Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 987: Preaching place

Chapter 987: The Preaching Land

Not far away, there were several screams, and soon the calm returned.

Not long after, Yan Beichen returned with a touch of flesh.

Yan Beichen opened the door to the mountain and asked directly: "How much do you know about the preaching place?"

"Know nothing, never heard."

Su Zimo shook his head.

Yan Beichen said: "This is also normal. The strength of Jiufeng has not reached the level where he can reach the preaching place. And when you first arrived in Zhongzhou and entered Bailianmen, no one would have mentioned it to you."

"The preaching place is not somewhere on the land of Zhongzhou, but a lot of space created by ancient powers."

Su Zimo nodded.

"In ancient times, the rise of the human race has produced countless arrogant demons, and there are not so many gate forces. Some ancient powers failed to survive the Mahayana or something changed, and they will choose to inherit their Taoism Stay there and wait for someone. "

After a short pause, Yan Beichen asked, "I know why I returned to the virtual world. Does the title of monk in the French phase bring a word" Tao "?"

In the realm of cultivation, every monk in the great realm corresponds to a kind of honorable title.

Like the monk Jin Danjing, he is called a certain person.

Yuan Yingjing monk, known as XX.

This is also a symbol of status. In many cases, due to the ability, the other person's cultivation may not be seen.

Or arrogantly investigating the other party's behavior, it seems rude.

But as long as you hear the other person ’s name is XX, you have an answer in your heart.

The honorific title of returning to the realm is the Taoist.

Fa Xiangjing is called Daojun.

Su Zimo really didn't know why the word "Tao" was used in these two honorable titles.

Seeing Su Zimo shaking his head, Yan Beichen continued to say, "Because, in general, when you practice in this realm, you should know your own heart!"


Su Zimo froze slightly, revealing the color of thought.

Yan Beichen's voice sounded again: "There are thousands of practitioners with different consciousnesses, either for the universal sentient beings, or for the demon to cut off demons, or for free and easy, or for long life, or strong, or For revenge ... "

"Clarify one's own heart, not shaken by foreign objects, fire will not be melted, water will not be destroyed, the pressure of the sky will not collapse, the ground will not be buried, as firm as a rock, as motionless as a mountain.

Taoism is the purpose of spiritual practice!

Why practice?

Cultivation is an act against the sky. There will be numerous difficulties and obstacles on the road. Only by keeping guarding one's heart at all times will it be possible to reach the other side.

Yan Beichen's eyes burst into two sharp eyes, falling on Su Zimo's face, and asked quietly, "Why do you practice?"

Su Zimo's expression was dark, and he recalled the scene of Pingyang Town, where he was bullied by Canglang.

Recalling the scene of chasing the wind to save him, turning to ashes.

Recalling that under the peach tree, there were peach blossoms. A woman in a blood-colored robe, preaching his exercises, stepped into the scene of spiritual practice.

Everything looks like yesterday.

Su Zimo whispered quietly: "I didn't have a spiritual root. At first I practiced, but I wanted to fight against fate and change my life for myself."

The picture in front of me turned.

Su Zimo saw his elder brother Su Hong getting older.

I saw the ruins of Yandi, withered bones.

See the mortal people who have no resistance under the fire, under the trample of the spiritualists and monsters.

Seeing the tear-stained face and helpless eyes of all beings in the world.

Gradually, Su Zimo's eyes became firm and slowly said, "Now, I don't change my life for my own practice. I want to change my life for the rest of the world! I want to stand up!"

"A avenue that is different from immortals, Buddhas, and demons! A avenue that can practice without spiritual roots! This is my Taoism!"

Yan Beichen looked at Su Zimo for a long time without saying a word.

With his nature, at this moment, there is a shock in his eyes that is difficult to restrain!

He originally asked just casually.

But he did not expect that the answer given by Su Zimo made him feel shocked!

There is nothing too much to say about Taoism.

It cannot be said that the Taoxin of Pudu sentient beings is good, and the Taoxin that is free and easy is poor.

But Daoxin still has some differences after all.

Like some monks, their morality is revenge.

After the monk's revenge, his practice will encounter a bottleneck and feel confused.

The Taoist heart established by most monks is eternal life.

If you want to live longer, you must continue to practice and make breakthroughs!

The road to longevity has no end!

Compared with revenge, the eternal life of Daoxin seems much more magnificent.

And Su Zimo's Taoism, its pattern and magnanimity, is much longer than any other long-term sight, cut monsters and remove demons, etc., I do not know how many times higher!

Change lives for the world!

What a heart it is!

What a pride!

What a courage!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Yan Beichen calmed down and even said three good words and nodded: "Zi Mo, at this point, I'm not as good as you!"

The only person who can make Shura bow his head is Su Zimo in this world.

Yan Beichen said: "The inheritance left by ancient powers requires monks to enter the place of inheritance, and then it is possible for them to be recognized if they set down their faith.

Su Zimo nodded, and already had a rough idea of ​​the preaching place.

The preaching place is not only a place where many ancient times can leave the heritage, but also a place for many monks to establish the heart of the Tao!

After establishing the Daoxin, each monk can have his own Taoist name.

"This place of inheritance has been passed down since ancient times. Is the inheritance of the Taoist method still inside?" Su Zimo was a little surprised.

"of course."

Yan Beichen explained: "How many combined powers have emerged from ancient times to the present? In the place of inheritance, in addition to the legacy left by ancient power, every life, there will be power into it, leaving the legacy.

"What's more, the true top Taoist traditions in it are extremely rare, and they have strict requirements on Taoism, and not everyone is eligible to inherit them."

"Inheritance of top Taoist methods?" Su Zimo asked.

Yan Beichen said: "In the land of inheritance, there are many inheritances that can be left behind by powerful people. They are various and strange. It may be a weapon, a boulder, or a statue."

"However, it is said that the most powerful dozens of powerful people in ancient times have left their heritage in a unique area."

"This area is in the center of the preaching place, and it is called the Three Robbery Domain."

"As the name suggests, there are three major calamities in the three calamities! The first wind calamity; the second fire calamity; the third thunder calamity!"

"Only by resisting these three calamities will we be able to reach the center of the three calamities, and we will see that the inheritance of those dozens of ancient powers!

Su Zimo moved in his heart and asked, "Brother Yan, presumably you also entered the preaching place and crossed the Sanjie area. Did you come to the innermost place?"


Yan Beichen shook her head and said, "I only survived the second storm of fire and fire, planted on the thunder storm, and almost died!"

(End of this chapter)

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