Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 983: Shurafa

Chapter 983: Shura Method

Yun Yudao Junyuan left and left Pantiandaojun and others panicking.


The blood-sword of the gods came down again, and beheaded to the Yunyang Daojun of the mixed Yuanzong!

"You friends, help me!"

While Yunyang Daojun cried for help, he ignited Yuan Mystery as soon as possible.

"What a real lunatic!"

Heaven-stricken Jun shouted.

"Everyone fights!"

Huoyun Dao growled.

"The devil is dead!"

Suddenly the monk suddenly became dignified, the golden light flashed, and the mystery of the three men broke out at the same time!


Qin Pianran replied lightly, touching his fingertips with his fingertips, and condensed a sword of consciousness, chopped it down fiercely towards the conscious blood knife!

Xianjiandao Jun looked on coldly and did not take any action.

Many consciousnesses collided and remained silent.

But under Su Zimo's gaze, the void where the consciousness collided was distorted, a trembling, filled with heartbreaking power!

Five French princes Daojun were shocked.

Yunyang Daojun was even more shocked, humming.

The blood knife of the gods was also shattered by the impact of the five gods, and Yan Beichen's face paled for a moment.

However, he clenched his lips tightly without saying a word!

Su Zimo's heart sank.

Looking at the state of Yan Beichen, his Yuan Shen also seems to have received a lot of shocks and shocks, and he may have been injured!

Five French princes are by no means idle!

Although Yan Beichen is a disciple of the title, he has just stepped into the realm of law, and can compete with the five law masters, Yuan Yuanshen, without falling into the wind, it is already rare!

What's more, before that, he also killed a Tao Jun Yuan Shen!

Su Zimo did not appear rashly.

This battle, with his strength, rushing in will only become a burden, but will distract Yan Beichen.

If someone sacrifices the heavens and the earth, and moves his fingers casually, he can be killed!

Just when Su Zimo was worried, Yan Beichen's eyes brightened, there was no rest adjustment, he stepped forward and shot again!


In the purgatory, the **** river was soaring, setting off huge waves, and shrouded in the direction of Xianjiandaojun and others!

The bones of the bones roared again and again.

Among the just-founded Yuanshen battles, Yunyang Daojun's Yuanshen was the most shocked, and even a scar had appeared on it!

"Land and Earth!"

Yunyang Daojun wanted to sacrifice the heavens and the earth, but he was still half a minute slow. A phantom just rushed out of the body, the blood river rushed over, and the body surrounded him.

The heavens and earth have not been released yet, they were crushed into pieces!

Yunyang Daojun had a big mouth and spit out a pool of blood.


Yan Beichen's cold voice sounded in his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of blood swept across his throat, and the sharp knife gas burst, instantly strangling his Yuan Shen!

Mixed Yuanzong, Yunyang Daojun died!

boom! boom! boom!

It was such a delay that the heavenly and heavenly monarchs, the Huoyun Taoist monks, and the space monks have already sacrificed heaven and earth, and huge figures have risen!


Bone Purgatory couldn't withstand the impact of the three heavens and the earth, and was crushed and shattered!

The three heavens and the earth are all six feet tall!

Being able to cultivate the heavens and the earth in the height of five feet is already a very powerful Daojun!

The heavens and earth, which are as tall as six feet high, are absolutely heavenly pride!

If you are against the general French prince, it will be enough to suppress your opponent!

Unfortunately, they are facing Shuluo Yan Beichen!


Yan Beichen's body was shaking, and a blood-red imaginary rushed out of her head. She instantly climbed to a height of six feet, and it was still skyrocketing!

Qi Zhang ...

Hachijo ...


This Shura body has been climbing to a height of eight feet before it can stop it!

You know, Yan Beichen was the beginning of the state of law.

At the beginning, the heavens and the earth and the heavens and the heavens can be condensed. If you practice to the perfect confluence of the heavens and the earth, it is very likely that you will cultivate to the heavens and the earth, and compare with the immortal sword body of the immortal sword master

If there is any great opportunity to achieve the Supreme Master of Jiu Zhang, it is not impossible!

Generally speaking, when a spiritual person steps into the realm of law, he can condense the world of law.

But the initial height of this Fa phase can determine its future potential!

If the monk just started to consolidate the heavens and the earth, only one foot tall and two feet tall.

Even if the monk practiced to the fullest in the state of law, this state of law is absolutely beyond five feet!

If this monk was able to consolidate the world of five feet high in the early days of the French Realm, then if he practiced to the fullness of the legal realm, then this one could grow to six feet high, or break through six feet!

It looks like the inheritance of the King Kong Temple, the body of the six kings.

At the beginning of the phase of France, you can directly accumulate a figure of six feet tall!

This means that when the monks of the King Kong Temple practice to the completion of the state of law, this golden body may rise to a height of seven feet!

This is already quite scary!

The sky and earth of the sky are already qualified to compete for the list of law!

But now, Yan Beichen sacrifice the Shula Fa body of eight feet and five feet, which instantly breaks the heavens and the heavens and so on, and there is no thought of resistance in my heart!


The three Daojun didn't want to, they turned and fled, leaving their heaven and earth behind each other.


Yan Beichen gave a swift shout, and the blood-red Shurafa was so **** that he held a blood-red long knife in his hand, as if incarnate as a Shura, striding into the stars, and chased and killed the three philosophers.


On the other side, Jun Jianxian took this opportunity to urge the Yuanshen, the mana surged in the body, the entire body disappeared, turned into a sword light, and galloped away!

Sword Art!

The heavens and earth of Xianjiandao Jun and Qin Pianran were defeated by Jihuodaojun, and at this time they could not be condensed.

When Xian Jiandao Jun saw a bad situation, he flew away for the first time!

Before he left, he didn't even tell Qin Pianran.

"Want to escape?"

Yan Beichen sneered, and Shura Fa pursued and killed the three people who broke the heavenly monarch, but he moved in shape, raised the Shura knife in his hand, and chopped forward!


A huge blood-colored blade fell from the sky and traversed the void. It seemed to cut this world into two halves, and quickly caught up with Jian Guang in the distance and chopped it down!

Although Yan Beichen is firing on the Heaven-Breaker Daojun and others, in fact, half of his mind is on the body of Xianjian Daojun.

Xianjian Daojun is definitely his killer!

This person must report that he suffered great humiliation at Bailianmen and hated Su Zimo. If he was allowed to leave, there would be trouble in the future!

Yan Beichen came to today, just to finish it all!

"Brother beware!"

At this moment, before the Scarlet Blade Shadow was about to be cut on the body of Xian Jian Dao Jun, a Qian Ying moved the sword in his hand and blocked it!


Swords collide, Mars is shooting!

Qin Pianran was so shocked that he couldn't hold the sword in his hand and flew away. He spit out a lot of blood, his face became pale, and the whole person fell from the air.

With Shura's stab, she has been hit hard!

The moment she fell from the air, Qin Pian knew that she would die today, and she could not escape!

Qin Pianran worked hard to turn his head, wanting to take a last look at Xianjiandaojun.

Just looking at the brother again, she was satisfied and dead without regrets.

But when she turned her head and looked, her heart gradually became cold and sank to the bottom of the valley.

That sword light has long gone.

Did not pause for her even for a moment.

The one who just said she would never lose her, didn't even look back at her.

All she saw was a distant Jianguang disappearing into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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