Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 124: Conquer ‘Mulinsen’

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

The sudden movement of ‘Mulinsen’ immediately caused Song Ning ’s nervousness. He stepped forward and stood halfway in front of Tang Yue, blocking Tang Yue.

Whoever wanted Tang Yue smiled slightly, gave Song Ning a look, and then moved forward slowly: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

The 'Mulinsen' seemed to have poor eyesight, and his body moved forward, slowly approaching Tang Yue.

Song Ning had clearly felt that 'Mulinsen' was about to attack, but now it has not taken any attack, and the spirit of support just now is gone, lying on the ground, creeping, as if to please Tang Yue, at the same time, It also shows weakness, and it seems that it is really exhausting.

"I will take the younger brother to see you, don't be afraid, the younger brother will not hurt you." Tang Yue said, turning her head to signal Song Ning.

Song Ning approached ‘Mulinsen’ and looked at this ugly but lovable spirit at this moment, he could n’t help but feel sad.

The original listless "Mulinsen" felt that when Song Ning was approaching, the muddy eyes flashed again, and he stared at Song Ning's hand as if he was very curious and excited.

Tang Yue looked at Song Ning's hand with puzzlement: "Senior Brother, is there something in your storage ring? It seems to be very excited. Is there any panacea that can cure it?"

However, at this moment, Song Ning's ears could not hear any sound. Standing in front of 'Mulinsen', he always felt as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't think of it.

There are intermittent pictures in his mind, like memories, but not memories. No matter how he wants to get rid of, the picture is lingering, no matter how hard he tries to see the picture, but he can't see it ...

"Little brother?" Tang Yue pushed Song Ning gently.

Song Ning recovered, he saw 'Mulinsen' lying in front of him like a puppy, the branches and leaves on his body lightly pointed to the storage ring on Song Ning's hand like a hand, as if Is asking in general.

From the eyes of 'Mulinsen', both Song Ning and Tang Yue saw an expectation and an excitement.

"Sister, actually I came to want to use the gossip mirror to include 'Mulinsen' in it. This will not kill it, but I don't know if it can continue to live, so ..." Song Ning looked at Tang Yue .

Tang Yue shook her head, her eyes were surprisingly calm at this time: "Everything is the best arrangement, 'Mulinsen' is looking forward to, you take out the gossip mirror, if it has no opinion, then where am I qualified to take charge of it ? "

Song Ning nodded, opened his palms, and held the gossip mirror in his hand.

Above the gossip mirror, the word "Xun" flashed wildly, and the light suddenly dimmed, making the atmosphere of the entire underground square tense.

'Mulinsen' was even more excited. He looked at the gossip mirror yearningly, closing his huge eyes, but it was just a blink of an eye. The originally crowded underground square became empty, and the disappearance of 'Mulinsen' disappeared, and the gossip mirror The word "Xun" was filled, and it no longer flickered, but if you look closely at the word "Xun", you will find that there is a shadow of "Mulinsen" in this word.

Tang Yue shook her hands and took the gossip mirror. She looked at the word "Xun" on the gossip mirror and touched it gently. Her eyes flashed, but there was no tears.

In a few days, she returned the gossip mirror to Song Ning: "Young Master, you are really kind."

During Tang Yue's speech, Song Ning felt that the number of Jindan in his body had changed. It turned out that saving the 'Mulinsen' was also a kind of salvation.

"I just want to complete the task of this gossip mirror, the sister is not the blame, it is the kindest." Song Ning said.

Tang Yue glanced at the long-standing residence of ‘Mulinsen’ again, shook his head, and walked towards the top of the tunnel: “Come on, it ’s gone, and your purpose has been achieved.”

Song Ning listened to Tang Yue's words with a bit of bitterness. He originally thought it was his illusion, but after getting on the ground, Tang Yue walked in front and his voice trembled: "If you are going to leave, remember to tell in advance I."

"There is no plan to leave for now." Song Ning said.

Tang Yuexin was pleased: "Really?"

"It's true. I don't know where to go now, so I won't leave for now. If I want to leave one day, I will tell you in advance." Song Ning said.

Tang Yue was ecstatic.

The two walked past the Tianji Stone, and it was originally safe, but when Song Ning was about to go away, he suddenly felt something seemed to be in the storage ring, and then he felt the strangeness in the gossip mirror.

The original mirror began to change, and after a while, it turned into ... as if it were a shrunken heavenly machine stone, and from the mirror surface of this gossip mirror, Song Ning could feel the breath of heavenly machine stone!

At this time, Song Ning looked at the huge celestial stone placed on the flat bottom. Although as always, it seemed that there was a little ... soul in it.

"Sister Tang, do you think Tianji Stone has changed?" Song Ning asked.

Tang Yue turned his head to look at Tianji Stone and shook his head: "What happened to Tianji Stone?"

"No, it's nothing." Song Ning said, Song Ning didn't want to cause any trouble at the moment. If he collected 'Mulinsen', Tianji Stone became a thing in his pocket, wouldn't Tianyuan faction want to hate him?

Tang Yue walked a few steps, feeling a little hungry, and pointed to the dining room: "Let's go eat, shall we?"

Song Ning nodded.

However, as soon as the two went a few steps forward, Song Ning felt that there were two strange breaths in the direction of the teleportation array of the Celestial Faction. One of the breaths was low and powerful. The breath came.

Song Ninggang felt this strange breath, and heard an angry rumbling from the direction of the teleportation array: "Huh, Liu family come, your Tianyuan faction still kneeling down quickly ?!"

Tang Yue paused, frowning at the direction of the teleportation array. The voice of the man just now had a very overbearing spiritual power. Even Tang Yue felt a little flustered in this spiritual power.

In the Celestial Sect, many disciples who were not good enough to gather spirit were injured in this voice, ranging from disordered spiritual power to severe damage to the meridians.

"Liu Family?" Song Ning frowned.

"Let's go and see." Tang Yue had an ominous hunch in his mind: "Luoyu has several big families, of which Liu and Leng are the strongest, equivalent to a five-level strength. If there were no two of them in the flaming desert in the south, the Yuyu Kingdom might have fallen for a long time, but why did they come here? "

Song Ning was clear, and the two walked towards the teleporter, but just as they approached, the two stopped at the same time. They looked at the two people next to the teleportation array, their mouths half open, and it was hard to look ...

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