Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 134: Lu Yu Li Qingxue

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning saw this scene from afar, and the knot that had always existed in his heart was also untied. He sat on the ground, although the dagger was still inserted in the back of the heart, but he felt no pain at all.

Perhaps the most important thing for a monk is Daoxin. When Xiaolian bowed down just now, Song Ning felt that even her own cultivation had been improved.

Da da da.

A burst of horseshoes interrupted Song Ning's thoughts. Song Ning looked around and saw a team coming in the distance.

Said it is a team, but it is just a car, and the rest are horses.

Song Ning felt that there were five people in the line ahead, three people riding horses, and one driving, while there was still one person sitting in the car.

Song Ning feels strange that these five people are all monks, monks riding horses, this kind of thing Song Ning saw for the first time, but these people are not very good at training. In the later period of Huiling, the driver drove Huiling in the middle, and the man in the carriage only had the 9th floor of Qi gathering period.

The curtain of the car floated, and Song Ning saw that the person in the car was a young girl with a sweet face and some familiar faces, but Song Ning did not remember where she had seen her.

These people were extremely fast, and rushed forward, seeming very anxious.


The mid-foundation monk led by this intentionally lowered his cultivation behavior. If the cultivation practice was lower than him, he would definitely think that he was just a mortal, but in Song Ning's eyes he had nothing to hide.

This mid-construction monk had a round face, thick eyebrows, and anxious eyes.

He was galloping on horseback, and suddenly he saw someone in the middle of the road, and immediately pulled the reins.


Before the horse left the ground and raised high, the monk in the middle of the foundation pulled the reins hard, and the horse's front hoof crossed the head of Song Ning, almost leaning over.

"Boy, are you looking for death ?!"

Several people in the rear also stopped. The girl in the carriage heard the sound and lifted the car curtain: "What's wrong?"

"Miss Two, this person is sitting here, I almost ran into it just now." The mid-construction monk turned around respectfully.

These people looked at Song Ning and looked displeased. Because Song Ning had just recovered all their spiritual powers, so now these people can't notice the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power in Song Ning, only when Song Ning is a mortal.

The girl looked at Song Ning, and finally her eyes fell on the dagger behind him. There was a pain between her eyebrows, and she got up and walked off the carriage.

Several people looked at the girl, and the mid-foundation monk led by it immediately stopped: "Miss II, no, now the Li family is under siege. This person is still dead with a dagger in his heart, don't be cheated."

The girl frowned: "Lao Zhang, you are so cautious when you see the injured, don't rescue?"

"But Miss II, this ..." Lao Zhang wanted to say something, but the girl had already come to Song Ning.

"Are you all right?" Said the girl.

Song Ning sees that these people are interesting and simply put away all the spiritual power. Now he wants to conceal the cultivation, not to mention the foundation period, even in the early stage of the formation of the Dandan, he can't see the clues.

Song Ning nodded and said softly, "I can't die yet."

The girl raised her hand and hit Rei into Song Ning's body, and then took out a golden sore pill: "If you take the pill, I will help you take out the dagger and rest assured that it won't hurt."

"Miss Two, we are still in a hurry, you ..."

Lao Zhang also said on the side that the girl didn't pay attention to it and gave the medicine to Song Ning directly, protected Song Ning's wound with aura, and then pulled out the dagger directly.


Without spiritual protection, blood spewed out, but due to the effect of Jinshou Dan, the wound soon stopped bleeding.

The girl helped Song Ning up: "Come with me, I will take you to the city."

Lao Zhang was about to stop, and the girl said, "There are a lot of weapons next to him. It seems that he was attacked by others on the road. He didn't save him if he died. It wasn't our monk's behavior. , Then I also recognized Li Qingxue. "

Lao Zhang sighed heavily, gave Song Ning a cold look, and then launched: "Speed ​​up!"

Song Ning got into the girl's carriage. After getting on the train, the girl meditated and practiced, and didn't speak again.

Song Ning looked at the girl's face, and thought of the girl's self-proclaimed just now, that she might have something to do with Li Qingling.

Is it Li Qingling's sister?

The appearance is somewhat similar to Li Qingling, also called Li Qingxue, so think of it, maybe it is really a family.

Five hundred miles, it sounds a lot, but it is only half a day's work at the foot of the horse that Li used to feed on the grass.

The carriage stopped, and inside the carriage, Li Qingxue slowly opened his eyes: "This is the city. My Li family is not quite peaceful now. You can leave by yourself."

Song Ning got up and threw a fist at Li Qingxue: "Thank you, Miss Li."

Li Qingxue smiled lightly: "It's okay."

Song Ninggang lifted the curtain and saw three people standing beside the carriage. One of the young men was repaired in the late Huiling period, while the remaining two were repaired in the late foundation period.

The young man was wearing a neat white robe, long face and small eyes, holding a folding fan, squinting at Song Ning, who was about to leave, and pinching Song Ning's shoulder: "Stop, will I let you go?"

Hearing this voice, Li Qingxue tightened his mind and walked down the station next to Song Ning: "This person is just a mortal, so you have to deal with him."

The young monk sneered: "Mortal? The mortal got in your carriage? Li Qingxue, I remember you said before, even if you marry a beast, you don't marry me, how do I know if you are in the car with this mortal A serious matter? "

Lao Zhang said furiously: "Wang Long, you are brazen, so dare to insult my second lady so much!"

Wang Long looked at Lao Zhang sideways and said contemptuously: "I have spared you this time. If I don't call my aunt next time, I want your dog to die."

Lao Zhang's eyes twitched, but when he looked at the two post-builder monks beside Wang Long again, he had to suppress his anger.

Li Qingxue's face is white: "Wang Long, I warn you, if you dare to defame my innocence, I will never die with you!"

"Gee, so to speak, if you want me not to injustice you, then you can prove it to me." Wang Long's small eyes swept Li Qingxue's body, staying for a while while in front of his chest, the intention was obvious, not to mention And metaphor.

But even so, Li Qingxue still asked: "How can we prove that we can release this mortal?"

"I grabbed this person first. When you come back to the room with me, I will try to see if you are still a virgin. If it is, then I will let it go. If it is not ... hum, you Li family are afraid of suffering. "Wang Long licked his lips as he spoke."

Wang Long knew that Li Qingxue's vision was so high that even Wang Wang and other net worths couldn't look down on it. How could he do that with a mortal? It's just that Li Qingxue is kind to mortals, and Wang Long put forward such a condition, even if he can't let him go, he can also make fun of it.

Song Ning did not speak, and let Wang Long force him to push it to the side of the two late monks who built the foundation. He looked at Li Qingxue and saw a monk who was accustomed to doing evil. Song Ning wanted to see what Li Qingxue did. To what extent good works can be done.

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