Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 129: Want to kill me?

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Little Master!" Tang Yue exclaimed, rushing to Song Ning, but she was stopped by Elder Bai as soon as she stepped out.

Bingbing reached three inches in front of Song Ning in a blink of an eye. Song Ning could already feel the coldness of the ice cone invading the whole body, but because of the cold, it seemed to resonate with the ice bones in his body. At this moment the ice cone had reached an inch in front of him.


The sword light flashed under Song Ning's feet, and his body disappeared out of thin air. When it reappeared, it was more than ten feet away.

Sword Art!

Most people in the Tianyuan School have never seen Song Ning's Royal Sword Technique.

A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of Monk Jiedan, others didn't know, but he could not see it, this Song Ning's imperial swordsmanship had reached the second stage, and his mind was moving in different places, like a teleport, this is not a year or two What can be cultivated, seeing this 'Yu Jianshu, shifting', has shown that Song Ning is not a thing in the pool, I am afraid that it is really the Song family.

"Five Thunder Fingers!" Monk Jie Dan kept his fist in his right hand, his five fingers clasped in his palms, and suddenly the sky was covered with clouds, thunderous bursts, and electro-optical light.

"Liu's fingering, alone in the world, these five thunder fingers can attract the power of the sky thunder, even if the leapfrog kills are not unusual!" Elder Bai breathed his breath.

The young man with the surname Liu smiled: "Song Ning, kill the people of Liu family, this is the end!"

Just as the young man named Liu surnamed Zi Mo Ting suddenly rushed out of the crowd, she burst into tears and pointed at the young man named Liu yelled: "You asked for my body, said you let me go, but now you want to kill Song Ning? "

Although everyone knew that Zi Mo Ting had been played with by this young man of the surname Liu for a long time, they did not expect that there was such a transaction between them, and even more did not expect Zi Mo Ting to speak out on their own.

The young man with the surname Liu glanced at Zi Mo Ting and disgusted, "I said I wouldn't kill you, then I wouldn't kill you, but I promised you wouldn't kill Song Ning? Get out, cheap!"

Zi Moting stepped back two steps, his legs were weak, he knelt on the ground, his eyes were empty, trembling, and he was in love.

Song Ning made a move, came to Zi Mo Ting, hugged it, and then teleported to Tang Yue, put Zi Mo Ting down, and then returned to the distance.

Everything, but between the electric light and the stone fire, if everyone in the Tianyuan School did not see it with their own eyes, it would never be possible to believe that Song Ning was so fast.

The lightning was getting stronger in the sky, and Song Ning narrowed his eyes at the Liu family in front of him, killing intently.

"The thing I hate most about Song Ning is that you are a scum who plays with women's bodies!" Song Ning said with a "boom" at his feet, Spirituality walked away, and a spiritual ball was instantly condensed in his hand and hit the knot. Dan monk.

Monk Jiedan's eyes were contemptuous, and he punched out, yelling in his mouth: "Five Thunder Fingers!"


Tian Lei fell, slashing towards Song Ning, and Song Ning's spiritual ball attacked in this day's bombardment, like a bubble, bursting instantly.

Bang ~

Song Ning escaped from the thunder bombardment while teleporting, and a large pit three feet in size was exploded above the earth.

However, the attack did not stop, and at the moment of thunder and lightning burst, five thunder and lightning were separated.

When five lightnings struck together, Song Ning teleported again.

Even though he evaded the attack, he was still injured. Even if the thunderbolt did not hit him, it would cause some damage, which was unpredictable.

"Death!" Monk Jiedan threw another punch.

Boom ~

The sky thundered and fell in a blink of an eye.

"Death?" Song Ningao smiled.

At this moment, Monk Jiedan felt cold, but he could not imagine why he felt this way when he played against an early monk.

Song Ning's smile was strange and cold, and in this smile, the cruelty hidden deep was creepy.

As soon as Tianlei fell, Song Ning disappeared, and when it appeared again ...

Breaking the air means.

These three words are very light. When these three words blurted out, it seemed that everything around was quiet.

Broken finger? !

Song Ning also practiced breaking the finger? !

The people present were almost speechless, watching Song Ning unbelievable.

The knotty monk was numb. He felt a burst of spiritual power beside him, his body trembling violently. When he turned around, he saw Song Ning's cold eyes.

The young man surnamed Liu was still laughing madly, his mouth wide open, as if waiting for Song Ning to be blasted by Wulei, but at the moment he found his body seemed to start to become loose.

"Want to kill me?" Song Ning's mouth trembles, smiles, closes his hand, flashes again, and returns to the same place: "Playing with the woman's body, if you don't die, it's hard to understand!"

"No!" Monk Jiedan roared.

The same mouth shape was also made on the face of the young man named Liu, but he couldn't make a sound at this moment.

In any case, he could not think of his cultivation practice in the middle period of foundation construction, but was killed by a monk who cultivated in the early stage of foundation construction, and he did not even think that the other party used a broken finger!

"You're looking for death!" Monk Jiedan's green muscles were exposed, and both of them lifted up, and Wulei's fingers followed.

Suddenly, the thunder burst, and the Tianyuan faction was immediately surrounded by thunder and lightning. Each thunder and lightning fell into five electric snakes on the ground, and continued to track Song Ning. Even if Song Ning could teleport, it was still in this thunder and lightning. Was hit hard.


Song Ningzheng's intention was to perform the imperial sword technique, but his body remained unchanged.


Thunder and lightning struck Song Ning, attracting light and electricity, followed by ten and one hundred.

Song Ning felt that there was a blank space in his brain. His body fell into the ground with a bang, and he couldn't move for half a minute.

Even though he has the strength comparable to the early stage of Jie Dan, but he can't beat the early stage of Jie Dan, unless he can use the second finger to break the air.

The thunder and lightning disappeared, and the Tianyuan School was quiet. Everyone held their breath and did not dare to move.

Tang Yue wanted to rush up, but was caught by Elder Bai.

Monk Jiedan walked towards Song Ning step by step, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, the mad bombing just consumed him too much spiritual power, and now his cultivation practice is almost falling.

"Only by holding your head, you can go back to atonement." Monk Jie Dan's voice was hoarse, standing in front of Song Ning, gasping for breath, raised his hand, and grabbed Song Ning's neck.

"Don't!" Mu Xuezhao suddenly rushed out of the crowd, just as Mu Xuezhao rushed out, Lu Sheng also got wind at his feet, blocking Song Ning in front of him.

"Don't kill Song Ning!" Mu Xuezhao opened his hands in front of Song Ning, timidly, trembling, at a loss.

Lu Sheng stopped in front of Mu Xuezhao, he clenched his teeth: "If you want to kill Brother Song, kill me first!"

If it was usual, this monk monk would not hesitate to kill Lu Sheng and Mu Xuezhao, but now he does not dare, he is now almost down, his strength is even lower, he does not know if he killed the Tianyuan School Disciple, will the elders of the Tianyuan faction fight? If the elders of the Tianyuan faction join forces, then he has no room to fight back.

"Go away!" Monk Jiedan shouted, and slaps his hand, slaps fan on Lu Sheng, the blood in Lu Sheng's mouth spouts, was beaten aside, but his life was worry-free.

Lu Sheng thought he was going to die, but now it doesn't matter if he sees himself, he has to stand up and run towards Song Ning.

But at this moment, a spiritual force flashed in the sky, and then, a cold and ruthless voice came ...

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