there were several figures standing in the air.

Jianzong's fairy sword prince and Qin Pianran.

There are Yunyu Daojun, Tianyi teaches to break Tian Daojun, Fenglei Hall Huoyun Daojun, Yunyang Daojun in the mixed Yuan sect, Wuxiang Temple asks monks, and Prajna Temple has a monk.

There is also one of the doorsteps, Tianhaidao Jun of the Five Elements Church.

Jiu Dadaojun stood in one place.

Opposite them, stood in another figure, wearing a black robe, looking indifferent, carrying a blood-red long knife on his shoulder.

Shura Yan Beichen!

"Sura, what did you do with us all the way?"

Yun Yudao Jun frowned slightly, and asked impatiently.

Shura's temperament and addictive killing, even the people in the magic gate are unwilling to deal with it, lest they avoid it.

Yan Beichen said faintly: "Our road number is Shura, naturally to kill."

Yunyu Daojun asked, "Who to kill?"

"you guys."

Yan Beichen said two words, and the scene suddenly calmed down.

"Ha ha."


Immediately afterwards, Tiantianjun, Huoyundaojun, etc. laughed and mocked.

"Are you kidding us?"

Yunyang Daojun, a mixed Yuanzong, sneered.

Among them, they are either the late phase of the French phase or the complete phase of the French phase, and there is also such a presence as Yunyu Daojun.

Although Shura's reputation is very famous, after all, he has just entered the realm of France.

The crowd really didn't take him seriously!

If it weren't for the presence of Yunyu Daojun, they would be able to kill the Shura in front of them under the banner of cutting monsters and removing monsters!

Of the nine Daojun, a few did not laugh.

Yunyu Daojun is one of them.

Because he knew that Shura never joked.

Shura said that to kill, he must kill!

Xian Jiandao Jun frowned, looking at Shura, with some fear in his eyes.

If he is in the heyday, he can easily suppress Shura!

But now, he has been hit hard, the heavens and the earth are destroyed, and he cannot condense in a short time.

Fortunately, there are nine people on their side, so there should be no danger.

The Five Elements Religion Tian Haidao knows that he is the weakest among the crowd, and has not mocked Shura ’s capital. He coughed and asked, "Taoist, we have no injustice with you, why do you kill us?"

"Sura kills people and never needs a reason !!!"

Yan Beichen's eyes were magnificent, and the intention of killing suddenly burst out.

Without warning, his shoulders shook a bit, and the blood-colored sword seemed to have life and jumped up!

The blood vessels on the knife swell, and the blood is diffused.


Blood flashed!

too fast!

Tenkaidao Jun stunned.

The next moment, his skull was flying high, spraying with blood mist!

In midair, the headless body fell.

His primordial spirit had long been shattered by sharp knives, and had no chance to escape!

Tianhaidao Junshen disappeared!

He didn't understand why he died.

He even did not expect that Shura's shot was so decisive that he did not give him any chance to respond at all!

Su Zimo, lying on the grass, saw this scene, a shock in his heart, and a faint stun in his eyes.

He finally understood the purpose of Shura's arrival!

Shura came to kill!

Kill him!

Su Zimo guessed right.

The news of the Qianhe Tea Party spread throughout Zhongzhou, and Yan Beichen could naturally hear it.

Moreover, Yan Beichen knows that several immortal gates such as Jianzong and Mixed Yuanzong will never give up, and will definitely act!

Therefore, even though he has just entered the state of law, when he heard the trouble of many Daojun looking for Su Zimo, he still looked back and rushed over without fear!

It was just like that when I learned that Jiufeng was in trouble, Yan Beichen, who had returned to the virtual realm, ran across the area, travelling for a year and night, and finally resolved the Jiufeng crisis with his own power!

Everyone thought that Shura was ruthless, and his six relatives did not recognize him.

But Su Zimo knew that, although Shura was trying to kill evidence, there was still hot blood flowing in his bones!

Relentless, just the Shura knife in his hand!

Jiujiaodao means strong, but still has some scruples, dare not really kill Xianjiandaojun.

Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of prestige and deterrence, stop in time.

After all, Jiujiaodao also has to consider Bailianmen.

And Yan Beichen, no worries!

Because, he is Shura who killed the testimony!

Jihuo Daojun just gave a lesson to Xianjian Daojun and others, but Xiu Luo Yan Beichen had no plans to let these nine people go back alive!

Many Daojun changed their colors in an uproar and retreated!

With a pair of nines, no one except Yunyu Daojun expected that Shura would dare to do it!

Everyone even did not expect that Shura ’s method was so terrible, and Tian Haidao Jun had no chance to respond, so he was killed with one stroke!

(End of this chapter)

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